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A jam submission

Cable ChaosView game page

Sever cables using a shark on a golf cart to stop your grandpa's personal data from spreading!
Submitted by Maroon Seal (@MaroonSeal), k-a-i — 43 minutes, 2 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 25 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
You have to sever the connections between the computers that are Joined Together

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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fun idea, super silly story, and breaking the cables is satisfying!


Breaking cables feels really awesome! It is the control feels really off for me personally. Since you use car model I expect W for gas, S and D for turnning. If you keep the same the control while use a floating vechile or something like that could bring better player affordence.


This game is really fun, but I'm not really used to this kind of control so this game is a little difficult for me. But anyway, the 3d graphics look pretty good. Nice job for a 48h work! Had a lot of fun!


This was really dope! I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did. I had a hard time at some points but I was able to get over them after a few tries, however, I am just kinda bad at games so that could be why lol.
Good job on the game!


Glad you enjoyed it! I think quite a few people are finding it quite difficult in places so I don't think it's a question of your gamer skills. Thanks for playing!


A very fun game! I like the idea very much. The controls were maybe a bit strange, because you would expect the car to be driving forward, when you press "w",  not north. Anyway other then that, your graphics were great, the music was fun and I enjoyed playing the game very much.


Thanks! Yeah muscle memory is a hard thing to get around, it seems like quite a few people are struggling with that. I think it would probably work better with a joystick or touch controls


the game is really cool and fun, and the idea is really original, my main problem with the game is that it was extremely difficult, sometimes looking completely imposible to complete a level, so my main advice is to tweak the level design to make it more friendly at least in the beginning levels, for the rest really well executed and original idea ^^


Thanks for the kind words! Yeah difficulty is always a hard thing to get right in a jam because everyone has their own tastes. I made it so you only have to save one computer per level in order to progress so the most amount of people would be able to get to the end. The points  system is to reward players who push themselves further than that. If we make a post jam version there are a couple of things I think I'd tweak to make it just right. Thanks for the feedback!


Oh my god their faces xDDD This is a super cute idea,  but im not sure how I won on a few of the levels,  I didn't get all the wires and it let me win xD


Ahaha you only have to save one computer from being infected to progress but I think I might add a par score or something to encourage players to try and get better scores. Thanks for playing!


OH that makes a lot more sense xD it might be good to make it so you have to save more and more computers as levels progress? 


Yeah definitely, or just have a minimum number of computers you have to save depending on the level. Will give me some more freedom when it comes to level design. Just played and rated your game! Very impressive!


Oh that is a good idea too! And thank you! <3


A fantastically silly game premise I love it the sound effects are the cherry on top well done!


Thanks! We're glad you liked it!


Surprisingly difficult to control but really fun, my main failure was I kept running into the poles holding the wires which was frustrating, but the design and sounds were really entertaining. Good job!


Yeah I agree those poles can be a pain. Think I might move them closer into the buildings to make it a bit more forgiving. Thank you for the feedback! 

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

This is so goofy and fun. I love it. The VO and tire screeching added a lot of flavor, and the controls were wacky in a good way that suited the theme. Nice job!


It's easy to understand and fun to play. The art style of this game is just perfect, it really made me laugh. More levels would be nice.


Thanks! We're glad you enjoyed it! We might add some more levels in our post jam version :)


It looks like you guys had fun on this one, lol. Wish it had more levels! It's really fun to drive around and cut the links off. I think it would be nice to see dust particles, drifting, and explosions! What a great retirement home.


Ahahaha yeah this jam was a fun one. I hadn't thought about adding explosions and stuff! I think that's a great idea to make it all a bit more wacky! Definitely going to add some particles and stuff in our post-jam version to give it a bit of extra polish. Thanks for playing!


Such a funny concept! Loved the polish, and the handling on the car was a fun challenge to get used to. Great use of the theme too!


Thanks! We're glad you enjoyed it!


Nice game with fun art and great voiceacting, atmospheric!)
My only thought - those controls are a bit unusual and confuses at start)


We're glad you enjoyed it! Yeah I made the tutorial and the first level to try and teach the player that it's not traditional "tank controls" but some people still struggle with it initially. Thanks for the feedback!


This is a lot of fun! I really like the snapping of the cables, it just feels great. The voice acting is a really nice cherry on top.


Thanks! Sadly we recorded a bunch of other lines that didn't make it in. Might add them back in in a post-jam version

This game is hilariously cool. The art style just perfectly suits the wacky style of this game. The game lacks a bit of polish, but who cares about that when the game is FUN! The only issue I found with the game is that sometimes the car just goes completely through a cable without cutting it. Also (and this is just a personal preference), I would have preferred it if the up arrow key accelerated the car forward and the left and right arrow keys changed the direction. This is just a minor nitpick though

 Anyways, great job on this game, I really enjoyed it!


This game is hilariously cool. The art style just perfectly suits the wacky style of this game. The game lacks a bit of polish, but who cares about that when the game is FUN! The only issue I found with the game is that sometimes the car just goes completely through a cable without cutting it. Also (and this is just a personal preference), I would have preferred it if the up arrow key accelerated the car forward and the left and right arrow keys changed the direction. This is just a minor nitpick though

 Anyways, great job on this game, I really enjoyed it!


Thanks! Yeah I never know whether to make the controls the traditional way or the joystick way because different people prefer different ones. I think this one worked better here just because that small lack of control kind of adds a bit more to the chaos but maybe adding an option to choose might make people enjoy it a bit more. Thanks for playing and for the feedback!


This game is very enjoyable and fits well with the theme. The art style may be a little weird, but it's consistent and I actually like it more than I wanted to admit. The music fits the gameplay and there's enough sound effects implemented that let me know what's happening. Controls are smooth and responsive.

The only thing that I don't really like in this game is that the level can be completed by cutting all the wires connecting one computer. I can see that a score system is implemented to combat that, which is great, but I personally don't care much about scores.

Great job on the game!


Thanks! The art is very programmery assets so I'm glad you thought it was at least consistent. For the game jam I thought it would be best if everyone would be able to get through all the levels, but I think I could make the point system a bit better by having a developer score on each level like in Disc Room so players have something to aim for. Thanks for the feedback!


im sorry but. i love this....... the voices are so funny


Ahahaha thanks! We added them in the last 10 minutes before we submitted but I'm glad we did :D


Unfortunately I can't run this on my osx running High Sierra.
The "Made on Unity" splash fades in/out, the music starts playing but the screen is black/brown. I can press esc to leave. Running it on terminal yields no extra info.

Other than that, the music is pretty neat (I listened to it for a while).


I'm sorry to hear that you can't get it running on your mac. If you haven't tried it already you can try unzipping the folder with 3rd party unzipping software. Thanks for trying! We're glad you like the music :)


I managed to get it running on my work laptop (pls dont tell my boss) and I am glad that I did.

The game is really fun. From the sound effects to the gameplay, it could easily pass as a demo from a bigger game. I am quite astonished you managed to make most of it (menu, tutorial, differents levels, art, music) within the time limit, good freaking job!

Special mention to the game design. The levels allow different routes and having cables give you different scores (cable with no virus gives you 1, while with virus, 10) was a really good idea.

The only thing I had some trouble with was moving the car around. For some reason, my mind kept thinking that you press "W" to go straight and turn with "A" and "D".  But that's mainly my fault, I guess.

Again, good job!


Ahahaha don't worry your secret is safe with us! I'm happy you noticed that the different states of the wire give you different points, I don't think many people have spotted that yet. Might need to add in some particles or feedback making it clearer how many points you get once a wire snaps. Glad you enjoyed it after going to such lengths to get it working!