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Al's Game Shack

A member registered Aug 31, 2018 · View creator page →

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When searching for a solution I was looking for issues with fullscreen and the border but going with the error message about itch's auto detection feature I found the following page -

From here there is a fantastic template made by Sean which scales Unity games automatically depending on the window size. Literally a drag and drop template into your Unity project and both the borders are gone as well as the fullscreen is working properly.

(Unity) Better Minimal WebGL Template

So yeah, all sorted XD

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Hi folks,

I've uploaded a HTML5 game which I made in Unity to itch and a couple of problems occur.

First the game in normal mode seems to have this gap along the top and left of the game window. Not sure if this is a common thing but having checked my old Construct 2 games this doesn't seem to happen there although it does on another project I have made in Unity -

Second, regarding fullscreen, the window remains the same size when using the built-in fullscreen option.

It's likely something I'm doing wrong on either itch or in my Unity build but I can't quite figure it out. Please can anyone suggest what the problem might be?

Some additional points on the project:

  • Game is built at 1280x720 resolution
  • Resolution is manually set on itch at 1280x720
  • I have also tried using auto detect on itch for Unity HTML games but I get an error message saying the game can't be displayed
  • Below are the settings for my Unity build for WebGL

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Let me know if I can give any more info.



Hello uieh,

I like the style of the game, the artwork works very nicely, good job!

Some feedback on the gameplay:

  • Always find it satisfying to hold down a button to shoot but realised I was able to stay in one place and kill enemies off screen. Perhaps an idea would be to have it so that the bullets have a limited lifespan and don't quite reach the edge of the screen so the player has to get a bit closer to the target.
  • Along the same lines maybe consider having the camera 'look ahead'. So depending on the direction the player is facing the camera will pan slightly more in that direction so the player can see with confidence how far away an enemy is
  • In terms of movement I would have liked the ability to move backwards while shooting. I found myself a little too close to the enemies on a couple of occasions so when I had to move away I was turning my back to them, having to make that space and then turning back to finish shooting them
  • You could easily make the level longer. It shouldn't affect the difficulty but would make it feel less claustrophobic and give the player a feeling of having more room to explore. Smoke and mirrors to make the place feel bigger!
  • For vertical shooting maybe consider having a dedicated button that fires upwards. I found that I had to stop moving to shoot upwards which worked against me trying to avoid the enemies on the ground.

Overall a decent shooter which I enjoyed! When it comes to difficulty sometimes it's a fine line between making it harder to play and some things being frustrating for the player to do and denying them the ability to do certain things.

Hope this helps!

Wow thank you, such a great comment! It took me more than a day at first to even come up with an idea as I really wanted to go for something with having a variety of options (not easy to do in a jam) and I think I hit on something solid with this.

Appreciate your note on the automatons moving slowly, it can seem like the city is getting obliterated before any bots have reached the enemy so I can make them move faster for sure. Thanks for playing and for your feedback!

I agree with you on providing more info. I'd had an idea towards the end of the jam to have a little counter next to the bot screen that tells you how powerful it is and so it's up to you to change it's weapons based on that figure but I had left it far too late to implement properly. Glad you enjoyed playing it and thanks for giving feedback.

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Memorising weapons used was my initial idea on making it challenging but I agree entirely about giving the player more feedback on bots already deployed. I intend to put something in for the player to track this kind of thing. Thanks for the great feedback!

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it! I am thinking of various ways to expand on the idea, if only slightly to make it a more complete jam experience. Random monsters is a good shout as it could add variety and bit a of additional strategy.

Interesting idea but perhaps could have done with a focus on the simply getting to the end as I felt it was challenging enough without the timer. I managed to get to the second layer of blocks and carried a small one with me but when I switched worlds and fell to the ground I wasn't able to get back up because the block was stuck somewhere I couldn't now reach.

Perhaps just having one block you can move but that will also transition with you between worlds could give a bit of focus to how the player gets through the level. There's emphasis on memorising where the platforms are in the opposing world so this might give it some structure.

Good atmosphere and nice music in the presentation though.

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That was haaaaaaarrrrd. The second jump ruined me as you can see from the picture. I managed to get across but slipped off towards the end because I couldn't tell where the rocks began to slope. I think more friction on the character and a slightly more powerful jump would mean I could get to the dual control bit easier but I'm afraid I gave up.

What I did play of controlling the two characters was decent, I liked the way the camera pulls away depending on how far apart they are. I'm not sure about controlling them both with the same set of keys especially when controlling one was pretty difficult.

