Oh really? That's disappointing that it didn't work on stream. I wonder why. Either way, thank you! I'm really glad you enjoyed it!
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This is a neat idea, and I like the storytelling involved. The only thing that I think is holding it back is the gameplay. I was able to win after dying twice by just standing off to the side and mashing the attack button. I think having different types of enemies that would make the player think more about what they need to do to survive would go a long way, like maybe having some fire bullets or something you might have to jump over. I thought the music was very good and so was the art, though I might suggest next time changing the colors on the player character a bit to match the other art assets so it isn't so obvious it's from a pack. Overall, great job on the game!
This is a neat idea executed well. As kind of a simple strategy game I think it works pretty well, and it's pretty fun getting to pick the best points to the start the invasion from. The only thing that made it a little less fun is every time I played some of the humans would walk into the ocean and never come back so there was no way to get them, so I was never able to fully win. The sound and art work together very well. Overall, great game!
As an experience, really nicely done! I thought the graphics, sound, and general vibe was all on point. Also a really creative idea for the theme. The only thing that kind of dampened my enjoyment was how slow your character walks even when they have all their body parts. It took me a bit to find the boxes I needed to break through to continue the game and with the slow movement I got a bit frustrated. Also for whatever reason when I tried adjusting the volume from the main menu before playing the game it would crash every time, but then after I beat it it worked fine so I'm not sure what's happening there. Overall though, really great take on the jam theme. Good job!
I really like the aesthetic and vibe of this game. Gameplay is simple but definitely works. On a technical level, you might want to check out unity's "dont destroy on load" function for things like the background music on the main menu so it doesn't reset every time you go between menus. Nice job overall.
Really cool idea for a game. Amassing a huge army was surprisingly fun, and the selection of spells was nice. The only issue I had was the camera angle made it a little tough to see and aim spells. Especially towards the end where there are a ton of enemies and allies it was really easy to get hit by a fireball you couldn't really see coming and die. Some way to regain health would also be good. I thought all of the art and sound was all well implemented and felt nicely polished. Overall, great game!
Nice job! I thought the world the game set up was really fun and the graphics looked nice. Good job on the GUI, especially. I thought the gameplay was fun with getting to find and use gems. The only troubles I had were with the jump and camera. On the 4th level it starts out with those one tile jumps you have to do up the wall, and with no coyote time on the jump that part was pretty difficult. I also wished the camera followed the player a little more tightly. I thought the level design was really good, but the fact that most of the levels were vertical made the fact that camera was set so high on the player made me a little worried I was going to fall in a bottomless pit or something as I was navigating my way down the levels. Aside from a couple small issues, though, this is an extremely solid entry. Well done!
Nice job on this one. I thought the combat was pretty fun, and the writing was good and funny as well. (those randomized start of battle messages were really great in particular)
On the gameplay side, it felt a little awkward trying to pick moves on the fly, especially since every time you open the menu to choose a move it starts at the first one and you have to scroll down to use anything else. I think some way to more quickly use moves would be better, like mapping them to four directional buttons or even just saving the last move the player used and having the new default move be that. Initially I was trying to vary my attacks, but ultimately the only way I could win was jumping around spamming fury swipes because that was the fastest way I could attack.
Overall, really good and memorable jam game. I think you could really easily polish this, add some content and turn it into a full release .
Gonna be real with you this game really confused me. I judged from the description that it was working as intended, but the fact that as I was moving things just changed all around me and the evil turtle would just appear and disappear randomly, it was all really disoriented and it kind of ended up feeling like I wasn't doing anything in the end and the game was more or less just playing itself. I think you can have a game where the landscape is always changing around you, but I think you need to have the player's position and movement be constant so it feels like they have some level of control over things. I think a clearer goal would also be good.
So overall, I'd say you have an interesting and creative way of making games, but I think focusing a little more on the basics of things like giving the player good feeling movement would be key to letting you make some of those wilder ideas work better.
