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Bubble WorldView project page

Bubble World - OST Composing Jam #7
Submitted by Mace Dev — 3 days, 23 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#1153.8953.895

Ranked from 19 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Bubble World (by Mace Dev)

========= OST =========
Genre: Chiptune-ish, 16-bit-ish
DAW: Made mostly using ultrabox (beepbox mod)

====== Game idea ======
Game title: Bubble World
Game idea: Platformer, where you travel underwater exploring deep ocean and go deeper and deeper and...
Minty: Minty is the funny mint colored fish. Minty loves adventure

===== Tracks meaning =====
Main Menu — Plays in menu of the game
Maelstrom Explorer — First level of the game
Minty the fish — First interaction with Minty 🐟
Minty Race — You are racing with Minty
Menacing — Now you approaching final boss of the game
Monster Bubble — FINAL BOSS
I don't know yet if Minty is a bad guy or not so think about it yourself

========= Links =========

Message from the artist

I know I don't have any chance to win, but I'm happy to just participate.

And... sorry for my english, i'm not native speaker.


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
I tried to use some water-associated instruments. Also I used leitmotifs a lot so each track is connected

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

Number of tracks



Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

Any project

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Nailed the underwater vibe off the bat; great choice of instruments and voicings. Loving the blend of 8 and 16 bit style of instrumentation. The simpler waves contrast really well against the more FM-oriented sounds. Great use of articulation, particularly with the 8-bit stuff, as that really sets the bar for working well with standard waveforms and pushing them to their limit.

All in all, this is a collection of really solid pieces. Nice and varied, a lot of cool ideas and great executions throughout. I think my favorite of the bunch is probably Minty the Fish - I could imagine myself hearing this in so many different types of games. Great work, this was a really fun listen! :)


I love the different leitmotifs you used in the soundtrack and how they play off each other in the songs, each song is is pretty short but they are filled with good bits and motifs to follow on.

I like how the last 2 songs on the playlist are in red due to how intense it will get and oh boy they go hard.

Monster bubble was crazy and totally felt like a fan-made undertale boss, great job with the song. 0:27 was also my favorite part of the song


Oh yeah, time for cute yet cool chiptune! (I love your cover art, heh).

Main Menu - Cute)

Maelstrom Explorer - Hey, that's cute too! I danced to it)

Minty the fish - Heh, I felt the atmosphere of the menus from old multi-game games on 8-bit consoles. Cozy!!!

Minty Race - Heh, time for something dynamic. Is it a race? I want to win! (Or at least not crash at the first obstacle.)

Menacing - I'm scared. is there something waiting for me?

Monster Bubble - Oh. I LOVE THAT DYNAMIC! It feels like a confrontation with someone powerful (I think I've figured out the perfect technique for creating a boss theme: just add a church choir)

Can I be honest? I danced to all the tracks from this soundtrack, heh) It was cute, fast and dynamic.

P.S. I don't trust Minty.

Yo thanks for the comment! Never would’ve thought that my tracks are “danceable”

P.S. Minty is sus 🕵️


OH NO!!!1!


Super good OST honestly, and with your art too, that's super cool! Everything felt consistent with the leitmotifs going throuigh the whole OST so amazing job. Probably one of the top chiptune submissions I've heard until now!


There’s a strong sense of melody across all the songs. Minty The Fish was my favorite track, loved the glitch stutter at 0:14. I liked how the Minty race song kept the same melodic idea but repurposed it in a minor key with a faster tempo. Really liked the energy for Monster Bubble, but I found the major tonality of the melody clashed with the minor key accompaniment. Overall, this is a solid chiptune OST, you should feel good about how this turned out, well done!


yo! an ost made in ultrabox!! super short, sweet, quirky tracks :) id totally play a game with an ost like thisss. monster bubble goes pretty hard 


Very lovely OST you got there! Definitely has a SNES/N64 feel to it at times. Minty Race caught my attention the moment the C64 PWM dropped and I love that track nowww. My favorite is Monster Bubble because lets be real, that track SLAPSSS!

Love how you also used the game's leitmotif, very nice :)


Great work! This is one beast of an OST! I loved the orchestration and how everything definitely FEELS like it came from the same game. Those chiptune guitars remind me so much of playing Punch Out on the SNES lol. 

Great work my friend!


Super silly sounding, sounds like something I'd go blind to looking at an old CRT past my bedtime. You fit the theme very well while still keeping a very unique sound to it! Very cohesive, fun to listen to, and I liked the recurring theme (even though it was a really silly melody)


I just listened to Monster Bubble, I hadn't listened to that one yet. Definitely the best one of the track, the break beat was hilarious with the chiptune music, sounded really intense and fun


I am the silly!


These were very good! It felt like a Homestar runner game at times which is really cool! The art is very pretty and I like how it turned red for the more menacing songs. I also liked the leitmotif because it connected a lot of the songs. Overall great!


Thank you for feedback! I appreciate it


I just shouted you out on the discord server from being my highlight entry from ratings 51-75 since I am rating every entry. This one was my favorite from that batch.


I don't know why you say you know you don't have a chance to win, but I think it's really good what you did. Your submission caught my attention because you did more than just the soundtrack. That pixel artwork is very cool and gives personality to your submission making it more believable and plausible. I kind of imagine the game and I might even think it really exists, you know what I mean? Just good presentation and the soundtrack is really good too.


Thank you for you kind words!