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A jam submission

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Correlation to theme#724.0004.000

Ranked from 19 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

"Check" is my entry for OST Composing Jam 7. It's a soundtrack for a horror game exploring living with OCD, in particular focussing on the experience of repeatedly checking if all necessary actions have been completed (i.e turning off electrical devices, turning off lights, locking doors etc.) before leaving somewhere unattended, such as leaving the house for work. This would be a horror game that loops around the same environment - similar to the likes of P.T, Layers of Fear or The Exit 8 - that follows waking up, leaving an apartment, then looping back into the apartment. The gameplay would involve following a list of tasks (turning off lights, closing the windows, locking doors etc.) before being able to leave and it would explore the fears that I have when carrying out this task and leaving the apartment. When looping back to the apartment, lights would be back on and doors opened, to reflect what I imagine when checking these tasks have been completed, despite knowing that I have definitely completed them. The game would have different events in each loop to show the quite frankly irrational and unrealistic nature of these fears, using the horror aesthetic to reflect the stressful nature of a seemingly mundane situation for those with OCD.

I made the soundtrack using Logic Pro, my go to DAW. I started with sound effects of the actions that would be completed in the game. The light switch sound effect forms the basis of the piece, starting the loop heard throughout "...And Again?". I used a number of looping sounds in this soundtrack to invoke the feel of repeatedly checking things. I used some vinyl and tape effects (Izotope vinyl and Arturia Tape Mello-fi - very good plugins!) to create an eerie feel and ad to the skipping sort of effect created by the light switch loop. These plugins also create some nice pitch bend effects, which add to the instability of the piece. I wanted some parts to sound as though they were sounds coming from a record or tape being played in a room with you, and some to sound more unnatural and ethereal to create an unsettling contrast.

"...And Again?" is the main theme that would play in the menu, and is as such a bit more rhythmic to try and grab your attention. "...Ready To Go?" would play at the start of the game on your first go round, and "...Did You Forget?" would play on the first loop, when coming back to everything in the apartment being back on. These two pieces are during the gameplay and therefore are more ambient. I gave all the pieces a question for a title to represent that constant second guessing and questioning myself as to whether I have left the house in a safe state.


"...Ready To Go?" uses "Alarm Clock 1.wav" by shyguy014 on, licensed under the Creative Commons 0 license. Find the sound here:


Inside my world

How does it fit the theme?
The theme made me think of mental health and neurodiversity, how these factors can greatly affect our experience of the world, and we are all living in our own unique experience of the world inside our minds. The concept of "inside my world" seemed like a very interesting way to explore the world within someone's mind, and as someone who loves writing creepy music, and loves the aesthetics of dreamcore and liminal spaces, I thought a horror game would be a great way to explore this. I settled on the idea of using this to explore OCD as it had been on my mind from recent difficulties with the issue explored in the game, and it seemed to lend itself nicely to this style.

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spooky atmosphere and great job depicting such an abstract subject in an abstract manner! this soundtrack gave me chills, major mistake listening to it at like 3:30AM. great work!!!


Hey... that sounded creepy. I like it!

I was even a little freaked out by your OST..... heh)



This is the vibe I got from the entire OST. If you get the reference then you understand why.

It's from a creepy pasta called coronation day


This is a brilliant take on your theme. I loved every second of it and would so love a game with this theme and music!!


Such dark viscous atmosphere, great work! Resonates very well with the theme and idea. Nice!


Such dark viscous atmosphere, great work! Resonates very well with the theme and idea. Nice!


Super creative take on the theme and I love how you integrated the light switch sound nicely into the music as well. The ambiance would be right at home in a walking-simulator-type horror game.


Great sound design Louis! And the atmospheres you're able to!

Love this kind of music style. I saved your work, can't wait for more!!

Very well done!!!


This is absolutely terrifying. Please take that as a compliment because per your description that is exactly what you are going for. I can tell a lot of thought and work went into the concept and you absolutely nailed it. This is probably the most original work I’ve heard yet on the jam. I couldn’t even fathom how to conceive a work like this. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard a “horror” ost that was that unsettling. You absolutely nailed it incredible work!


Thank you, that's very kind of you! I'm glad you liked it!


Oh wonderful surprise here for the production and unique style! Loved a lot the dark mood !

The way that loop evolve in first track is really great i got chills ;) the transition at 2 min was intriguing.

The 2 other tracks were really strange, its more like spectral music, really creative sound!

Good job^^


Very unsettling, perfect fit for the theme.


Yo! As an OCD'er as well, could not have captured the thing more perfectly in music form. 10/10, would never play this game, sounds like my personal hell, and that's awesome!


Wow approval from another OCD'er is like the highest of praise, thanks! Glad I did it justice and made up a living hell for us with it!!


A very creative idea, and comes across well in the music. I think we both went for a similar theme lol! The looping/ostinato aspect is very clever. If I could offer some advice as someone who went for a similar idea, I would say try to go for a "less is more" approach; the first track for example starts off really interesting but can sound a bit cheesy (akin to a mario haunted house). To properly convey the dread and atmosphere I would focus more on subtle ambience, and use harmony that sounds less "haunted-house" esque, although it works better in the second track as it used ironically in a way, putting the music in a third-person context through the vinyl effects. Maybe use completely diatonic harmony somewhere to represent the drab, plain atmosphere. That's only a minor critique though. It is still a very captivating idea, well executed and I would love to see it become an actual game; the second two tracks are very unsettling. Good work!


Thank you, that's really helpful feedback! Totally get you - when I showed it to my partner he said it had luigi's mansion vibes! I found it quite tough to balance between an eerie sound, and a more spooky cartoonish sound, particularly in the main theme at 2:07, I couldn't work out if the dulcimer sound was creepy or like playfully spooky (I was aiming for creepy!). Wasn't enormously happy with that section, but yea I think you're right it's very dense, a lighter texture would probably have been creepier. Also love that idea of diatonic harmony somewhere to show the plain atmosphere, that'd probably work really well, a very boring and undeveloped sound at some part, it would probably be quite unsettling knowing it's a horror to have a very basic sound, you'd be on edge like when is this gonna go wrong! 

Haven't had a chance to listen to other submissions yet - I'll give yours a listen soon and leave it a rating!


Very creepy and unsettling OST, in the best way possible! This music style is way outside my wheelhouse, and I'm always impressed by the blend of ambience and creepy vibes when I hear something like this. Really well done!


Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!