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A jam submission

BUGGY'S BEDROOMView game page

Can you last in BUGGY'S BEDROOM? Turn off distractions to stay sane for a shot at the big cash prize! ๐Ÿ†
Submitted by faatiz, DanielCNR, TimelessBirch, Conbrad โ€” 10 hours, 47 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 26 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version
v4.2.1.stable.official [b09f793f5]

Wildcards Used
Unspoken stories

Game Description
A chaotic, mascot horror inspired, crisis management survival game where you play as a struggling contestant trying not to get overwhelmed by Buggy's distractions.

How does your game tie into the theme?
The main idea of the game is that you are a competitor on a evil game show and you must suppress distractions that happen often in order to keep your sanity from being overloaded.

N/A (Not at the moment!)

Discord Username(s)
fatiz, danielcnr (+ 2 N/A)

Participation Level (GWJ Only)
0 (This is our first!)

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I really liked this one. The graphics are beautiful. The gameplay seemed like it drained sanity much too quickly-- the game had barely begun and it was already over. I was sitting in the main menu listening to the music and it seems like it's not set to loop. I liked all of the SFX for the game but I noticed that some of those have some noticeable loop points as well-- did you use mp3's? If so that may be the issue. Regardless, good job on this game. :)


Great graphics and audio.

Not sure if it's possible to win the prize in this game, overtime it's impossible (for me) to keep up with all the distractions.


Gets challenging quite fast, but still really fun to play! And the graphics are incredible, great job :)


Nice sensory overload!

 I liked the graphics and the controls, but the difficulty ramp was pretty intense. One second I have only 1-2 distractions, then the next I have like 8 lol. Could've been a bit longer.

Well done and thank you for submitting!

In this game, move as quickly as you can to interact with objects that are prompted. As you near game over, feel yourself mentally cave-in.

The game is competently made and well presented. A solid mark for newcomers.

I feel that the difficulty curve on this one gets steep pretty quickly, but this is preferable to being in a state where you never lose.

The "Mental Cave-in" depiction is the go-to way to describe sensory overload. For me, it moreso manifests as a form of paralysis because processing detail and logic gets harder and harder as things continue to pile on.

The extra minigame is a little extra special touch. Every addition to a game is a wager, and I'm glad you guys went for it. It turned out pretty well, I think.

A strong entry, and for newcomers no less! Continue to jam, and your ambitions will raise naturally, which will allow you to grow as a team.


MANNNNNNNNNN these graphics are just DELICIOUS. Superbly done!


<333 THANKS!!!!


The visuals are beautiful. The gameplay is slow at first bu gets overwhelming at a good pace, but I felt I couldnt "win" i.e stay longer since so many things pile up and you sanity reaches 0 fast. I also would've loved if there'd been more work put towards sound to elevate whats already there. Overall pretty spooky! 


haha super appreciate the compliments and feedback Sat_Less!

100% agreed that we might have missed the mark a bit with difficulty a bit on this. Since it was our first project we sort of aimed for around what we are comfortable with. This turned out to be a learning lesson this jam though since obviously we would be much more used to it. :(

Thanks for taking the time to play!! <3


Interesting idea. Feels a bit overwhelming too fast imo.


Hey! Really appreciate the feedback. 

We've heard this from a few people so far. Our intention wasn't to make it too hard so its disappointing to see we missed the mark a bit there.
Definitely are going to try and scale difficulty a bit better in future projects. Thanks for giving it a shot!


I understand it too well, difficulty is a hard thing to manage, specially with no time to do proper testing. Best of luck!


Awesome game, loving the visuals! Great job :)


Thanks so much!! <3


Pretty fun game, professionally polished, nicely put together. I had some problems with my tiny GPU, I had some lag, so much of it that to win the game I had to press E when the clock hand wasn't over the dots. I had a WTF moment at the beginning, but then I figured out. This is an impressing level of polishing for a jam game, congrats.


Hey Octartis, really appreciate the kind words!

That's too bad about your FPS - We have noticed that is the case for a few folks. Going forward we definitely look to make performance more of a priority in our future projects!

Thanks again for playing :)


the game was fun! i wanted to see a jump scare when i died

Developer (3 edits)

hahah I would of loved to have it too. Thanks so much for playing and the kind words frozenfist123!!

We might sneak some in when we update post-jam ;)


The Graphics were absolutely brilliant and it fits the theme really well. The game is super well made and its very fun.


Wow.. super super nice comment! Thank you so much! <3


I didn't last too long in Buggy's Bedroom. I think I made Buggy unhappy...

