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A member registered Mar 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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In the annals of gaming history, 'LICH TURN ME SWORD NOW REVENGE' stands as a towering colossus of unadulterated magnificence. This shitpost masterpiece of a game thrusts you into the steel-clad boots of a knight-turned-sword, hell-bent on possessing hapless heroes to exact vengeance upon a glitchy lich. 

Visually, This game made my mental white stuff come out. It's as if the developers handed a toddler a copy of MS Paint and said, "Go on, have at it." The result? It's the perfect blend of "I don't give a single shit", "attention to detail",  and "that'll do pig... that'll do".

Now, let's talk upgrades. In a fit of empathy and projection, I chose to channel all my enhancement efforts into increasing my character's 'manhood.' Seven deaths later, courtesy of the relentless lich, I stood firm in my decision. 

Was it foolish? 


Should I have upgraded the damage? 

Also probably.  

Would I do it again? 

In a heartbeat.

And the music—oh la la, my sweet baby child, the music! The intro assaults your ears with a symphony that can only be described as an auditory onslaught of hope and wonder. 

In conclusion, 'LICH TURN ME SWORD NOW REVENGE'... Well, just go and play it. Play it, embrace It, and hold a deontological stance regarding anyone who dares disagree that this... 

This is a masterpiece.

(I should get back to work now).

P.S. Gay mechanics are the best mechanics. Solid GDD. 

We have the very talented Vorpalbug and Krisu to thank for that.

"I think it would be improved if you had maybe like 3 HP or something, so us people who are horrible at the game are able to see more of it without needing to get the game over screen burned into our sad eyes"

Great Idea! That should definitely happen once the judging is finished. 

So the guy that did the music (James Ford) just released an EP. Let me know if you're curious, and I'll hit you up with a link to it.

Very sweet game. Nice clean illustrations, the colour palette works great, and the visual storytelling works well. 

Solid GDD, too! 

I loved the use of Erik Satie's - Gymnopédies No.1. 

It really sets a pleasant atmosphere. I actually have it on my writing playlist.

Thank you. 

"With my playthrough the dash was only the hammer doing the grin and no speed up movement if that makes sense? I say definitely keep it but possible add a bit more distance. Just my opinion though."


Do you have any idea when the judging is over so we can apply the fixes?

I know exactly how you feel. We already signed up for the 'improve our game jam' to see how we can sort all the issues etc, out on ours

Good call! Do you have any ideas for your next FPS?

You should be it was cool as fuck.

I finally managed to kill the demon king!

Solid GDD. Your MSpaint skills are ruddy marvellous. The mechanics are cool and I like the upgrades idea. Do you think you'll add music in the future?
(1 edit)

Vorpalbug and Krisu did an awesome job!

I wasn't expecting anyone to compliment my voice acting. I literally put my phone in a sock and started rambling things I thought would make the rest of the team laugh (a bit like how I wrote the GDD, to be honest).

I've written down the hitbox issue; we will 100% address this as we improve on the game. Do you think it would help if dashing was over a  longer distance or even  taken out entirely?

Vorpalbug and Krisu did such a great job on the art. We were so lucky to have professional illustrators on the team.

The idea was that the final goblin was supposed to trigger a (when hit Trigger level complete scene), but it went awry, and we didn't have time to fix it before submission. 

Thank you, fellow GDD reader. <3

Thank you :) 

We've decided to do just that and joined to fix everything. 

How would you fix something like that? (I'm super new to this).

Phew. Let me know if you want me to delete the first comment so no one was the wiser :)

It was cohesive and communicated what it needed to well (which is what you want, really). 

This is so polished! 

The controls felt smooth and intuitive, and the tutorial was great. 

Solid GDD, plus there was something slightly cathartic about killing a mini Mjölnir post-jam, too.

Thank you! :) 

You are 100% correct about the bug. The last goblin was supposed to trigger the level complete screen. But unfortunately, we had a script error at the very last minute, so we had to upload it as is. 

However, we are already discussing joining the to see how we can fix it.

(1 edit)

Enjoyed the Art, the writing, and the chill guitar playing in the background. I love the potential this game has.

Cool, clean UI and art. 

A well-written GDD, too.

Enjoyed this! I'm a big fan of the old-school Megadrive esq music, and I love Vamp Survivors. I can see the influence. I'd have liked a play-again scene after dying, and I'd have liked to have read the gameplay overview and seen your development timeline. Are you thinking of doing more with the game post jam?

I'm really glad you enjoyed it.

We are going to be all talking about what to do with the game today, actually, to see what we do with it now.

I 100% agree with the fixed Camera and maybe a better resolution, too.  It was one of the things I think we'd fix if we carry on developing after the Jam.

The employee got what was coming to him :p 

Solid GDD to.

Cat knights are the best kights.

Loved the way the shooting felt. 

You can see the influences of Eccho, the dolphin, and Mega Man <3. I loved how you could jump out of the water and how it felt when doing so, too (really slick).

I dunno. I actually really liked the speed/aiming. 

It's really satisfying when you manage to murder a load of targets in a line. The chill music to murder things along to is such a nice contract.

I ended up just listening to the music for ages after dying. Loved it.

You need to grant shared access to the GDD.  

I love the animation on the Cleaver.

Enjoyed the colour-shifting mechanic in this. It's smart to put the GDD on the main game page, too.

I can really see the Mad Verse City vibes. Nice work!