That being said I like the visuals and the music was lovely, really enjoyed that. Good job on the little red robot as well, I liked the animation.

On the river is where I spent most of my days

I had a laugh with this. Good fun all around and nice connection to the theme too. Good work.

Aha! Thank you! I played through it now and found the yin and yang feature to finish the game! Good work, I enjoyed what you made.

I think you've done a great job of making the gameplay tie into the theme really well. Each slime is different yet all must get to a totem to complete the level and I particularly liked the one where you have to have each of them stood on top of the other in order to reach the ledge using all their jumps. Really well done.

Well that was addictive. I wasn't sure at first whether the counter was enemies killed or pickups but I soon figured it out. Good job.

Great jam, presentation is excellent across the board and really helped create an atmospheric world to explore.

Regarding the gameplay, I struggled to find a reason to switch between fire and ice often. After the first encounter with the stretch of water where you need to freeze it I was hoping for more puzzle elements like that to solve but it was mainly fighting. Don't get me wrong, the combat was great! After I died a couple of times I did find myself running past all the enemies to the end of the level because there wasn't really a need to fight them though. Perhaps if there were a couple of gauntlets where you have to defeat all the enemies in a room to progress then this could test the players ability to fight and switch. Also I think the ice only worked on the big knights? I could be wrong.

One part I really liked was when I had to jump over some planks but I couldn't see them clearly in the darkness. I shot some magic across the room and it lit up the other planks for me to be able to get to the other side which was very satisfying so that kind of gameplay could be a great fit in this if you plan to work on it in future.

Overall a fantastic entry to the jam, loved the look, the sound, the feel and the story. Great job all of you!

Some incredible artwork, I loved the enemy designs and environments made of cardboard. It really gave your game some personality on top of well defined characters tied into a nice little story about global domination.

It does seem to be a standard shooter affair. I tried to see how the difference came through but I realised if you played one character who could switch weapons then the experience  would largely have been the same, gameplay-wise. Perhaps there could be more emphasis on their differences for the player to have to make decisions on during battle, like certain enemies being susceptible to particular weapons or certain characters having unique traits such as speed or strength differences.

Overall, a very solid playthrough and top notch presentation. Great work!

I really enjoyed this, start to finish. My only real criticism was the robot wouldn't move along with moving platforms so those bits were a little hard to control.

In terms of gameplay, one of my favourite entries in the jam. The concept was well implemented and the level design leant itself really well to using different perspectives so very well done on that front. While the textures sometimes played tricks with my eyes, that could be something you could build upon, somehow changing the players viewpoint based on the direction of textures. When I started the 3rd level I thought I had entered an Escher painting!

Great job!

Interesting concept if not a little tricky to play. Perhaps having more control on the mouse like shooting with the left button and swapping weapons with the right might have made it a little easier to control as it was hard to move, swap and shoot all with the left.

I really liked the background artwork and music track and the gameplay was solid overall, it worked with the theme and kept me on my toes.

I had to create my own game so couldn't get the full multiplayer experience but had fun with the bit I played. I let myself get hit on purpose and noticed you can't die or lose, is there more difficulty with more players?

In any case, there's nothing cuter than a toy bear bashing through gates and dumpsters!

On the first couple of playthroughs I did use the magnets to progress through the level however I found that you can jump infinitely so wasn't sure if it was me or the wall jump helping me progress. Also is there a way to attack the boss? I didn't know what the actions that were needed during that part but I did manage to change the colour of the platforms so I think I was going in the right direction.

I liked the character model and animation. Overall I can see the intention with your design alongside the jam theme. Good work.

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Great entry! I was immediately impressed with the presentation, great models and animations, lighting, atmosphere, music and sound, it had it all.

The puzzles and gameplay really make this worth looking at. I felt encouraged to switch between the two robots (each of which felt great to control) and I really had to switch my brain on to work out the puzzles which is always a plus. I did get stuck on the fan room with the flames however which I think is more to do with me not figuring it out than anything  so if you have any tips on this section, I'd more than welcome it. There also seemed to be a lot of visible hitboxes but I assume this might be a build error as opposed to intentional, either way it didn't hinder the experience. 

Fantastic job!

I got stuck on the first white block that says "Right" with an up arrow. Is the black lizard able to climb the block? I'd like to give it another go if I can get past that part.

It might seem small but I liked the way the lizards are split top and bottom at the beginning as a little tutorial that gets the players attention and makes clear how the movement works. Great visuals and ambience too, good work!

I tried a couple of times because I thought it might be a bug but I get stuck on the crew screen once I've assigned 5 people. I think I can see where the game was going in terms of the theme but wasn't able to go past that point unfortunately. Some good artwork on the internal of the spaceship though!

