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A jam submission

Whispers in BubblesView project page

Submitted by lukejamessipka — 1 hour, 24 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#2753.5263.526

Ranked from 19 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

In a world where dreams hold the key to the soul, Yimnazo, a man of strict discipline, loses touch with his inner child, Paignidi.

She slips away into a vibrant dreamscape of bubbles and whimsical drawings.

A realm of pure joy and play that exists deep within the unconscious mind.

Desperate to reconnect, Yimnazo discovers he can send messages through the bubbles, guiding Paignidi on her journey through this fantastical world.

As Paignidi explores, she learns to manipulate her surroundings, creating wondrous creatures from the bubbles themselves.

But in this land of imagination, a shadow looms.

Filodox, the embodiment of unchecked ambition, threatens to overtake the joy Paignidi has found.

As she delves deeper into the unconscious, Paignidi must learn to balance the playful spirit of her new world with the discipline Yimnazo imparts through his bubble messages.

Can Yimnazo and Paignidi bridge the gap between discipline and play, conscious and unconscious, before Filodox consumes the dreamscape?

Their journey is one of self-discovery, where every popped bubble and formed creature brings them closer to understanding the true nature of the self.

"Whispers in the Bubbles" is an adventure that invites players to explore the depths of the psyche, where the battle between joy and ambition plays out in a world of endless imagination.

"Yimnazo's Redemption":
A heroic, Morricone-inspired theme that captures Yimnazo's journey from repentance to redemption. The music swells with determination as Yimnazo embraces Paignidi's world and faces off against the formidable Filodox.
Guidance from the Chorale of Elders:
Ethereal choir sounds blend with atmospheric synths, creating a sense of ancient wisdom and mystical guidance. This piece represents Paignidi's encounter with the council of elders in her dreamscape.
The Bubble Tower and the Battle of Filodex:
Playful synth and piano melodies intertwine as Paignidi ascends the magical bubble tower. The music builds in intensity, hinting at the impending confrontation with the ambitious Filodex.
Paignidi Discovers the Bubbles:
A light, whimsical piano prelude that captures the innocent wonder of young Paignidi as she first encounters the magical bubbles in her dream world. The piece sparkles with curiosity and joy.

All tracks composed in Ableton. Used Moog Sub Phatty. Deepmind 12. And Omnisphere.

Message from the artist
Hope you enjoy this!


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
I tried to use heavy reverb on the piano and a lot of poppy sounding synths. I was trying to capture the dream like element of the image. I also tried to make the tracks have a distinct rhythmic pattern as I envisioned the game play would be a puzzle with lots of rapid bubble movements

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

Any project

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Cool score! The blend of the synths and piano were fantastic; Paignidi was probably my favorite!


Exotic use of instruments. I especially enjoyed the synth arps, as it had a magical feeling. Great job!


I liked how a lot of the echoes had almost seemingly random intervals. gave the tracks so cool vibes!


Hey, I like your overall selection of instruments, mixing and the picture that is being built up! Cool!

P.S. Yimnazo's Redemption is my favorite track. It sounds like a great last scene of some epic movie.


Lovely work on this! You came up with a great story and creativity. My favorite track was The Bubble Tower and Battle of Filodex. Nice work!


Hi Luke! I absolutely LOVE what you've done!!!!! Everything is so on point in the whole OST.  Really, REALLY nice sound combinations and your harmony choices...wowww!!!!

Amazing work!!!


This soundtrack really captures such a strong sense of mystery and melancholy, and the first two tracks really remind me of a Zelda game! I really love the slow buildup to the climax of each track, and the synths, piano and chip tune all really went well together. All in all, this OST was a treat to my ears as chocolate cake is to my mouth. Great job!


Great use of snyths and pads. The solo piano track is really good too!


Really nice piano in the first track. Great Job!


Thank you!


This was a fun listen. I love that the piano has the spotlight, but is accompanied by electronic instruments, synths, and even chiptune. Super cool.


Beautiful piano opening! The harmonies and sci-fi elements create an interesting combination and texture. “Guidance from Chrole of Elders” is my personal favorite! I love how it expands; it feels very haunting, which really fits the idea of the elders having a deep/mystical history to them


Appreciate the kind words!


I love Morricone, and I love this. Yimnazo is epic, very respectful and has the best vibe. Literal goosebumps on the chorale. Bravo!


Yesssss I'm glad someone caught that! Morricone is one of my faves. Appreciate it!


A great mix of tracks. I think my favorite of the bunch is Yimnazo's Redemption - the horns and thick synths following give me some sci-fi vibes at points. Feels like a very contemporary piece that instantly reels the listener in and holds their attention. Great work!


Appreciate it!


The Bubble Tower and the Battle of Filodex is really cool. my fav. Good work!


Thanks so much!