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A jam submission

In And Out - Night BurglarView game page

You're a thief ninja(yes), and you want money.
Submitted by HelperWesley (@HelperWesley) — 12 hours, 55 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Technical Implementation#343.8363.836

Ranked from 55 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game utilize the limitation and theme?
You steal a museum's art collection.

What was your team size?


You worked alone

Affirm you have followed ALL jam rules. (Select all below or your entry will be disqualified.)

We have credited all assets used in the game including our own name(s) or team name(s)

All original game code and original assets were made during the jam period

The game does not include NSFW or hateful content

The game works on the web or as a Windows 10 download

We have answered all submission questions honestly and completely

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Amazing implementation of the theme! Well polished game! The mechanics were simple, but it was really fun to play! I really felt like i was being a thief and being sneaky. Hope you continue development on the game! Well done!


Thanks for the praise!

I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

I may expand it out further after this jam is done. Depends on how well it does in the voting. If it does really well, thats my sign to keep working on it lol.


Took me a good few seconds to figure out how to start the game, i thought i needed to press what looked like check boxes next to the level text. Anyways, really like the art and the music fit the game really well, also as a big fan of stealth games i think this is very nice little game :) That's about all i have to say, nothing negative in my opinion!


Thank you for the praise!

I'm really happy with it. :)

(Although now I'm thinking I should have a button behind each of the level text so show that you're supposed to click there lol)


Very good, probably the best game I've played so far!  I don't really have anything to complain but I'll try ;) Maybe stealing could be handled with keyboard instead of a mouse so the game would be played completely with your keyboard. No but honestly, awesome! Everything (music, graphics, character controller, guard AI) works nicely. Easy to grasp and fun to play.


Thanks for the comment!

A few people have mentioned the mouse thing now. It was a part of it because there were other mechanics that didn't make it in to the final game that used it. But as it is now, I'll probably go back and remove the need for the mouse so people can use keyboards or a controller if they want to.


really liked it :) 

I love stealth games. I need to make one myself :D


Glad you enjoyed it.

It was fun to make, so you definitely should. :)


Fun game!  I enjoyed the simple art style and the different hiding places.  It had really clean controls and was nice that the hiding spots and stolen items increased as the levels went up.  Great fun with the sneaky music.

The only critic I can really give is that your font/ chalk board set up (while great to have for tutorial purposes!) made me think that I was sneaking through a school instead of a museum?  So maybe from an aesthetic stand point a more "museum-esk" appearance would be better.


Thanks for the comment!

Sneaking through a school. Thats funny.
If I was going to expand the game I'd have different boards and fonts for different locations to steal from.


Fun game! The idea is adorable, I mean who wouldnt love a ninja thief. I really enjoyed the way you added more ways to hide/more things to steal as you go up the levels, it made it a lot less boring and made me keep playing it for ages. I really loved the way you showed the tutorials on the boards on the wall, it made the game easy to understand yet still very fun! It was a fun game ^^


Thank you for all of the praise! :)

The game was a lot of work and I'm really happy people like it so much.


No problem! Its really an amazing game! I hope you'll have time to check out my entry to the jam too ^^


Of course I can play your game, I added it to my list to play.


Very nice! I felt very sneaky playing this game lol. I liked all the different ways to hide and sneak around the guards. It kept it fresh and interesting. The tutorials were nice too. I thought the difficulty curved ramped up smoothly. I felt like I would've liked some more music variation though. Overall great job!


Thanks for the comment! :)

I totally agree about the music.
I spent almost half a day at the end of the jam trying to make something I was happy with. What is in the game now is just a placeholder drum beat I put in, and got left in because I kept scrapping everything I made cause it didn't feel good enough. lol




cool. :)


This game is cool! The places you hide in, the guards that come, make the gameplay very intuitive. This game helps you to get into the flow immediately and fully utilize your ninja skills! Keep up the good work!

BTW If you had the time then could you play my entry? Thanks :)



Of course I'll play your game. :)


I liked the different interactions you can do, especially hanging on the wall hook which I thought was really cool. You nailed the theme also. Main feedback is that the security guard moved around a bit slow, I would have sped them up a bit. Also, you probably didn't need the mouse interaction instead mapping the steal action to a keyboard key instead (to simplify the controls a bit). Great work.

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for the comment!

The mouse was used because of features that never got added. With the way the game ended up , I agree, I could have made the game controller friendly.


