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Bad MothershippersView game page

Only a bullet-hell can win a bullet-hell.
Submitted by Nordictryhard — 1 hour, 42 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 52 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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An extremely fun game! I love how the ship upgrades over time! Great job!


This is one of the most unique takes on the theme I've seen, and the game is super fun as well. Instead of confining the player you decided to confine the direction they can shoot, whilst still giving the player options to get around that obstacle. The upgrades were varied, every one seemed to have a different purpose for each playstyle, and it encouraged creativity to create a viable build. The upgrades also provided a nice feeling of progress. Great work!


Thanks for the detailed feedback and kind words! You managed to perfectly put our thoughts into words! :)


Very replayable and fun! Out of all the submissions I played so far, I played this one the longest, and if I didn't have other duties,  I feel like I could play forever.. until I finally kill that boss of course ;) The variety in gameplay, both with the different enemies and the weapon upgrades make it very fun! Good job on the music and the sound effects too, they fit the game perfectly.


Thanks for the feedback! It's definitely a good thing that the game had replay value for you :) When you manage to kill the boss, tell us with which weapons you managed to do that! Since it's not an easy task ;D


I'm happy to report that I finally made it and killed the boss :) it was achieved with level 3 lasers on the front, level 2 (or 1) on the back, and a special weapon missile launcher up top. Maybe one additional point of feedback: I think the weapon choice would have been more user-friendly if it was possible to select a weapon with the keyboard and not by mouseclick. I lost a life a couple of times by having to select a weapon when an enemy was nearby, because my right hand was on the mouse and my left on the WASD keys, I was unable to press the spacebar when necessary. Very minor thing though, overall an excellent experience!


Awesome to hear that you managed to beat the game! Kudos to you, sir! Also the weapon setup sounds very effective ;) That thing you mentioned has actually came up from someone else as well, and we think that it would be a great idea to be able to level up using your keyboard. So cheers for that! :)


Really cool concept ! The weapon variety and level-ups makes each run actually exciting, although it’s a little lacking in enemy variety. Still, it’s amazing you managed to make all of that by yourselves during the jam period ! Congrats !


Thanks for the feedback! We do have one idea of a flock of crows, that would have like 3 to 5 crows each with a small amount of health, and they would follow the player around. Maybe it would fit into the game, since there is not yet an enemy that follows you relentlessly!


Maybe even other types of bullet-shooting ennemies, or other movement patterns, like birds that plunge downward


Great ideas! Thanks so much for your input! :)


I enjoyed playing this game! It has a lot of replayability from the many type of weapons you can choose from. My favourite weapon you can add to the mothership is the Rotator. Enjoyed adding multiple rotators and levelling it up.

I felt the feedback on the enemies death could of been better? I was getting confused if the bird was dead of alive which resulted me losing health. This mainly happened later in the game if it was busy. I personally found the 2nd stage a bit too difficult.

Other than that, it is a great game!


Thanks for the valuable comments! We also love Rotator, as it feels so good to smack those birds with it xD and yes, we've got some other similar feedback about the dead enemies giving visual feedback thing, and it is on top of our list to do something about! Maybe their sprite could be changed to a black and white version of the original, or maybe they could just disappear in a puff of feathers or something. The obstacle patterns can be somewhat tricky, it's always hard to balance a game as we've played it hundreds of times.. :D


really nice concept! i like how you visually upgraded the shuttle with each one and it alway made sense! i like how you implemented the theme aswell! Maybe i just missed it though a way to heal would have helped massively though


Huge thanks for the feedback! And no, you didn't miss anything, currently there is not a way to heal :D if we decide to continue developing the game, we'll definitely add some chance to heal up, maybe in a shop between levels or something like that? We'll see!


Loved the upgrade and weapons choosing system :).

took me a few goes to get to grips with it, but kept at it.

Well done! Great job. 


Great to hear! Perseverance is usually rewarded, as is true in this case as well. Cheers! :)


Really enjoyable and polished game, I am a big fan of being able to visually see the upgrades you get. Nice Job.


The rogue-lite elements and progression are great! Really well polished and enjoyable game! Good job!!!


