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Alpha OmegaView game page

Classic Arcade Style Mobile-Mini Metroidvania
Submitted by GameDev&Design — 2 days, 22 hours before the deadline
Rated by 18 people so far
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Theme chosen
Main: Time (Sub Themes: Echoes of the Past/Classic)

Uknight2D,StoneKnight, Tritone,GiulianoCau,C4CTUS


External assets
I used minimal generativeAI for some "Cover images/tile menu"

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Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Ok, i did try your game. I'll admit, the premise is interesting, and there is some potential that can be explored in the future.

Regarding my feedback, here's some comments:

  • While i liked the inclusion of RPG mechanics, i didn't understood what did stats meant. At first i thought the stats seemed to be inconsequential, except Stamina, but later on, i discovered that those stats are indeed useful. Mana is not implemented yet, based on what i read on the page. Changing your character depending of your initial stats seems like a cool idea, though. A level up mechanic could be useful in this context, too.
  • I don't see the metroidvania elements in here, but it can be a novel idea to combine 2D metroidvania with top down resource collection, judging by the demo alone. I'd like to see more of that from the game in the future.
  • The art looks nice and fitting for the game you are working on. Related to it, the design of some of the characters look good, so far.
  • The Map selection looks good, not gonna lie.
  • Related to the map selection, the boss fight was a good surprise. My only criticism is that the controls don't seem to be well adjusted for combat in that area. At least, not with keyboard and mouse. At least its theme rocks.
  • Some more healing items could be nice, too. Especially for world 5, in which i get killed constantly.

I just encountered a few bugs:

  • I noticed that when dashing mid air when the movement is 2D (not top down), the player launches itself to the air, specifically while moving right or left mid air and dashing, which essentially soft locks the game.
  • Not sure if it's intentional or not, but it's impossible to collect one of the gems, specifically, a white gem.
  • The attack button doesn't seem to work at all. The only way i could damage the enemies were moving towards the enemies, seemly because of the animation tied to the movement, which i assume is the attack animation.

In spite of the issues, the games ends up being unique on its own and fun to play in general. Hope to see more of it in the future. Good luck with it.


This is amazing review and feedback. Thank you so much. I agree with all the points.... besides the white crystal.... the white crystal is a "travel crystal" for the robot on the brown planet. You can "turn on" the robot mechanic which is the main driving idea behind the metroidvania in the game with the battery or "obvious object" in the dirt of the level...then you can collect the white crystals with the robot.... I understand this is not an obvious task..... and so far not one person has commented on the "robot"....which was supposed to made more obvious with NPC dialogue/narrative and other things that weren't added yet. 

Thank you for taking the time to play/review/comment


Hello, I tried out your game. For my feedback, I'll state things in the order that I experienced them. 
- Upon starting the game, it asks me what points I want to allocate, but doesn't tell me what they do in the context of this game. I can assume that HP lets me take more hits and damage makes me deal more damage, but I never figured out what stamina or mana was for.
- The combination of the mining and space shooter aspects was pretty unique, but I did not see any metroidvania aspects in the game. Maybe certain paths in planets could be locked until you get a specific pickaxe or other abilities.
- The space shooter part had decent controls, but the "mining" parts were confusing to figure out. How and when do I attack, is it locked to movement? While having to figure out things isn't bad, it is hard to do that when basic core mechanics are not explained. (This should be the first thing explained after controls  imo)
Overall, I feel like this was a unique entry that led to frustration due to things not being explained properly.


the character build was posted at bottom of itch page and was going to be explained more through NPC dialogue, along with other posts I made about Metroidvania in other comments...ran out of time. And yes I left out an attack input movement that was also supposed to be slowly introduced as a way to "attack" enemies more specifically.... all of which I cut some loose ends with little time to finish major dev changes.... thanks for playing and already made dev strives with all of these key points in mind...along with a mobile android/iOS build that may be more intuitive for the digging levels.... its more of an open-world arcade game with Metroidvania concepts that weren't implement correctly and or in time for the jam to start



All good? I played your game for some time and I wish you to share some comments. My comments will be more or less useful depending on the direction you want to take with the development of the game. I have played with controller.

Some details:

- The art is nice. I had no problem with it; it didn't prevent me from understanding what I can do: where I can walk, what are the environmental hazards, what are the enemies, what are the collectibles.

- The music fits the atmosphere greatly.

- I understand you developed the game for mobile. Congratulations for that! The UI and the way the map is layout in the screen were clear enough to me.

- MC movement feels nice: it is responsive and fast enough.