I found myself playing around with this for a good few minutes before I snapped back to reality, it's kind of therapeutic. I enjoyed the layers of sound and the notes playing with each bulb too. Although I some of the lights would be come a little bright when several were on at once, meaning I couldn't see the background as well, it is a very relaxing experience. Good stuff!

But would you not be interested in discussions or articles that don't have to be tied directly to a project? Like if someone wanted to write about a specific aspect of level design let's say whereby they might talk about a variety of games that focus on what works and what doesn't?

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The latest build doesn't seem to be playing how odd! I've reverted the game to the original build so you should be able to play in the browser now. Appreciate you letting me know, thank you!

Hi Dominik. Are you playing in the browser or a download of the game?


As TwoPly, make your way through a perilous supermarket in order to escape while avoiding the hands of greedy shoppers. Collect FREE TOILET PAPER vouchers along the way in order to save your friends and lead them all to a new life!

This is a silly game idea I had a while back about people buying up as much TP as they could because of some world shattering event that happened earlier this year. I understand the theme might seem a little outdated now but this quickly became an exercise in upping my dev skills and will form part of my portfolio.

Please consider following me if you are interested in seeing more from me the future

Thanks and see you on the shop floor!


Well I'm sure we all do it differently as there may not be flies or apples around but I do like to start with taking the scalp off first to get to the juicy brain bits.

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From what I've set up so far it works like a charm. The text message box was a nice touch too, great job and thanks a bunch for making this!

Great game. Represents the kind of thing I miss doing with my friends ever since social distancing came in

It was a little frustrating that some potions weren't being thrown and with nothing near me they weren't colliding with anything so not sure why that happened. At the end I must have gotten a potion that made me disappear but it also made me walk through walls? I think clearer signposting to the player as to what is happening when a potion is used and fewer enemies will make it a more enjoyable experience. I did like the random potions idea though, solid concept for the theme.

I remember seeing this on the discord during development and it was even better to play. Great job!

Great in all aspects and super fun. I loved how simple the idea and gameplay is and yet you've executed it so well it was fantastic to play through. Would be great if you continue with it in some way. Nicely done.

Solid concept greatly executed. The timer is helpful to let you know where to position yourself in the level and I liked how you can move other workers if need be. Good job.

I loved everything about this ha. The serene nature of it was a lovely fit and yet the 'out of control' dog you control still very much fits the theme. There was one point where I had jumped off a roof and the music stopped only to kick back in as I landed. I don't know whether this was intentional but it was definitely a great moment. Very well done.

Great idea for a game and I think it fits well in the theme. Gameplay wise I thought the panic attack aspect of it is a good idea however I'm not sure about the player not being able to control the knight at this point.

I noticed when the panic attack starts and I try to move that the effect responds to my input, this would an interesting thing to incorporate while playing and the player having difficulty seeing where they are going. 

The only other thing was the sword, I think for a melee game like this it's best to just have the angle set to the player locally as opposed to having to drag the mouse to various parts of the screen. Something more like old school Zelda where it's based on the player's facing direction.

Other than that this is a really good game with a fair bit of depth to it. Great job on getting all this done the 48!

This would be separate to devlogs. For example it could be a blog about an in depth look at the level design in a popular game series or methods for optimising 3D models (I'm just spitballing) but essentially anything devs might want to write about that does not link directly to their own game. Like I mentioned something similar to gamasutra where people can cover more high level game dev topics as opposed to just writing within the context of their own games published here.

I have checked around the site and I don't believe this is something that has been implemented yet (please correct me if I'm wrong) but it might be a cool idea to have blog posting on itch.

Developers could write articles on various topics of games development including on design, art, production, audio etc. I think this could be a valuable thing to have say for example if one developer had a game with procedural generation and wanted to write about how they did it but in a larger context, not specific to their game and then others with an interest in the topic could then learn from this. It just means people can share ideas in this way as part of a library of topics on game development instead of having to go through a game and to a devlog to learn about something. It can also allow people to write on subjects to do with other games not their own.

It could be a great integration into the site as this is a hotbed for great developers and ideas and could be like something akin to gamasutra.

Is this a good idea? Let me know what you think.

I think what I enjoyed most about this is where a lot of games in the jam are trying to take the players controls away in some fashion, you have just bombarded them with too many controls. It fits the theme wonderfully and was great to play. I'm looking forward to seeing more of this if you decided to continue with it.

And yes the presentation is fantastic but I think you already knew that.