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A member registered May 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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There is some potential here but it was super unfocused. As people mentioned the resolution was super zoomed in so its hard to navigate, and the player character is behind a building when the game starts so its hard to even tell who your playing as at first. The element abilities seemed like the start of something cool but I only found out they existed through sheer accident and you couldn't do anything with them. In general there is nothing really to do in the game except walk around aimlessly and transform into elemental storms for no reason.  It was called a destruction simulator but there was nothing to destroy.

Game was super well polished and interesting. Great map and interesting gameplay at first, though the fidning the fox segment was a bit difficult and where I ultimately had to stop, but this is still incredibly well polished and detailed for a game jam game.

Game is polished and interesting, though I will say the intro segment with collecting trash is a tad boring and lacks the gameplay or uniqueness of the later defending the coral segment.

Game is polished and interesting, though I will say the intro segment with collecting trash is a tad boring and lacks the gameplay or uniqueness of the later defending the coral segment.

It was an interesting concept, the art was nice but it was weird that there was now new animation for walking up or down and it was just the walking forward animation but the character was moving upward. Also got my self trapped outside the map on level 2. 

fun overall but with some issues most of my critiques have already been said in other comments but another one would be that its kinda obvious that the animals are just kinda moving towards the nearest trash rather than randomly drifting into one, and its kinda hard to keep saving them.

Lovely pixel art style and transforming into a fox is an interesting mechanic. However some of the collisions for the tree stumps you jump on feel pretty off an janky.

Very polished menu and art assets would be nice if there was more audio and feedback when picking up trash and crafting items. 

Yea looks like there's a bug that's only happening in the build and not the in editor version of the game where the bridges disappear so we didn't catch it or have time to deal with it. Glad you still enjoyed it though. We can work on trying to make it less laggy.

Okay it appears like there was a bug I was unaware of that made the Bridges disappear. I apologize for the inconvenience. 

Thanks for the feedback. The cooking system is not implemented yet we didn't have time, but we may try to add it later.  Same with a tutorial. There are three bridges across the river which you can find by just walking along its edge for long enough but if they area pain to find, then we could maybe implement swimming or some other way to cross. Originally you could just walk across the water and that felt weird so we banned the player from moving there. Thanks again for the feedback and ratings.

Wow there is a lot in this game, from different enemies to the town and lots of areas to explore. That being said I did kinda loose the plot a bit and did take a while for me to get into it. It is also very long even for a shortened version of the final game. Finally as a minor nitpick the fade to black did not cover all of the screen for me it was just a big rectangle in the middle. 

So this had a lot of polish and promise at first the voice acting and beginning segment was really well done. However I found the trash segment to be way to difficult and could never complete it. I was constantly being swarmed by large numbers of trash, and my attacks didn't seem to do much damage. Also due to being constantly on the run I could only ever get a few hits in on each enemy, so a lot of enemies would loose health but I couldn't focus on one long enough to kill it. So every round I would hit a lot of enemies but could only ever kill one or two. Killing 40 enemies just seemed down right impossible and an insane difficulty spike to put at the beginning of the game. There seemed to be two other sections I don't know if they have been made or not but I could not get to them. Perhaps if the player could choose which one to start first it might make sense, but Being railroaded in to the incredibly difficult fungus fight was annoying. The enemies either needed to be easier to kill or there needed to be less because I just kind of got bored of dying with very little progress. 

Ok wow this is a big step up from the production demo with an actual art style and story. which is a very nice and intriguing start. The combat still is a bit wonky as the player's attacks are still pretty small and there is very little feedback when hitting an enemy. It would be nice if there was particle effects or something,  because as it stands its a little hard to tell i you even hit and a bit unsatisfying.  It is also  easy to get lost especially in the later sections. But this is still a really nice demo and a pretty big improvement on the previous build.

There was a lot of artsyle and polish here. But I'm not sure if my game bugged out or what but whenever I started a game the emissions would just go up insanely fast and nothing I could do would stop them and in a couple minutes it was at 100% but nothing happened. All that was left to do was place new trees and bike lanes and such which didn't make the emissions go down. I just kept adding things until I ran out of support without much reason and I never encountered any concerned citizens like it said I would in the intro. I'm also not sure how or if your supposed to be able to get support back. Interesting concept and I love the sound effects but it didn't seem to be fully working for me.. 

Yeah this is extremely impressive. Very polished and with a full thought out story. That being said the movement can still be a bit janky and slow at times. It was also bit hard to tell when you could climb, because sometimes I tried to get out of somewhere and it just didn't work. Also there were a few points where you could just kinda fall through have the level very quickly and skip a lot of the platforming to climb down. Also things like the floating tree stumps looked a little odd. But beyond that this was really solid, I love the artstyle and covering light pollution is a really unique part of climate change that isn't talked about much so I applaud you for exploring it. 