Some points regarding game design:

- IMO, if you give initial exp points to the player, he needs to have at least a minimum idea of what the game is about so he can enjoy boosting one ability in particular over the rest. Otherwise the player will just distribute the points equally, which is the same to not put any and I believe you don't want the player to have this feeling. Maybe, you can do a tutorial and right after, give those exp points to spend.

- It took me some minutes to undertand my objective, I got the What. I saw that I need to dig to find Alpha and Omega collectibles. But I didn't understand the How. Except for basic Mario Bros style games, all games today need to give at least some basic direction to the player, and an understanding of the available tools. Just pop up text, or through story. How do I efficiently kill enemies? How do I progress? How do I use the Alpha Omega collectibles once I get them?

- One risk with this digging design is that the player may end up just wandering around blindly since there is no information given to know if there is a block or a path. Unfortunately I don't really have a proposal on this point.

- Maybe the difficulty curve needs to be rethought. You can either put less enemies and don't give information on how to kill them so that the player has some time to play around and try things (I like this option less), or keep a higher amount of enemies but give information to the player beforehand.

- Also, ideally the enemies presence and number should match the game and MC progression. This point is difficult to apply well. Easier enemies at the beginning, more ddificult and intense moments later on.

- Regarding the Metroidvania design, I honestly didn't see it. Maybe it comes later on? To me, the key aspect of a Metroidvania game is the ability gated progression. You show a gate to the player, then you give the ability, then he feels the progression with the ability. The second aspects would be non-linear exploration (several paths to the next goal) and non-linear game progression (maybe some abilities can be acquired in different orders). What is your understanding of the Metroidvania genre? What Metroidvania aspects did you include in your game in your opinion? Third, the map should be constant. As a player playing a Metroidvania, there is no more rewarding feeling  that gaining orientation, learning the map and blasting through it as I progress in the game and I increase my knowledge of the map layout. Rogue games and procedurally generated maps are out of the Metroidvania genre if we apply this personal definition and criteria.

I think that is all I have in mind. You can do a lot with this game depending on the direction you wish to take, and the decisions you prefer to make mostly regarding game design.

One thing that I found: if I press Dash and Jump at the same time, the MC jump high beyond the ceiling and never comes back :D I found it was a funny moment though, and then I just used TAB to keep playing.


Developer (14 edits)

Really amazing feedback....I did leave several comments in other people reviews as to some of my ideas of how to expand/add to the Metroidvania aspect.... I am trying a "very unique" hodge-podge of old-arcade games that were slowly to morph into what we know as a modern metroidvania.... it's obvious to me and the users that its hard to see where the metroidvania is in the submission provided...while I already have took some of these comments and made changes to release after the jam.... I totally agree.... I wanted there to be fun highscore/timer elements of an arcade game that morphed into what would be a common modern metroidvania.... the genre mashing can be an issue and was worried about this also....but think I know in my mind how to pull off the future development of this game idea that I hope to finish here this summer....

While the planets do randomly generate this is only to distribute a unique placement of collectables and enemies.... and also I think this actually increases the replay-ability of the game design, while I am aware that without all the attack functions and robot building mechanics that I did not have time to include make the enemies much more difficult on some planets than others.....the linear map is "Outerspace" and those planets are Biomes or non-changing areas and I feel that with the building mechanic of the robot design on the brown planet that I plan to implement...which builds story and metroidvania and ability to choose "HOW to collect the items on the individual planets and or what item or mechanic you are using just by simply planet jumping between the 6 obvious biomes you would be able to understand how to use each mechanic where...with a little bit more help from the NPC dialogue....that also wasn't finished"... I am aware of what is in my mind is probably not obvious to first time people playing through..... I really love your input of how to build your character differently and I think if I just put more information about the power-ups somewhere in the game-opposed to the bottom of the itch.page description would have greatly increased the understanding of the 4 very non-unique powerups of how they help build the two character choices.... while I also had more ideas for distinct difference to both character designs that will make the "HOW" more evident.....  I wanted to give a lot of freedom of choice for the player so they could complete the "Basic arcade mission of collect 12 AlphaOmega Gems" and set a highscore or complete the more complex metroidvania design with the robot and the travel crystals and what would hopefully be a final boss fight which you enter "The alpha omega" like a more traditional  platformer, remove the digging aspect, and you can fight and jump and use all your aquired skills on what would be a more of mini-map platform race against time to defeat a small maze and final boss fight within the alpha-omega" itself..... a bit of meta meta concept that I was working towards 


It was an interesting experience. Collect resources from the planets, grind your stats so that the piranhas don't destroy you and kill the alpha and omega bosses.

The difference between space and planet gameplay was interesting. Although the space one requires more complexity to my taste.