I think you managed your scope really well and made a very polished game. Very impressive given time constraints. If that's your first game as a team together, that makes it even more of an achievement!

I especially liked the environment and the atmosphere in the room: lighting, 3D and spatial audio work very well together.

As for the gameplay, it 's okay. I appreciate that sometimes direction of the clock hand changes and sometimes there are multiple spots to hit.

Good luck with your future projects!


Aw, thanks so much for playing, woona!

it was actually everyone on our teams first time ever time making a "full game" so to speak. (Besides one of us doing some modding work) So I really appreciate the kind words.

Agreed on the gameplay. I know it generic to say in a game jam, but I definitely wish we had more time to give it a bit more substance - starting 4 days late didn't help ๐Ÿ˜ญ.

I think we might look to expand it a bit after the jam, so I would love to hear your thoughts then :)

Thank you so much for playing and leaving your feedback, it means a lot. I hope you have a great rest of your day!


Wow, this is your first game and you did it in just 6 days? You should be really proud of yourselves!

As for more content, I think adding more different mini-games would make it more fun. Also, Buggy could move themselves and also move items in the room around behind your back when you're focused on a mini-game and don't see it happening.

Also, if you want to expand on the idea of getting a prize for surviving in this room, you can add some small in-game prizes for reaching time goals.


thanks!!! we are quite happy with what we were able to pull together - it was definitely a stressful time but a fun one! (Definitely going to be doing more and starting earlier next time LOL)

It's funny, the idea of having different minigames was actually intended to be included but it had to be scrapped for sake of time.

These are some great ideas though which I will definitely be adding to our idea document, super grateful for your feedback. You seem to have a good eye for mechanic design!


Nice 3D game. Graphics are great. I just feel there is not much going on. Also when I see screenshots and overall look I think it is horror game, but I wish it had more horror elements. 


Aw thanks!

I agree 100%, like I mentioned in the below comment we started this jam quite late so time was a big issue. I think if we are to update this after the jam we would 100% focus on getting in more horror elements. It really was the direction we were trying to push the project but in the end a lot of the cool ideas had to get scrapped :(

I really appreciate you taking the time to give the game a shot and leave feedback though - means a lot <3


Great entry. I liked the simple minigame. We were actually considering whether we needed something similar in our game. I don't think I could have executed it as well as you did.

I only wish there was a little more payoff, like an animation or cutscene for the lose-screen.

Otherwise, great game. Would fit nicely into the horror category on itch, which seems perpetually popular.


Appreciate the kind words - means a lot! 

Yeah I agree with you as well :( We only ended up really starting this Jam on Tuesday so time was quite the issue. 
If I had the time back I definitely would have tried to get something more fulfilling in.

Thanks so much for playing though :)


Very beautiful game. The art and the sound are nice. I love that it was a simple gamplay but very very polish. I could see you expend on this game and make a 'Squid game' style game of it ! Love it keep doing good job like it !


Haha, thank you!! We are definitely debating on doing some cool updates after the jam!


Great game! It is very immersive and fun to play. Good luck!


Thank you so much!


Great game, well polished and easy to undestand the gameplay. It would have been so cool to have different things to do for each distractions, but so much more work. In godot you can also easily export your game to web so people can play directly in the navigator. It will be played by more people and you'll have more feedback.

Congrats for your first jam, hope to see you again !


Really appreciate it!

We initially wanted to do more but like you said time is hard :( - If we do update after the jam that may very well be the direction we go.
Also we tried the web export but it seems it was quite tricky to "capture" the mouse so we scrapped it, again, due to lack of experience in godot and time. I would have loved to get it working in the web though!

Thank you so much for playing :)


I've seen that other 3d games had the same problem with mouse and web export. Sadly,  don't make 3d games so I don't know how to fix this. Maybe you can find some help on the discord sever.


Nice game! Cool art design and simple gameplay to follow. But I think the "time" mini game should be slower in the beginning and grow the speed along the progression. The progression overall not feeling smooth. It's like 
simple-simple-simple-EXTRAHARD(5 distractions at a time) and you just loose :( I think you should tweak the progression to be more friendly in the beginning and make progression smoother


Hey sorry for not replying to the comment, for some reason I thought I did but I guess I didn't lol :(

Thanks so much for the kind words.

 It's funny you say that because we ended up actually tuning the difficultly down significantly right before release but obviously not enough :(( we also had a bug within the first 4 hours of release that made the game basically impossible as well - not sure when you downloaded )

Overall though I really appreciate the feedback and wanna say thank you so much for giving the game a shot and playing - I hope you have a wonderful day! :)