So I'll start by saying I think the art and music in this are really good, I think the sprite art and color pallet are both nice. And I think the idea is very fun as well. But there are a few things that kept me from really enjoying it.
From reading the comments I guess I more or less finished it, since I explored every area. I'm not sure what happened but the workout mechanic seemed to be really bugged for me. After exercising my arms to level 1 , I went back with more protein powder and wanted to work out arms again. However when I did it, it switched from saying "next level 2" to "next level 1" and my level never increased past 1. This ended up happening to all 3 stats. Then after going all the way to the right I jumped down to where the last gym was and since I couldn't level up my legs past 1, I couldn't jump out again and was trapped so that's where my playthrough ended.
Either way, some bugs aside, I think the style and attitude of this game is fun, and I think with some polishing it could definitely be turned into a great game.
This is a cool game. I think all of the art is really well done and the style is really fitting. I wish there was a little more animation. Some tweening on the art would have been great, but even just some simple squash and stretch on the characters would make everything feel less static I think.
I'm really glad there was an invincible mode in the menu, because I was really stumped by that mammoth fight and I probably would have given up if I couldn't have turned on invincibility to understand what was going on. After that I beat the T-rex after 2 tries without invincibilty. I would say the biggest problem is a lack of player feedback. The first several times I fought the mammoth I couldn't figure out if I wasn't doing damage because I was hitting it in the wrong spot, or missing entirely, or was damaging it and it just took a lot of hits. I think a good thing to add would be some feedback that you're hitting the wrong part of the enemy. Like maybe if you hit the tusks it makes a metal clanking sound or something to show you made contact but didn't deal damage.
I also think a little more telegraphing on the offscreen attacks would be good. Both bosses had attacks where they just flew in from off screen without warning, so some red Xs or an arrow over where they're about to fly in from would be super helpful.
Overall, I think this is a really cool idea, and would definitely love to see it polished and fleshed out into a bigger project. Great job!
I think the concept of this one is good, and I like the way the art looks, (Although, I think I would cut down the chromatic aberration just a tad, it's a little aggressive ) but there's definitely some balancing issues the game didn't really get hard for me until wave 9 on my first run, and the previous 8 waves were extremely easy, which wasn't super fun. Then unfortunately, when I died on wave 10, I was walking down as I was hit so when I was instantly moved to the upgrade room and then accidentally walked out without buying anything because I had no time to react.
I also think some feedback for hitting enemies and being hit yourself is really needed. Right now, hitting enemies feels very weak, and I had a couple waves where I looked up and saw I had one or two hearts left when I didn't remember being hit at all.
Overall, I think this is a really cool concept, and with a bit of polish it'd be a really great game.
Really fantastic game! The art and animations are extremely well done. I won't talk about the issues with the controls since everyone else did, but I will say they weren't a dealbreaker for me, as I got used to them around the 3rd level. Also the way the story and everything tied into the gameplay and atmosphere was really well done. I thought the music was very fitting and I loved the dialog between the two characters while you're platforming around.
If I had to point out a couple issues that bothered me, I think for a narrative game dying was a little too punishing. I think putting the player back at the beginning of the level is fine since they aren't that big, but making you recollect all the fruit is pretty rough. I also wish there was a way to skip through the scripted dialog where you can't move, especially after you've read it the firs time. It took me 3 times to beat the race level without dying, and having to sit through the dialog each time was pretty annoying.
Overall though, this is super polished, fun, and narratively satisfying. Great job!
Really solid game! I thought the shooting felt really nice, and I thought all the art looked really good too. I thought the jump was a little floaty but not too bad. I did have one point where almost got locked out where I jumped up and then fell back down, and just as I did the barrier appeared. After a little bit of fenagling I managed to get myself back through it though so I was able to finish the game.
One thing that does kind of break it, and I'm not if this is intentional or not, but I realized if you throw your grenade and then hit right click again, the grenades will explode immediately and you can throw more. After I realized that and by the time they were fully upgraded and I was throwing three at a time I could pretty much clear the screen with a couple of clicks every time.