About the metroidvania part i don't see it. To me this kind of games require a fixed map, not a proceduraly generated one. If every time i visit a planet it changes my previous visits does not matter.


if you find both the alpha omega in each they dont respawn …. This same concept was going to be applied to white crystals and specific robot updgrade also to help with story/metroidvania…yes this part of the game was most unfinished…thanks for playing and review


certain levels were designed that the robot could be more helpful…but unfortunately with time constraints…had to cut my losses and ship what was more completed


It got me a while to start the game but once I understood how to leave the planet it was very interesting. I liked the controls of the space-bird, I like how you made it turn over time instead of immediately, it gives it a very interesting feeling.

the top-down part was interesting, it kinda reminded me of bomberman. The dialog is a bit unruly but I liked that there was people with dialogs around, it gave it more life.

I liked the combination of "underground" and then platformer on top. The jump and dash felt really good so I'd like to have been more oportunity to do things over-ground to flex out those controls.


I definitely got a very classic feel from this, reminded me of the old Dig Dug game. The presentation was also really good, the opening art sequence along with the somber music really set the stage for the story yo'ure telling. I also loved the little transition from digging down into the world vs. climbing onto its surface, that was really cute. I also appreciate the procedural generation that went into each planet, and that they each felt like they had their own biomes and enemy types. Despite being very simple, they all felt like they stood apart. The stat selection at start was also a very interesting route, it got me intrigued to see what I would encounter later on.

Some general feedback (I played with mouse and keyboard :

- The game was quite difficult for me at least. I felt like I was never really getting the hang of attacking enemies and was constantly getting swarmed. I would try to make rocks fall on them, but because there was never really a way to predict a clear path between you and the rocks without a barrier appearing, it was difficult to plan ahead in this regard.

- I was a bit unclear on my goal, I had to read others' comments to realize you have to get the Alpha and Omega signs from each stage. I think I was confused because in the very first stage there are so many different items you can pick up that I wasn't really sure what was important and what wasn't.

- Unless I was missing something, it didn't feel particularly Metroidvania to me. I think that's fine if you ultimately weren't really going in that direction, but if you were then whatever Metroidvania elements were in this game didn't really click for me.

I think that's about it. The game excels at its presentation and theming and although it was a bit too difficult for me personally, I still enjoyed my time with it. Good job!

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you the best comment I think so far! Yes I added something to the itch page to help with the item pickups if they aren't remembered from the "Character Build" page. I wanted to add more to the story and Metroidvania so that all was way more clear.... the Metroidvania and mechanic building was supposed to be the Robot mechanic you get on the "Brown" Planet and the "White Travel Crystal" but I ran out of time to get through the whole Metroidvania concept...but will try to finish the game this month and fix the Mobile version. 

There was also an additional Attack Input for the player, but was going to add that in as something you acquire also like a more Classic Metroidvania  with building mechanics.... but you are able to hurt them with the "Dodge/Parry" function and with the Rock and dynamite so I tried to make the beginning more about collecting and avoidance.... I want to get more planetary action and Metroidvania /explanation of the goal with NPC dialogue for which I could add a pause function/player inactive also between dialogue, as to encourage "hearing them out", but most of the dialogue from the NPC is nonsense as of now. 

The random generation will also be perfected where the items don't spawn on top of each other also..... lots of little things that can be done to make this game what its supposed to be.....

The final view and idea for the Metroidvania aspect was to enter the alpha omega and it would transform into more of a traditional/modern Metroidvania with a mini map and 2D platformer status as if you are "on the ship" which is like a "Sun/Moon - entity that controls the balance of the universe" 


looks kinda janky, but the art is good!, the concept of stat points in a metroivania is somehting that ive never seen before, really good game!


Can you be any more specifics of the positive and negatives?


What is janky?


It really good! Only complaints is that the characther kinda overlaps into the wall sometimes

Developer (1 edit)

This was because of being able to get around the "random generated" objects...I made the wall colliders smaller...or things like "NPC" or "Battery" caused sticky situations that were less ideal.... Was considering moving to a purely "grid-based movement" but it was hard to decide with having freedom to move where ever and being really rigid


The concept of going to different planets is really interesting and the way it's done has the scope of that concept without requiring excess in terms of presenting that scope. I quite enjoyed the idea of the game, but I actually would've preferred if maybe the entire game was contextualized through the ship, because that felt more immersive and dynamic to me than the actual combat sections  in the planets .The actual gameplay within the planets didn't really have much impact in terms of player control in my opinion. 