An escape room about climate change is interesting but it just seemed like a quiz at first and I didn't even know how to answer. Nice aesthetic and visuals though.

I like the animation when the protagonist is falling, though it was kinda hard to figure out what I was supposed to do.

Lot of cool stuff and an interesting take on the theme, but the for some reason my mouse sensitivity was so high I could barely play it right.

There is clearly a lot in this game, however I found the controls to be a bit janky and it to be kinda confusing what to do. Though the video did help a lot. I thing a smoother intro and some polish could really help.

So this is surprisingly polished, especially the intro and main menu but I do have some notes. First of all I think adding WASD Space controls would be helpful instead of just arrow keys to add more playstyles. Secondly though I love the artwork for the character and the enemies, the ground being a bunch of pink pixels felt really weird in comparison and looked off. Same with the default unity blue background. Next the attack felt like it had a very small area of effect and there is no feedback after hitting and enemy to show the damage. There should also be some kind of checkpoint system so you don't redo everything if you die. As one last thigh with the gameplay their needs to be something explaining that there is a double jump I didn't figure that out at first.

As one final thought next time when you post to itch you should have a thumbnail image and some screenshots so that it looks more appealing to play, you aren't going to get many ratings if the itch page is uninteresting and easy to miss. 

Some interesting Ideas but still feels really unfinished and is a bit hard to play right now.

From a gameplay perspective this is solid. However it doesn't seem to have much of an identity at the moment. I don't know how a cube jumping has anything to do with the themes. I'm sure you plan to add that later but at the moment it is lacking. Also the explanation how double jump was a bit awkward since I couldn't see all of the word double. So the word will need to be shrunk or made more visible to the player for that to work as an explanation. 

From a gameplay perspective this is solid. However it doesn't seem to have much of an identity at the moment. I don't know how a cube jumping has anything to do with the themes. I'm sure you plan to add that later but at the moment it is lacking. Also the explanation how double jump was a bit awkward since I couldn't see all of the word double. So the word will need to be shrunk or made more visible to the player for that to work as an explanation. 

This is a very impressive start but there are some issues holding it back. I love the game menu and the way it is incorporated into the environment, but some of the text is hard to read. The cursor also doesn't lock to the center of the screen which makes it difficult. Also the performance somewhat suffers at times so you might wanna limit how detailed some of the far away things are. You also move super slow in the station area and I can't tell what you supposed to do there. Very impressive start but It needs more direction and polish. 

The controls and picking up are really nice but I don't really no where I'm supposed to deliver the pizza too. I can fly around and pick up boxes but I can't really do anything with them as far as I can tell. Also the stealth segment didn't really feel much like stealth since the drones don't chase you and you only take damage when you collide with them so it was more like an obstacle course then  stealth. Still A promising start I want to see where it goes. 

Interesting start but I'm a bit confused about a lot of it. I can seemingly get infinite plants from the buttons. And to complete the quests I can seemingly just press turn in when I have enough plants without doing much. Also you can walk through the walls. Still an interesting start I'm intrigued to see more. 

The art style is really nice and this is a fun concept and prototype. The physics is a bit wonky at the moment and I'm not sure the main goal besides stack taller, which you can do by just spamming safe line blocks. You can also spawn multiple blocks in the air which breaks them and you can rotate blocks even after they've landed. It is an intreging concept that could be really fun with some polish and clearer defined goals and stakes.

I unfortunately cannot really play the game.  I have to click and drag the mouse to change the camera and I can flip it upside down. Nice music and art and the vibe seems promising but it unfortunately is not very playable at the moment. 

This is a pretty solid loop of management. I did encounter a few glitches though such as cars occupying the same space and the screen turning yellow for some reason.  I'm also not sure what you do with the money.

Interesting concept and start but I can't seem to find a production plan or much in the way of controls and things like that.

Solid concept and connection to the theme but It's unclear if the player is just protecting one flower or multiple. Seems a tad more realistic to have multiple. Also would be nice to see more of the controls.

Like other's have said a lot of cool ideas but seems like a large scope. Maybe cut back on the minigame's and stuff and focus on the main loop of making and delivering pizza that's what's most interesting and necessary. 

Like other's have said a lot of cool ideas but seems like a large scope. Maybe cut back on the minigame's and stuff and focus on the main loop of making and delivering pizza that's what's most interesting and necessary. 

A  very interesting concept that fits well with the theme. However the GDD does not seem to include any sort of production plan or much beyond some inspiration screenshots and a summary so I'm unsure of the exact scope or how you plan to accomplish it. I like how the good ending is you loosing though that is funny. I can guess that the bad ending would be you winning but its never exactly stated. 

Can download it

Yeah my bad. Might make a YouTube video at some point showing off what it would have been. Though it was already pretty buggy.