It looks good. The theme is very well incorporated. I also really like how the chalkboards are the tutorial things. The music is a little lacking, but strangely, I feel like it sort of fits. Improvements-wise, I would show room connections in mini-map. Otherwise, it's pretty great!



The music was meant to be placeholder music, but as the game ran close to the end it just got left in. lol


The game is really clever! It really shows its potential as soon as levels start to get bigger and the timer is introduced. I can imagine people replaying to get the highest profits possible.

Also, once again, thank you for helping me brainstorm ;)



Your game looked awesome on the stream, super hard lol, but its art and level design we great.

Btw, I totally don't need to be thanked.
I was just throwing ideas at you, you brought them to life. :)


The game gives you confidence from the start, but be careful despite the appearance, the last 3 levels are not lacking in difficulty.
All this is well balanced, the mechanics are really nice. I loved the use of the number keys.
We need more level :)


Thanks for the comment!

I was planning on 10, but because of time I could only manage 7.


Amazing game! The progression is really good and the levels are super fun!

Completely fits the theme of the jam. Everything was great)

5 Stars

I'd love to know your opinion on my game!!


Thanks alot!

You guys are making me blush.

I'd love to give your game a play, though I am a harsh critic. ;)


hahahahaha I'll take them ! :DD


Awesome fun, felt the tension and the progression was great. The tutorial messages were simple and easy to follow. Mechanics were well done, the number pad was really satisfying, hiding was good and nice animation. Stealing is cool that the size/value increases the intense clicking needed! 

Only critiques would be some more sfx, improved music,  and maybe a change of music when the security level raises. And art is fine, nothing special but not bad. BUUT that being said, for 7 days solo this is awesome, and genuinely fun! Thats what games are for right? :D 


Thanks for the comment!  :)

If I go back and flesh this game out, I'll definitely improve the music and sound to make it more dynamic. I was toying with some music that added a high pitched guitar whenever a guard got in to view, but I'm a perfectionist and I couldn't make anything I felt was good enough lol. Maybe when the voting is over I'll take another crack at it. lol.


Really fun game! The little messages on the blackboard gave it a lot of character and were a good distraction while I was getting the par score on every level, which took a few times. Overall the game only had a few little hiccups; sometimes the controls felt a little slippery and I wish you could still see the guard on the mini map if you're in the same room as them, but it was really fun and really well put together. I'd love to see more levels and maybe see a story develop around it. Kudos!


Thanks for the comment! :D

I was really happy with the chalk boards, they were meant to be a tutorial only thing, but the more advanced levels just looked bare without them so I added them in. lol.

From play testing we decided the minimap always showing your location was important for people who didn't know the maps layout, so they always knew where they were. Maybe though I can make it so a room that had both you and a guard in it showed up as a split of both colors.

Something to play with when the voting is done I guess.


Very nice stealth game, it was enjoyable.  Congrats!


Thanks! :)


Best game of the jam I 've played so far! Loveing the idea the mechanics, the variety, and the tutorial.(Also the tutorial had a personality wich is cool.) The game is hard sometimes, and the game knows that.  There are unforgiveing rooms and situations witch make the players win/lose by only the skin of their teeth. This very fact makes this game addictive.  

If You replace the art and music to an even better quality, and polish this up even more, add some more levels, plus a bigger objective that isn't only restricted to one level this could be a smaller steam release. (Not that the art/music is bad, it just could be even better.)

Developer (2 edits) (+1)

I am very flattered by your comment.

The original intent for the game was MUCH bigger than what I finished.
I had to cut and cut and cut to get the game finished within the 7 day time limit.

The game in my head was much bigger than what I finished. I had notes of things like moving traps, a couple different guard types that sweep rooms differently, maps where you had to steal the code first and then get to the vault. And then an over arching goal from the main menu.

Oh, I also had a cute idea where if you steal a statue, you can stand on the pedestal and pretend to be a statue to hide. lol.

The music was the first drum beat I slapped together, and as many times as I tried, I couldn't make anything I was satisfied with, so the drum beat just stayed as the in game music.

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

Yeah, as I said the art and music ARE really good, but if you give More to the game it could be ön steam. Though, don't know if someone has made a game like this. You should resarch to see if there's any competition on this type of stealth game. :)


Awesome game. Such a cool concept and art style. Keep it up! I'd love if you could check out my submission.



Of course I'll try out your game.

Fair warning though, I'm a harsh critic. ;)


Very fun game!


Thank you :)

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