Huuugeee props for getting in mobile control though, this game honestly felt like it played more naturally on mobile


yea it was designed for mobile as a concept, and i do feel the keyboard/gamepad is inverted for controller “fun-ability” for lack of a better word. Though i do feel it feels better on gamepad if that is an option. There was an additional “attack” input in this style that I got rid of because of wanting to keep the mobile/desktop the same kind of game, but considering adding back the “player attack input mechanic” in the planet scenes. There are more “metroidvania” building mechanics with the powerups that are connected with the robot in the brown planet also that i think will make this game idea more complete in this way


if i could do everything with this idea as I hoped it would be to make it more meta/contexualized through “the ship” or alpha-omega  as the game progressed as a deeper level to the concept

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

the idea of “Time” as the theme was to start with old style arcade style and build it into new-age metroidvania of 21st century as the game went on


Played through a few times to try and make it to the end, I was able to get all the alpha omegas on each planet and destroy the ship thing, but there didn't seem to be anything after this other than goin back to the planets. i did get the android workin again too.
It was an interesting concept, on mouse keyboard I was able to spam defeat the enemy in space pretty quickly.
I ran into a few issues like being able to dash jump while near the top of a planet sending me flying off screen only to return using tab. 

Would have loved to see a bit more in the way of unlocks and abilities.
Was fun playing this style of gameplay as  I haven't seen these mechanics in a long while.


Yea i left the spam defeat as a way to gain points if you wanted to….during planets just because…i figured people might think that was an issue…. Thanks for the dash jump issue I never tried to do that and never put a collider there…. thats helpful will fix that


Surprised that some of the mobile did work? I figured i broke most of that in the remodel…..but all the code should be fine its how it interacts with specific mechanics and animations that have been broken in last few days of development which i know how to fix just ran out of time to do it and focus on


This is a very interesting concept. And congrats on going mobile with it. I definitely would not be confident enough to try that lol. Unfortunately, I had some issues with it due to lack knowing what to do again. I like the idea of being given a choice of how to play in the beginning of the game. I love that idea. But besides,  stat name and icon, there wasn't information telling me how this would affect the gameplay. I just had to assume that they would factor in somewhere.

I also was unclear about my goal. I just looked down at the rest of the comments (something I try to avoid so that others don't sway my vote), but you posted the goals here. That should be on your game page at the very least. Ideally, that would be communicated in game, but definitely on your page.

I would also make sure the player can't do anything during dialog sequences. I noticed that when I triggered a sequence on top of that. I was a bit confused at first.

This is definitely on my revisit list. Since I'm not able to record this time around, it frees some time up to play the games that I feel need a replay to see if my original rating was correct or not.


yes i figure people would understand health, attack, and stamina… while mana was something i was working on with robot mechanic as a way to “heal” your robot on command. The others i figured were self explanatory? Health gave extra health to player, stamina extra speed, attack extra damage…. I meant to add more to the itch page but always worried of adding too much text and explanation. I want people to understand it by pressing start and playing…. With as little instruction as possible… but im aware some people need to know controls and such….its a fine line with letting the player play or telling them exactly what to do….


I managed to set dynamite and blow up some rocks but I couldn't interact with the white gem or progress the game in any way after that

it seems I can start a conversation while in a conversation, leading to a huge number of dialogues stacking up for me to read

If I could get further into the game I'll give it a higher rating but I didn't get to see very much at all


I have yet to come across this dialogue issue and accounted for that…. But this is godots plugin and it has known to have issues with that exact thing…and i have encountered it randomly. But i did add something that shouldn’t cause that, and havent run into that issue since? The white gems are specific to another character later in the game…they are “travel crystals” for a robot and they are unobvious….but you dont need them to progress and win the main quest of collecting all 12 planets gems:::: 

For everyone playing the main Goal is to explore all 6 planets and collect 12 alpha-omega gems and set a highscore…there is more of metroidvania side quest with a robot and “white travel crystals” but it is not needed to finish main game loop


@ Xaoxa did you ever try to simply leave the planet by walking off to the right or left of the ground/sky ? There are several places to go…


ah no it wasn't obvious to me at all that you could leave a planet that way

Developer (5 edits) (+1)

if you try to crawl up the walls @ the top in either direction it will prompt you? If you move from side to side "off screen" in Mobile version it will ask if you want to leave.... the resolution was made for mobile build also which is almost working again after all the updates...maybe its more intuitive on the mobile resolution

And yes fell short of all the explanation and dialogue needed to drive the metroidvania of the whole game....hopefully its enjoyable for the gameloop that is there...There is also  a cutscene I am working on that explain more of the "story"

Developer (1 edit)

Please post your High Scores and whether or not you are able to complete the Main Objective....while the other side quest objectives are unfinished. I am interested to see where people get in this if you give it the proper time and exploration! Thanks from GameDev&Design