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A member registered Oct 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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We actually wanted that too but couldn't design a tool tip that we liked. Thank you for playing!

I really enjoyed this strategic puzzle game! There's definitely a learning curve with all the icons in play all at once. If this were expanded, I think multiple levels, starting with a smaller map size and fewer icons to learn at once would be very beneficial. There are so many cool and interesting location effects and items, and I appreciated that the location effects made sense with the icons used! There were some really cool location combos in a couple of the plays that let me zoom across the map (subway to plane, for example), and I thought those interactions were incredibly useful and well-implemented. I didn't manage to win (yet) after 4 or 5 plays, but losing wasn't frustrating at all, and I felt compelled to try again immediately. That's a pillar of good design! Very solid entry, bravo!

Thank you for your detailed feedback! If we had another 3 days, we would've been able to implement ways to spend unmatchable dice differently. We wanted each character to have its own "dice tray ability" that would change how those dice were handled, whether it allowed healing, extra money, or converting 2 misses into a hit. Sadly we ran out of time for that, but we're gathering all this feedback because we might make a full game out of it! Thank you again!

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Thanks for playing! We wanted to include character-specific abilities for handling dice that weren't able to be used, but we ran out of time to implement it. I'm glad you took the time to play it even though you didn't care for it!

It was kind of challenging to understand how the tokens worked, but that's part of the puzzle I guess! Interesting take on the theme, the art looks really nice. Thanks for sharing!

Very simple but polished gameplay loop. Somehow smashing their little ore faces was satisfying haha. Well done!

Interesting little puzzle game! I was surprised to see so many color palette options! The core game mechanisms are fun and clever. Nicely done!

Very interesting dungeon crawling game. Took a minute to understand what I was doing, but I got it after 2 or 3 turns. It was put together very nicely. Congrats on completing your first GWJ game!

Very clever! My forgeries were hilariously awful! Fun music, cool idea, and great job for your first GWJ game!

Whacky and fun! This wasn't at all what I expected, but it was solid! Animations were hellish and awesome, and the music was very nice too. Nice job team!

Congrats on finishing your first jam game! Short and sweet, very cozy. Thanks for sharing!

The story was something we came up with just as a sort of way to pique interest, but I'm glad it worked well enough to think about what that goal might be! We only had time for one major section, so we didn't include any sort of actual story beats other that there's a boss that the playable characters are invested in defeating. Thank you so much for playing and for the feedback!

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Thank you so much for the incredible feedback! We loved every bit of making this game! Lots of things slipped through the cracks during testing and development, and we had so many more ideas that we ran out of time to implement. One of those ideas was what we were referring to as "dice tray abilities," essentially things you could use the unconsumed dice for to help when you have incredibly bad RNG. I really wish we had been able to implement those, as we had so many ideas for them! We tried to have each enemy type correlate to the different symbols, but I ran out of time to properly balance it without drastically swinging the RNG even further. We definitely fell short on the UX a bit, and if we do continue this, we'll be focusing on the UX as a pillar of the design. Thank you again for playing!

Thank you so much for your very detailed review! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and my team is ready to gather all this feedback and see how we can make this even bigger and better!

Thank you! We're considering the possibility of expanding it, so that feedback is incredibly valuable!

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Thanks for playing! We realized too late in the process that we should've added a bit more resolution in order to fit clearer information about how to play without making pages of text for how to play. Glad you were able to figure it out!

Thanks for playing! I wish we had a bit more time to make some more interactive and intuitive tutorials, but we crammed so much in there already!

Thank you for playing! Designing the weapons was so fun, I had 3 or 4 more in mind if I hadn't spent so much time working on the enemies!

Thanks for playing!

Fun game! The art is nicely done and everything ran mostly smooth on my end without any issues. Thanks for sharing!

Cool entry! The voices were hilarious but could've used a bit of pitch modulation to make them a little less samey. But it was great! Thank for sharing!

Hey, not bad for first time pixel art! Everything you drew was convincing, I didn't have to guess what anything was. Great entry! Thanks for sharing!

Wow, this is such a great entry! It was fun and challenging, with cleverly designed levels and was an awesome experience. Bravo!

Thanks for playing! I blanketly credited them in game with something like "3D assets by Kenney and Synty," but I could have listed each asset out individually. I'll do that next time, thank you for pointing that out!

Thank you so much!

I really wanted to include a sort of sandbox level as a tutorial or practice mode, but I ran out of time :( thanks for playing!

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Thanks for playing! I really enjoyed those models too. I picked them up on a humble bundle a while ago and decided it was time to dust them off and practice 3D. Intimidating for sure, but well worth it!

Great job for a first jam! Definitely was a little tough with the enemies sticking to you, but overall was a nice job! Thanks for sharing!

Very nice puzzle game. The bat transition was chef's kiss. Art and music were a great combination. You went way above and beyond for your asset crediting too! Well done!

A nice, straightforward, no frills obstacle avoidance game. Great job!

The puzzles felt clever and challenging, took a minute to get used to the mouse controls but I kept retrying levels that I wasn't getting 3 gems in haha. Art is great! Such a nice entry, well done!

I got a good chuckle when I got squished by the 3x3 block. Froggo stood no chance haha. Cute game! Thanks for sharing!

Thank you! It's definitely hard, the easy mode basically allows the healing to respond and the enemies have a lesser load out, but they're still aggressive. I'd have liked to add a damage multiplier for easy mode so they'd die more easily, but ran out of time. I'm glad you enjoyed it though!

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thanks for giving it a shot! The easy mode is still hard with so many enemies, I got a bit carried away 😅. The 3D models were Synty and Kenney assets so I could focus on features instead of art

Thanks for playing! Relying on some assets for the 3D models really let me cram all the features I wanted to in the short timeframe (although admittedly, I still had to cut some!) It was super fun to make!

So glad you enjoyed it! 

Did you make it to the boss by chance? There's a guest cameo :)

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Thanks for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Interesting game! Thanks for sharing!

Very original and interesting game! I wish I could've seen the tokens in the bag. Also, the constant spinning was a bit dizzying. Thank you for sharing!