Overall though, really fun and atmospheric game with just a couple things to iron out. Great job!
Thanks for the feedback, and glad you liked it!
I'm glad you could figure it out eventually even though it wasn't clear at first. I really wanted to have more dialogue to explain what you were doing in each of the three levels, but had to cut that for time.
I'll add changing the attack input to my post jam list, and I'll try to look into adjusting the way speed works a little more. I did it like, 3 different ways before I finally settled on one, but I think I can figure out for a way to let you make tiny movements. I think having a pause menu with "restart level" would be a good addition as well.
I ended up really liking this one a lot more than I thought I would! It took me 4 tries to beat it the first time, and then 2 tries to beat hard mode. Right now, I think it's the perfect level of complex for a jam game, but I think it has real potential to be expanded, especially the hard mode. Having combined weather forecasts where you have to think even harder about which characters to breed and getting to actually see them surviving would be really fun. I think the visuals on the characters were good, though some kind of background would be really nice. Overall really great game and a nice use of the theme. Congrats!
This was pretty great. I loved the artstyle and general vibe of the game. At first I thought it was going to be pretty annoying have to re-fight the previous bosses when I lost, but getting to one or two shot them once I got strong enough was actually pretty satisfying, and I think the loop of exercising, seeing how far you can get, then going back to exercising is a good one. On the negative side though, I didn't think the exercising mini-games were particularly fun. Maybe something more engaging like having to hit buttons with timing would have been more fun than just having to mindlessly mash. Also, I wish there was some way to level up your jump. As I got faster it actually made jumping over enemies harder because I had the same low, slow jump but I was moving left to right very quickly.
Overall though, a fantastic entry with lots of personality. Great job!
Right now this is lacking a bit of depth in it's gameplay, but it's definitely a solid start. The movements and shooting feel good, and the sound effects sound good, but there's a noticeable delay on them which doesn't feel great. All in all, what's in is solid, and this definitely has potential to be expanded
Interesting idea. I liked the strategy of having to horde the food for yourself, so doing things like hiding near a big bunch of food and then eating it before the other fish could made me feel clever. I think it would be a little more fun if I had a way to attack other fish, because especially when it got down to and one other fish, it took a while to win as I just had to kind of bump into them and try to snag the apple they were going after before they could eat it. Some sound effects and a little more feedback would also be very good. I also had a little trouble understanding the boos mechanic, It seemed to make me go faster but only side to side and not forward. And there also didn't seem to be a limit on how fast you could go side to side.
Overall, it's an interesting idea that has some fun strategy elements, and I definitely think it has the potential to be expanded into a full game.
This was really cool! The gameplay was actually pretty fun once I got the hang of it, and the graphics and sound was very fitting. Honestly, my only criticism is something that I feel like is only a problem because it's a jam game. Right now, you kind of get a bit of information overload at the beginning where you're trying to get the hang of swapping troops and understanding what all the different cards do and how they work, and I also didn't understand at first that my opponent also had the same cards as me and was using them. I think if you were going to do a post jam version, having multiple levels where all the mechanics were slowly introduced would make it a lot more accessible, but also I get for a jam game you don't want to have the beginning go too long.
So overall, I think this is a really cool and fun concept and I think it has really great potential to be expanded into a full release. Very good job!
Nice! I think the dash is a fun base mechanic to work with, and it was really fun to fling myself and bounce around the level. I think a few more mechanics could add a lot of fun depth to this game, like hazards that will hurt you if you dash into them to discourage you from just flinging yourself at full velocity every time, or maybe having to knock enemies into each other to deal extra damage to them or something. I thought the sprite art was good, but the colors felt a little muddy. Grabbing a limited color pallet from Lospec would probably help.
Overall though, nice game! I'd love to give it a go again if more content was added.
