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CryptslingerView game page

A graverobbers nightmare
Submitted by itsPhil (@devphil0), Juyon, Philipp Labner — 19 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 35 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Several gun parts that need to fit together

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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The music was really quite good, but the bullet impacts were comically loud.  Fun though!


I liked the controls a lot! Ambitious gametype to do in just 48hrs, well done!


I want more games where I get to play as a dead skeleton rockstar with a gun. Concept is metal as heck, but held back by some missing polish. Good job!


The movement/dash weren't bad -- made me tap into my Enter the Gungeon muscle memory -- but the enemies were just the worst kind of bullet sponges. I finally just turned down the volume, equipped the automatic grenades, and did my best to blast through. Made it to the second wave of the third area before I got too hemmed in on a spawn to dash away.


Interesting idea. These big guys makes me panic. Cool that you choose 3D. The game need some polish.

I felt bullied by the horde of one armed hammer men


I really like the core concept! The problem I had was to initially find out how the weapons system works. Other than that it' solid but a bit unpolished!


Yep, that's a complaint that has been very consistent for everyone and we would've loved to do that better, but that's just the nature of game jams.

Thanks for playing!


I liked those weird big models! I would make it more clear what changing attachment does, because I was changing them and didn't really notice what it does ;p 


I really like the art well done on that part! However in my opinion it doesn't really fit the theme. There are WAY too many enemies and I just find my self running in a circle shooting at them, and they don't seem to be dying, or they just have too much health, so all the fun is taken out of it because killing enemies isn't at all satisfying


Honestly, this is a fairly generic Run and gun/arena shooter/whatever this genre is called. I don't think this really fits the theme - the gun attachments are functionally different guns, the difference is purely costmetic. The audio is 3 or 4 times too loud, but the visuals are nice, I like the effects that appear after they get hit and all the character models are really fantastic. Hope to see more from you in future. 


That's pretty fair criticism. The idea is to join together the different attachments to do better damage against specific enemies, which are color coded to the corresponding attachments. There is actually a difference in damage done, whether you actually notice it or not. We had a lot of stuff on our plate, so gameplay balancing was sadly sacrificed to get anything playable at all and it sucks it came to this.

I'm aware of the audio stuff. I noticed only after submission what exactly went wrong there.

But other than that, thanks for playing!


I see. That makes a bit more sense. I've re rated it accordingly,  bit I wish this was explained somewhere


Yeah, it just shows how important a proper tutorial and good feedback is. For neither of which we had time, unfortunately.


Decent game. Honestly, the guns all felt like they did the same thing, which turned this into a sort of mindless "shoot the guy" simulator. But it was still reasonably fun listening to the sledgehammer dudes grunt when they died :)


I had trouble figuring out what weapon killed the enemies best, and they all seemed to work just as badly at all times. i think it would have worked best if the weapons and enemies were colour coordinated. but sick art and cover and cool idea XO


Yep, that's fair. Balancing this stuff is pretty hard.

They are actually color coordinated! But I suppose without a tutorial it would be a bit tricky to infer that.


Interesting game, it feels a bit ambitious for a gam jam, but still fun!

I feel with a bit of polish this could become a fun simple wave-based survival game :)


Yeah, we kinda overburdend ourselves here. Even with a team of 5 this ended up being quite stressful.

Thanks for playing!


Nice job! I enjoyed being able to modify my attachments on the gun, as it added a dynamic aspect to the game. The 3D style was also nice to see. :)


The game had a really decent flow to it. When the enemies first spawned it scared the $h!t out of me!! :P The dash was really decent too. The only thing I had a bit of trouble with was understanding what each part of the gun swap did and ended up just spamming one of them. Overall, really enjoyed it, solid concept.


Awesome and juicy gameplay! I really loved how there is so much variety in the game :D It felt unique to play due to a lot of variation in the weapon combinations! Great Job !!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Reading the previous comment, I'm in full agreeance. The game is fun and the concept is interesting. I'm impressed with the variety in the shooting for a 2 day game jam. Each combination felt unique due to the differences in gun play. It just took me a while to figure out the gameplay loop.


Thanks for playing! 


I like how the attacks are nice and juicy! The low-poly 3D style is cool too. I wish there was a little more information on how to choose the right combination of weapons. Are we supposed to match the colors on the bottom to the colors on to the colors of the enemy? Or find out through trial and error which of the combinations is best for each enemy?


Hey, thanks for playing. We had some great people working on art and sound design. 

I understand that it's hard to figure out. We simply ran out of time to properly design a tutorial. But yes, the colors should match the enemies. 

We had a bad case of feature creep. 


Oh, I know all about feature creep. It's still a lot of fun!  :)