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What would happen if your weapon had time for itself
Submitted by Chafe — 1 hour, 14 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 25 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
You are playing the weapon of legend instead of the Hero. What is feeling this weapon after years of fight ? It's time to play the unbreakable weapon and meets its feelings.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

Cool game! I thought the idea was really original and well finished. The controls are a bit stiff but, after all, you're playing a sword ;) !  The addition of the ragdolls made me laugh a lot. Really well done !
ps. No lag for me ! 


Thanks a lot ! I'm glad if my game made you laugh !


Unfortunately the game couldn't load for me as it displayed a fatal error screen both times I tried starting it. I'm sure it's a good game though!


Oh no ??? I am really sorry for this :'(
Is it saying you are missing some Microsoft visual c++ component ?


Cool game! The graphics and ragdoll physics are great! But the controls are kinda awkward, maybe show where the mouse is to help aiming? Anyway cool game! BTW, it sometimes gets laggy, even on my RTX 3060 laptop...


Ah, strange, it's working fine on a 1080, probably some issues with unreal basic parameters, I will have to look on this !
And yeah, the control for the mouse is the least good, showing the cursor is the best solution for an eventual update.
Thanks for testing !


The controls seemed a bit janky but I like the premise. The core concept is good and I would be interested in seeing the game with some post jam development.


Thank you very much ! I don't know yet if I will develop it more (finding time is hard ahah) but thank you ! :D


Sadly it didn't work so good on my pc. But it is a fun idea you were trying out!

Congrats on this game jam!


Really sorry for this, I need to learn how to optimise Unreal for every pc D:


Well my pc is also very bad so no worries haha I play minecraft with 60 fps 


Nice game idea. I liked the cartoon visual style. Fun controls because of the way you have applied them is different from typical games with swords. 


Thanks !


The game has a cool concept but I feel like I had very little control over where the sword went, and I it felt a little bit random. I feel like there is potential in a game controlling a sword, something similar to other games with awkward controls like qwop and stuff, congrats!


Yeah there is a lot of potential ! The random must come from when the weapon hit an object and bounce over it, that was my goal to try something strange & physical ahah


"Why once again am I awoken?" ... Same, Sword. Same.


Only facts

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Fun movement for the sword! I like the amount of narration, such a deep lore for the unbreakable weapon!

Sword games unite!!


Yes ! Team Sword games \o/
Thanks a lot !


Pretty original concept, it was kinda surprising to see that we have a somewhat similar theme in our games, although yours is going for a different narrative and mechanic, and i like it.

Good job!


Thanks a lot ! And yeah, I'm testing a lot of sword game in this jam to see how we did things differently ! It's really fun to see all those interpretations


Very nice game here! Also loved the art style you selected, amazing!


Ahah, thanks a lot !


I liked the control scheme! Opposed to our game, it helps that the sword has an obvious "frontside", making it less difficult for the player to know the direction their boost will go.

I had a bit of trouble where if I fell off (in the first room), there didn't seem to be a game over trigger but also no way to get back up, so I had to quit the game and restart. No trouble ofcourse during a gamejam, but just wanted to mention in case you didn't find that one yet.


Oh yeah, I didn't get that one indeed, thanks a lot for reporting it !


Loved it! I had a good laugh at the plot and the cutscenes were very funny. Impressive that you incorporated shadows into the game as well. I didn't think I'd like it, but the movement was actually quite good.


If you actually liked the movement, it's a really kind compliment ! Thank you !


I loved the controls the plot is was great too. Thanks for telling us how to get out at the end


Oh no


really well presented!!  the controls were a little hard to get at first, and it was tough to get the angle of the sword just right, but once i got the hang of it it was fun.  really like the ragdolling of the enemies lol.  great job!


Thanks a lot ! Yeah it can be pretty hard, did you play with a controller or the mouse ? 


On mouse


Okay I understand ! It was harder to do a turn system for the mouse than with a controller ahah


this was too fun, really loved the art too, great job!


Ahah, thanks a lot !


Cool game with a lot of storytelling and I love it !


Thanks a lot ! :D


I really like the writing, the dark twist, the cartoony vibe. In the best way, I wanted it to go on longer!


Thank you very much ! It's the first time where I create a little game with a story like that, I'm really glad if you liked it !


this was a wild ride lol

Fun concept and controls, with some moments in the dialogue that got a good chortle out of me. Great job!


Thanks a lot for playing this little game !


Insane fever dream of a game.


Best description, thanks a lot !