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another day at work
Submitted by jafarrolo, Montoya, Keivan Ameri, Antea Chiariello, witlingw, Berovad, Libero Masini, IvoryRed — 1 hour, 8 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

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Game Description
Working is hard. (this release of the game is rather bugged, if you're having trouble with it you can check our known bugs list in the page for the game - the game is still there, but it may take a while to get to it - the ingame warnings for the other floors are missing, you can still go up and down as much as you want but the other floors are bugged and they might lock you, they're also not needed to complete the game, so you can avoid them if you're having issues - feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, especially for our first timers)

How does your game tie into the theme?
It's a game about work overload.


Discord Username(s)
jafarrolo, Montoya

Participation Level (GWJ Only)

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Lot of small details in this one. Enjoy all the little dialogues and personifications of inanimate objects. Creative here stuff here guys.

Impressive submission :)


Well done... indeed, when we talk about overload, we mostly think about work, especially in our field where we have to work, work, and work. The idea is very original, and it's nice to see the work of a large team that has taken care of various details.


I really love the graphics. It's a nice work simulator game :)


This is a game where...where you...

work, work, work, there is no escape, work, work more, productivity, stock market, coffee, coffee, work, work, chair, work work, work, work, there is no escape, I said run, work, work, more work, productivity, coffee, coffee, work, work, work more, stock market, productivity, chair, coffee, work...

What was I saying? Oh, you try to get promoted by finding the computer and practicing your touch typing. I was 5 behind the 3rd place guy at the end of day 1 (104 to 109).

I hope your team's expansion is going well. You guys have been strong in the past, and I believe you will get back there in no time, but I imagine it's a lot like going through the original learning curve, just on behalf of others.

Developer (1 edit)

I was waiting for you to try the game, thank you for playing it! And yeah, the learning curve is ofc an issue but the main theme of our jams for now is learning more and I think we're doing a great job at that.

On the game, I suggest you give it another run when you get some time at the end (it's still a buggy mess) as there is much more to it than working (kinda like life)


I'll be glad to. I feel like I've been slacking. Might be a good idea for me to throw up a stream and give it a try.


The theme of the game is cool and I do love the art. I got stuck. I couldn't figure out the code!


If you're really looking for it, try checking out your mail...


I think I managed to cheat the system. I didn't do any tasks but they didn't fire (or shoot) me. On the other hand, I didn't see the paycheck either.

I liked the pixel art, and I think the writing set up the mood well. I think the time-related puzzle is difficult. I tried using time on the clocks that stopped in the office, in-game time, my PC time... 😅

It's an enjoyable game and I found the ending funny. I'm glad you submitted the game despite the technical issues. Great job!


I debated myself a lot on the puzzle but anyone who saw the hints instantly knew something was wrong and I just pushed it like this (I think the biggest hint I could give you is: you're using Alex's old computer)


Incredible game! The details are insane. Fight capitalism is my favorite activity. I got two endings, how many are there?(Btw are you Italians?)


There's only two endings so far, we had to cut a lot of content sadly (and still...)

Also yeah we're italian!


Tifiamo per voi brothers


Ooooooo daje non pensavo avremmo mai beccato altri dev italiani alla gwj!


Idem, però odiare Kingdom Hearts è illegale


il fatto è che non ci ha ancora giocato e quindi non riesce a capire l arte che ci sta sotto a kh :3 , grazie per aver provato il nostro gioco e in qualche modo a finirlo XD




prossimo gioco: picchiaduro dove il mio self insert spacca di botte Nomura


Nomura vince no-diff


Impossibile, lo piazzo già legato e imbavagliato.


Adesso glielo vado a dire😼


Nice work simulator. But If I rise two floors on elevator and then press E around printer machine, I can't move anymore


Yeah the printer on any floors but yours is bugged and will lock you. Sorry about that.




I read the warnings on the page too late and got stuck on the printer 😭 Aside from the bugs, an impressive amount of work went into this between all the art assets and interactions. I will say adding some shadows to the environment assets and head bob/vertical motion to the player animation when walking will help the character and environment feel more dynamic. I loved the style and am a sucker for these types of games. Nicely done :)

Developer (3 edits) (+1)

The printer bug is killing me because I love the infinite floors thing, we were basically trying to convey the "there is no escape" vibe by putting this infinite, randomly generated floors where everyone hates you and you have nothing to do. With a bit of time I wanted to use them for quests but even just putting them there was supposed to be a way to just have the player feel this giant and oppressive world. We thought we removed the printer bug from the other floors but apparently we didn't and had we known we'd have just scrapped the infinite floors with the rest (cause they have literally no purpose but worldbuilding).
Thank you for playing it!


I'd love to see an rpg entry. I liked the flavor text  and the character's remarks and personalities.  I wish you could use the arrow keys to jump up between answers when characters ask you something. and skip dialogues. There is a lot of passion behind the project, the transitions for the computer screen, the emails, the fade-out to the title screen - they all look gorgeuous, but unfortunately the main loop (typing and typing I assume, couldn't get whats behind a passcode) did not complement those features very well. Overall I'd like to see what u guys come up nextime.


Hey Sat_less,

Thanks for trying out our game. I think it was a really nice idea, but we didn’t consider how little time we had for making this tiny project. Sadly, some things weren’t completed on time.

If you want to give it another try to see how it ends, I suggest checking out the puzzle behind the locker. It’s something related to time. Maybe there’s something on the PC to look for!


I got a little frustrated with the interact key re-starting dialogue if I held the key down too long during the last message. So I didn't play for very long but I could tell you put a lot of work into writing all of the characters! It was very charming and had a great environment with a lot of care put into the details. I can tell there's a solid skeleton of an RPG system here with a lot of depth that will be great once you fix some bugs and expand on it!

I just couldn't figure out where my desk was supposed to be! I wanted to be a good employee and do my work but I ended up just distracting everyone in the office lol



Thanks for trying out our game. Yeah, we think we fixed the issue, but it still happened to some people I know! I’m sorry for that; I think it’s the most frustrating part of the game. Thank you for the kind words!

If you decide to give it another try, your desk is close to the bathroom. It was to emphasize the idea that work is a bit like crap!


Even given it's technical issues I think there is a lot of charm here and this could be something quite fun once the issues are solved!


Hello Faatiz,

Thank you for playing our game. We regret not fully realizing how limited our time was to create a more polished experience. This will be a valuable lesson for us in future projects.