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Moneykee's GameView game page

Grow big or go broke… Collect “Kobans” and take risks to scale up your company!
Submitted by Q Yoneda (@q_yoneda) — 3 hours, 30 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 30 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
You need to collect "Kobans (Money)" to scale your business.

Development Time

96 hours

(Optional) Please credit all assets you've used
Mostly my assets are either something I made or under Creative Commons 0 license. Please see description for full credits.

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What a unique theme! I had a ton of fun playing this, the gameplay felt both refreshing and polished. I really appreciate the addition of your game dev process, it was interesting to read how this idea was born and fleshed out (with supporting concept art)!


Thank you Gianna, really happy to read your comment.

I'm very glad that you liked not only the game but also the concept work part of the page. I like looking at that type of process myself so I started including it in my jam game page :)


Couldn't really get the timing down to get very far, but I can see the intention and the presentation is very nice! I love the theme of the Kobans, iconic coin design haha


Thanks for giving it a try anyway! Yeah, it gets pretty dang fast once you past a certain points. Still glad your feedback is on the positive side.

Also hehe, yes, the Kobans. :)


I really like the game! At first, I had a lot of trouble playing because I was pressing too early and didn’t quite understand it. Once I got past that, I had a lot of fun ^^ The art style is great, and I thought the idea of including a mini devlog in the description was really cool!

If you want to check out our game, feel free to do so :3

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thank you very much! I'm happy that you seemed to have had fun at the end.

I appreciate you telling me the part you got stuck. It looks like some of the others had a similar issue so that's the lesson for the next project.

I'm glad you liked my concept work on the page, too. :)


Fun short and sweet game! I'm amazed taht this was done solo! Good job!


Fun short and sweet game! I'm amazed taht this was done solo! Good job!


Thank you Raisin Games, it means a lot to me. I think solo-ing is hard and limiting at times but it works surprisingly well for game jams.


The style of this game is honestly so pretty, I like the gameplay too its, it is simple but addicting!!


Heyyy, thank you so much for playing. I'm very glad that you enjoyed it!


The quality of this game is insane! The gameplay itself is quite simple but the execution makes this feel like a game made by a big team - it’s really impressive that this was made solo!


Thank you very much! Really appreciate your generous feedback.

I guess solo has a lot of goods and bads, freedom and limitation, more like. Keeping it super simple was indeed my intension but also I couldn't make anything bigger with my current skillset. Guess I need to start making more friends. lol


Really solid game, the dialog system seems very smooth! Just curious, why did you choose this aspect ratio for the screen size, is it meant for mobile?


Hey thank you so much! Appreciate you giving it a try.

And yeah, your comment is like a jab right into my weak spot. lol 

Yes, I originally meant to make it work on mobile or hoped so anyway but couldn't figure it out by the deadline. 


Wait, is that a Mew?


Hahaha, kinda looks like it now you pointed that out! lol

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

In love with the game style, it has so much selling potential, would defiantely pop off if you lot used it more! Couldnt love the story behind it more, nothing beats an all or nothing chaotic evil god who just wants to watch monkey dance.  Took me a bit to understand the mechanics and once I got it, it was pretty fun, I'm a pretty safe better myself so i didn't take the deal much, but I can definately see this as a gamblers game.

As for some minor 'nitpicky' criticism.  Being a monkey brain myself, I'm not a huge fan of a ton of dialouge at the beginning of a game and I think it isn't great for player retention, but i can totally understand the neccessity for it here, It still didn't help me explain some details and learning while playing the game seemed to be my best teacher anyway.  Second and last, I'm sure not sure how the building on the side changed my gameplay, unless it effects the outcome of my endings? As I noticed taking the deal didn't change my building scale.

Regardless, I reckon I had alot more fun as I moved deeper into the game, but had a little bit of trouble at the beginning getting into the grove of it.  Core gameplay was super simple and fun, but the (upgrades?) had me confused at the beginning despite how obvious it is for what they do (probably just me being stupid).


Thank you for this detailed feedback. I'm very happy that you took time to write this all done for me!

Yes, others also pointed out that the beginning tutorial portion could have been executed a bit cleaner and I agree with that. Now that you pointed out and I think about it, I could have summarized the rule portion in a nice diagram or something.

I'm still glad that it sounds like you enjoyed the game play itself after getting the hang of it. Hope to apply the feedback to my next project and so forth. Live and learn, they say!


Really great art style, nice job!


Thank you for a nice complement! Glad it's hitting the right notes.


I love the look of this game! Splendid job of incorporating dialogue and story :)


Thank you thank you, truly appreciate it!


I thought the art and music were lovely. I think the game would really benefit from a tutorial instead of an info dump at the start, otherwise its great!

Would be very grateful if you tried our game!


Hi, thank you for playing!

Hmm, do you think so? Your feedback really makes me wonder how to effectively insert the tutorial. 

I agree, maybe the opening sequence can be compressed but it is also serving as a story bit, in my head anyway. Balance is difficult, eh!


Balance is real difficult. Theres probably an infinity of ways of doing it effectively. The first in my mind would be to freeze time during the game to show the button prompts.


Thank you for thinking this together!
It is in fact a way I thought of early on but thought of the possibility where you would go gameover as you would reach to the "help" tab and freeze the game. I also thought it would interrupt the pace of the game.


As a fellow cat submission I love the artwork for this mischievous little guy that you made, and I really liked the mechanic of the exclamation mark pop up when you walked over a pickup!


Oh a cat-submission-friend, hi! And thank you for playing!

"Mischievous" is exactly the word I was thinking as I drew Moneykee so I'm glad you picked it up.

Funny you touched on the exclamation mark, it was added like 30 mins before I submitted the game. lol


Really well polished, clean, good looking game! I enjoyed it but I think there could stand to be some choice. Since your obligated to pick up everything the game feels random and out of my control. Maybe you could have the option to jump over items and pick it up when you see fit.


You have a good set of eyes, Stoff! I debated it (with myself) a lot in the beginning of the jam. It would make the gameplay fun but also a bit complicated on the frontend and the backend. Like you said, jumping over the item would add some extra challenge and thus fun. However in the end, I decided to keep it simple to keep it under manageable size.

I'm glad you still seem to have enjoyed it, though!


like the other people have said, the art is top-notch and extremely cute. Gameplay reminds me of Pop The Lock the arcade game and is rather enjoyable. nice job


Hey thank you! I actually don't know of Pop The Lock. I should check it out.

I'm glad that you liked my illustrations!


The game looks good, and I like how you made your page, but gameplay is not my cup of tea   and I don't really see how the theme is connected to your mechanics 

Developer (1 edit)

Well, I'll say thank you so much for giving it a try anyway! It means a lot and I appreciate this type of feedback.

I'll partially admit, connection to the theme came off a bit weaker than I'd hoped. Initially, it had a stronger tie with the theme but gradually got descoped to make sense as a game first. Something to learn from, I guess.


Omg the art is soooo cute! I really love how you put all the concept art in your game page, and it's a really fun simple game loop, great stuff!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Hey thank you very much! Yeah, I noticed lately that people seem to like looking at those concept art so made sure to add them for this one as well. Pretty happy that you enjoyed the game.
P.S. I love your dinosaur icon. So cuteee


Great art! Very beautiful, good job!


Oh hey, thank you so much :D