I feel it's heading the idea of Vampire Survivors that kind of Rogue-lite. Quite Fun. 


Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, Vampire Survivors had quite a lot of influence in our submission ;D


Very good game! Loved the mechanics! The upgrade system is always addictive hahaha! Really cool variations and funny enemies! I liked it a lot! 


Great to hear that you enjoyed playing, cheers! :)


I really enjoyed this one! It was simple and very fun. I always loved upgrading systems and this nailed it with its customization.

I do think a different sprite for when enemies die could help a long way as well. Sometimes i panic when they die because they just fall down and i fear they damage me.  Some birds also come from off-screen, so maybe a bit of telegraphing could help as well!

Overall, very fun game! Good job!


Hey, and thanks for the kind words! Your ideas are also very good, and answer some questions that were already on our list! We have been thinking of maybe adding some arrows pointing at the birds that are outside of the screen. Regarding dead enemies, maybe they could be marked with a material with some texture, or turned into black and white versions of their original sprites. Anyway, huge thanks for commenting!


I can't play, it's a black screen, maybe it's because of my browser


Hello mate, which browser are you using? At least with Chrome and Firefox it should work :)


I really love this entry, pretty much gave a perfect score! I have a couple of suggestions:

1. The hitboxes & hurtboxes need to be a bit smaller, usually in a bullet hell game they are really small and it gives the player the feeling of near avoiding things when they probably didn't.

2. The projectiles need to have more contrast with the background. Typically in a bullet hell they have high contrast so you don't need to focus on them but can still tell where they relatively are.

Otherwise, I'm bookmarking this game... It's a ton of fun! I love the upgrade system and the bird theme.


Wow, thanks for the kind words! :) Your suggestions are very good, and in line with some other feedback we've got on the subject, these are definitely things we'll need to tweak in the future! For this version we went with the kinda style Cuphead has, contact with basically everything should be avoided :D but that means that player's weapons should be more distinct from enemies and other objects, and if we choose to continue with that style the weapons should have maybe some kind of glowing effect (like in Cuphead they are somewhat transparent and have bright colors). One other idea could be giving hurtful objects a clear outline with a bright color (making sure that doing so doesn't mess up the visual style too much). And of course the game also has Enter the Gungeon style bullets that should be avoided, so the subject clearly needs some clarification!

Feel free to comment on the subject if these thoughts resonated with you! All feedback is super useful for us! :)



Nailed it, exited to see the updates when they come!


I like this game, but the enemies spawn way too close together! there were several instances where it was impossible o get through without losing a life. Overall really good, though!


Hey and thanks for the feedback! Sometimes the stacking spawn patterns may make it a bit difficult to make it through, that's something we'll need to improve in the future. :)


Cool game. I really enjoy playing roguelike games. So far, this one was the most fun I have had playing it. The thing that I do not like about the game is the enemy spawn. Sometimes it spawns really close to the player and hit me XD.


Thanks for the great feedback, mate! We do have a circle that checks if player is near the spawn point, but maybe it could be bigger! Thanks for the valuable info :)

Submitted (1 edit)

Awesome game, it reminds me of Vampire Survivors.

The audio is really great,  just like the visuals, but the pelican looks a little strange, I don't know why.

It's probably one of the best game from the jam, it's really fun and addictive.  I think there is no option to recover HP, so that would be great, because I always run out of health in the Super Mario-like rotating laser stage :D


Thanks for the comments mate! Good point about recovering HP :)


I loved the mechanics of being able to have many weapons that can be upgraded to better ones, I also liked the music, sound effects and more than anything the UI animations.

I had so much fun playing! :D


Thanks mate! Glad that you've liked our music, sfx and UI :)


Most fun I've had in the jam so far! The different powerup you get everytime caused me to retry a lot of times to try new ones (lightning rod mvp).


That is very nice to hear! 


I love the different types of upgrades you can get, they make you try some stuff until you find your optimal play style, really well made. After dying I wanted to play again and again. It was really fun.


Nice to hear that you enjoyed the game, your comment on the upgrade mechanic is just what we aimed for! :)

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