Cool game! The controls felt good and I thought the art style was simple but nicely done, good color pallet as well. I also think the effect where the camera zooms in at the beginning was cool, but it did cause some problems a few times when an enemy spawned too near me and killed me before I could even see. I think something that might be helpful as well would be zooming the camera out a little or having some kind of indicator or minimap to give you an idea where enemies are as I got shot from offscreen with little time to react a few times. I think a little less easing on the camera would also be good so the player stays more in the middle of the screen as you're moving around. I think the difficulty feels good, but ironing out those few things would take it from being as much unfair hard to a fun challenge.
Thanks for playing my game! Even if you didn't make it too far, it was really helpful to see someone actually play it.
I see now how so many people are having lag issues because of the webgl build, and once the jam is over I plan to make a standalone build for people who are running into issues with that. I'm thinking that's what caused the problem with the ladder, I have the trigger for it set up so you autograb the ladder but I didn't think of lag interfering with that and adding a way to do it manually just in case. I've already got that fixed which'll be added in a post jam patch I'm putting together.
But thanks again for playing and streaming it so I could watch! Really beneficial
So I definitely have to give you props on creativity. Having to play between 4 different games was really interesting. Overall between the three I thought the artstyle was really stylish and cool, and the sound effects were fitting. I guess I'll talk about all 4 individually now.
Kamra Kat: This was a really fun idea having to swap between the gun and the camera. My only critique is the controls were a little too slippery so I never felt like I was in super great control of the cat. Also the magnitude of that screenshake and it happening every time you fire was a little much. towards the end of the game I was actually getting a bit nauseous.
3 sec kat: This one was definitely the most frustrating out of the bunch. The slippery controls really made the precise platforming really challenging and having no coyote time on the jumps made it overall pretty tough in a not so fun way.
Hidden Kat: This one was actually a little too easy since all you had to do was hover over the cat to find it. Sometimes you could beat the level by just wiggling the mouse over the screen. Overall though, pretty simple well executed idea.
kat go splat: this one was totally fine. The slippery movement didn't bother me much since you're mostly going in one direction, and I thought the level layouts were pretty clever. Well done!
Overall, I think this was a cool idea, but I wish the lore and gameplay was a little more intertwined. Like I get that each game was an abstraction of the lore that went with it, but they didn't really add to that. And really after playing kamra kat you could just read the descriptions of the other and get pretty much the same experience. At the very least maybe it would have been a good idea to put the lore at the end of the game as a reward for beating it. Then you could get that ah-ha moment where you realized how the game you just played related to the story. But in the end, congrats for going this really ambitious route!
This was super cool and a really clever use of the theme! The atmosphere was cool and spooky and I loved the story. It was so much fun to discover! One minor nitpick I have related to the story, from exploring around in the loop before I got killed for the first time, actually found the matches and clock key before I knew how they were relevant. The matches were fine, as I didn't know their use until I needed them, but it was a little annoying to be able to examine the clock key but not pick it up, which was my first instinct and kind of broke the flow of the game for me as it became kind of obvious what the twist/solution was at that point. I think it'd be good to just hide it and have it only appear once you can use it the same way that the bedroom key does. It might make it more likely that players would experience the death loop looking around again for it, as I didn't since I just made a beeline for the solution after I died once. But that's a small thing that I think would just further elevate what you already have.
On the technical side, I definitely appreciated getting to change the mouse sensitivity, but because I was just clicking it up and down with no UI it was a little hard to dial it in just right. Also even with it relatively low, if I moved the mouse too fast my vision would snap to the floor or celling, not sure what that was about. (although tbf I was playing the webgl build so that could be part of the jank with that.)
Overall though, you should be really proud of this one! Congrats on making such a cool game!
This was super cool and a really clever use of the theme! The atmosphere was cool and spooky and I loved the story. It was so much fun to discover! One minor nitpick I have related to the story, from exploring around in the loop before I got killed for the first time, actually found the matches and clock key before I knew how they were relevant. The matches were fine, as I didn't know their use until I needed them, but it was a little annoying to be able to examine the clock key but not pick it up, which was my first instinct and kind of broke the flow of the game for me as it became kind of obvious what the twist/solution was at that point. I think it'd be good to just hide it and have it only appear once you can use it the same way that the bedroom key does. It might make it more likely that players would experience the death loop looking around again for it, as I didn't since I just made a beeline for the solution after I died once. But that's a small thing that I think would just further elevate what you already have.
