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BALANCEView game page

Balance the scales
Submitted by Benicho — 1 hour, 36 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 34 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
You place blocks to balance a scale

Development Time

96 hours

(Optional) Please credit all assets you've used
All assets were created by me except a few sound effects were found on:

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Very fun little game! At first I was wondering if the numeric scale on the left would make it too easy, but then all the different block mechanics came into play. Really clever!


Thanks a lot. It's always sort of hard, at least for me, to gauge how easy this type of game would be because by the end of development I had already memorized how much all of the block's weigh, and adding the numeric scale just made it even easier, but I'm glad to hear that for someone else playing the game it felt balanced.


Realy fun concept! It would be nice if dices you already weighed showed you a tooltip or something so you don't have to remember, more use for the balance scale would be nice, the electronic is usefull but it would be more fun to compare it, Lastly something that shows how unbalanced the scale is, like a dial wuld be nice

Developer (2 edits)

Thanks for all of the suggestions. The digital scale was actually added later in the development process and there is a setting in the menu to disable it. I just thought it may be a bit too hard without it. Also, if I am understanding you correctly, I believe you are suggesting a popup when you hover over a block that has been weighed already and it says how much it weighs. This is a pretty good idea, and I have an interesting twist on it in mind that I think would be a pretty engaging mechanic.


Had a lot of fun playing this, thanks for making it!


Your welcome, thanks for playing.


I agree with the other comments, it's satisfying to finally get the scale level and you spice it up frequently enough with the addition of new blocks. The fact you don't say how much each block weighs outright adds a nice level of difficulty. Good experience!

If I were to nitpick, then it would be that it's a little tedious to drag the blocks all the way over to the other side of the screen to weigh them. Maybe the placement of one of the scales could be different.


Thanks a lot for the feedback. I think I agree with your nitpick now that you mention it. I want to make sure I keep the main scale in the center because it should be the focus, but I could definitely make the blocks move to your mouse position faster, because right now they lag behind. I just added that lag behind effect to try to keep the movement smooth.


Very satisfying measure on a scale game. Nice audio feedback. Overall good experience.




Great puzzle game about literal scales! Many different mechanics, and very pleasant to play. Few bugs that I encountered were blocks freezing in space (might have happened when I released one block when my mouse was on another one), and small mirror not always transforming into another block. Otherwise a really good puzzle game with many levels to try!


Thanks for the play and the feedback. I just went into the project, and I believe I fixed the bug. Of course, I didn't update my submission because that's not allowed, but multiple people have mentioned the mini mirror not working sometimes so I figured I'd take a look and fix it for after the jam ends.

Submitted (1 edit)

Amazing game, took me a while to figure out that the text on the scales were not buttons but the menu was very cool when I realized I was supposed to drag the blocks onto the scales. I had a few issues when I dragged the blocks too fast and the blocks ended up getting stuck in the air next to my mouse and I couldn't release them, but the game definitely exceeded my expectations. The unique blocks make the game challenging and I enjoyed playing all 20 levels. Great job!


Thanks a lot for playing and for the kind words! I did encounter that bug a few times, albeit very rarely. In fact, I sat for probably about 5 - 10 minutes trying to replicate it. It only happened when I didn't want it to, so it might take some extra investigation to find out what the issue is.


Love the menu ! The art style is very pleasant, congratulation for this cute little game!




Subverted my expectations of a game about just putting stuff on a scale
I got up to stage 17 but got blocked (haha) by the small mirror not changing TT
Can't wait to see what else you're gonna do for this game and the next!


Thanks a lot. I’ll have to look into the small mirror because someone else said they had an issue. I know all of the levels are solvable in some way or another, but the small mirror may be bugged.


Really nice game and great use of the theme.

Also, like a lot of other people have pointed out, the interactive menu is amazing.


Thanks a lot. Usually menus are my least favorite and I made a basic one at first, but decided I needed to make it better. I’m glad you and others enjoy it.


Great game, I think it might even be better than my game :O All the different mechanics are really cool, and everything looks great too.


Thanks for the kind words. I’ll definitely check out your game because it looks like we went for the same interpretation of the theme.


It took me a bit to start the game from the menu. I enjoyed the game. The level with all the ice, I'm glad you put that in, it scratched that itch that I had ever since the first introduction to that block.


Exactly! Once I started making the levels I just knew I had to have some level with a bunch of ice because I knew it would be satisfying. Thanks for playing.


I really like what you did with the main menu, very clever! Also love the addition of the digital scale to check the weights of every block. Very clever design and the assets look really good too!


Thanks a lot. I know there is a game design concept about putting things into the world when you can instead of having them be UI elements, so I did that with the menu. Instead of having everything be buttons, id have it utilize the scales. Thanks for playing!


This game is so great!!! I thought about using this interpretation of scale for a game, but I couldn't think of interesting mechanics. Super fun and engaging. Having the scale to the side to tell you the wight was amazing instead of just having the weight on the objects. Simple but effective art too. 


Thanks for the feedback and for playing! 


Cool game, i like the concept, i would appreciate music and ability to move more blocks at once (i know there is something, but they need to be close to each other and its kinda janky), also there were some bugs with mirror, where sometimes small mirror would turn into small block, but other time it would stay as small mirror. I would still say its 7.5/10 game. Great job. :) 

Developer (2 edits)

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! I was actually planning on adding music but unfortunately ran out of time. The moving multiple blocks at once was actually unintentional but I left it in because it wasn’t really game breaking. I could look into a feature that lets you group blocks and move them together though. As for the small mirror, what you may have been experiencing was trying to copy the number block or the saw which don’t have miniature counterparts, so they can’t be copied by the small mirror, but I’ll make sure to look into that because there very well could be a bug. 


I tried to copy some miniature blocks (like small  furnace) or big block (like log) and it sometimes struggled to copy said block or it didnt copy it at all.


I played longer than i thought i will. i enjoyed it a lot :D




Very clever puzzle game! I liked how the game teaches you the mechanics without any text, well done on that. I feel like the scale on the left side could have been moved closer to where the blocks spawn, as I only noticed it a few levels in. Good job on this game!


Thanks for playing. I didn't really think of the fact that people may not notice the digital scale on the left. Thanks for the feedback.