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A member registered Aug 29, 2016 · View creator page →

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Great atmosphere! Also had a few problems looking with the mouse - but maybe it just adds to the creepiness!

Great throwing mechanic. It's fun. I had a few glitches of getting stuck in stuff and stacking stuff is really hard to do right. But who cares if I get to throw people. :) Though the high-up guys got away from me forever. :(

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Graphics are cute! I think the gameplay is a little repetitive, but it's a cool idea and I like having NPC buddies. I ended up having all my guys waiting starving around the forever empty food bucket... maybe one day they will find a better leader. :) great work!

if you have time and want to give it a go:

The concept was cool and the variety of animations is super impressive! As others have said it's a bit confusing-- even with the extra directions, and talking to the book guy, it felt like the best strat was just to bump into lots of people... maybe a more specific "accuse" action would help? 

Great cow/ufo models! I like that you can also go forward and back, more movement = more fun imo. I think it would be cool if there were power ups or things to avoid to add variance. but great work! pretty funny too!

If you get the chance! ->

Love the art direction and consistency of the visuals. Gameplay was fun and straightforward! Clean little game, wish I had friends.

Great graphics! Love how big the map is. Polish is nice. I had big performance issues running the web browser version in chrome on macbook pro. 

The art and polish really are a strong point of this game. I'll admit it was hard to make the decision to give up life for power strategically because I had no idea how hard the next wave was going to be and lives are so valuable. How the music track changes when there are/aren't monsters is a nice touch. Also putting in multiple types of enemies is interesting and varied the gameplay nicely.

I'll check yours out and leave a comment/rating, looks sick at first glance. Here is my game:

First off: the concept is cool and eye-catching. The idea is more ambitious than a typical jam game so it was refreshing! The visuals/main mechanic are awesome, though it is a little unforgiving honestly and I couldn't really tell what a good strategy was. Sounds would ELEVATE this game to the next level tho. great work, I really love the art, slime effect, and the mutable terrain! 

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A simple mechanic but the movement is fun which is very important. Also the tutorial is really cool! It would be nice to expand on the basic game, maybe with waves, stages, power-ups, etc. But overall fun especially for a jam game!

This is my first game jam I've done on my own: Let me know what you think!

Are you using unity? One simple idea: make an array/list of Vector positions possible for the cards and then use a random number generator to assign the cards to spots in the Start() method.

Impressions: A cute, kinda-cartoony, aesthetic. Definitely feels hand-drawn but if the rest of the art is consistent with that style it probably works. I would guess it's maybe some sort of survival game? 

Great game! I love breeding and selling slimes... Whoever made that background and those sprites is an artistic genius!