On the technical side, I definitely appreciated getting to change the mouse sensitivity, but because I was just clicking it up and down with no UI it was a little hard to dial it in just right. Also even with it relatively low, if I moved the mouse too fast my vision would snap to the floor or celling, not sure what that was about. (although tbf I was playing the webgl build so that could be part of the jank with that.)
Overall though, you should be really proud of this one! Congrats on making such a cool game!
This is a really nice looking and interesting game. I really like the colors and music, and typing in command prompts to solve puzzles was cool. I really loved the color scheme as well. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get past the puzzle with the security door. I thought I understood it, using the system name and my userid from the failed attempt to give me permission at the console, but after typing out the command it said my userid wasn't found even though I double checked and made sure it was the right one. So I'm not sure if that was my fault or a bug. Either way I think the collision on those column looking tiles might be off because you can walk through them and walk around out of bounds. I think also the input system in general is kind of off. Having the inputs be on the left side of the keyboard for wasd and the tilde key, the right side for the i key, and the mouse means no matter how I position my hands I have to take one of them off the keyboard over and over to play. There's also a bug where if you click on an inventory item too fast the item description gets stuck to your cursor until you hover over your inventory again. So overall, I think this is a really cool idea, it just needs some bugs ironed out and the controls reworked a bit. I think you could pretty easily rework it so the player only has to use the keys to play. Hope to see you flesh it out into a finished game!
I liked the aesthetic and atmosphere! I think the pixelart looked really nice, although I think the character could use a little more frames of animation for the run. With the right arm going forward, to his side, and forward again it looked more like half a run cycle. The hiding mechanic I thought worked well, although once I died to the enemy because I came out of my hiding spot a little too early even though I thought they were fully past me. I'd say generally it's a good idea to make enemy hitboxes a little smaller than the actual sprite to give the player more of a chance. All in all great job, and it'd be cool to see the story of this fleshed out into a completed project!
Some interesting ideas here. I liked the art , music, and overall vibe of the game. It was really cool. However, I think the gameplay needs to be fleshed out a bit. I think I grasped the overall concept that rabbits needed to bump into each other to get happy and then bump into rocks to make you money, but it seemed like sometimes they would touch each other or a rock when they had energy and nothing would happen so I'm not totally sure. I think also a little more interactivity by the player would be good. I get the sense that this is meant to be like an idle clicker style game, but the rabbits move so slowly and there are so few asteroids that a lot of the time it feels more like watching a screensaver than playing a game. I think letting the player nudge the rabbits in a more deliberate direction or letting the player buy more rabbits more often would make it a lot more fun. All in all really cool art and idea, and I think it'd be great with a few changes to the gameplay!
thanks for the feedback! If i do a post jam update, I'll definitely tighten up the controls.
The player not respawning if they're bouncing around too much is definitely something i should have fixed. Same with the boss; i wanted to add a flash when they took damage. Both lost to the jam time limit sadly, but definitely ones i plan to fix in a post jam update!
Thanks for the great feedback! For the level design I made them by playing a little bit, adding more to the level, and playing again until i felt like the level was enough, so I'm glad that translated to well-designed levels! (Which i usually struggle with)
I think your critique on the jump controls is pretty spot on. If i do a post jam update i definitely plan to tighten up the movements and give you more air control
Thanks for the feedback! I think the point about air momentum is a good one. The problem is I'm using the same acceleration formula for on the ground as well in the air, when if you actually jump irl you go from zero to top speed immediately. If i do a post jam update I'll definitely give the character more air control
(Also, you actually don't have to press up to grab onto the ladders. The player auto-grabs when you touch them)