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A member registered Aug 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Your game had a super daring and interesting implementation for a jam, great job, hope you can play mine!
Rate Unnamed Mountain Game by Ardkil, Agrestige, Betaraybill for VimJam 4: Checkpoints (8 Bits to Infinity #39) - itch.io

As singleplayer, this game is super hard. The concept is very different from everything else and interesting. The particles could have come way slower at the learning phase of the game so that reacting in time for a beginner would be sufficient(maybe you could add some easier and slow music). Other than that, the game feels completed and polished. the visuals are simple and fitting. Moreover I am amazed you could put a level editor in this short amount of time. Great job!

I meant the same mechanic, like in all the jams I have ever played I swear I played a game with almost the exactly same mechanic, it is a fun mechanic so i didnt mean anything bad

the perfect fit game for the diversifier shapely and two button limitation. Even though I don't like the gameplay(personal thing), I can see the brilliant technical implementation and how this would appeal for this jam, Very solid entry, amazing job!

This probably has something to do with your itch settings, since your game is made in unity and it is supposed to be able to properly fullscreen. Anyways, your game looks cool but I could not experience it since this happens, if you manage to fix it message me back and I will play

Nice puzzles, however whatever the theme may be I seem to stumble upon games like these in any jams(That is not a bad thing tho, since yours is very polished). Nice polish, nice sound effects and art, good job!

Fabulous graphics and great music, perfect game design and polish, the only criticism I can give is that the game isnt scaled with my small pc so I cold not see the lower borders, and instead of shift hold, shift click and then click again to throw would be better. Also maybe you could have controlled the range of the item you throw. However these are not too troublesome as the gameplay was still very smooth and responsive. Great job overall!

The tutorial was harder than the levels xD, anyways though there is no music, the sound effects are very cute, I personally don't like the graphics, I know you went for the diversifiers but you could have at least added some bloom. The puzzles were sometimes clever. Overall good job!

The Sound effects are so fun! I lost a lot tho

(1 edit)

This is actually my favorite implementation of the theme in this jam. Only if you did a little bit more polish and improvement on the art. The platformer feels nice and I love the main mechanic. Though on the other hand, I am not a fan of the music and the art. The art could be a lot better with some tone improvements(no need to even greatly change the sprites), Here is the things I think you should do after the Jam ends

Recolor the dirt assets to be a bit darker red on the upper part and another hue close to red in the lover part to give the impression that the world around you is hot and you are melting. Also add corners to the blocks at the corners to make the assets blind into the environment and not just look like blocks randomly put together(you can google any platformer asset and see what I mean)

Change the background to a lighter hue of red different from the blocks and with the world particles you have already added it will look more majestic

Anyways  amazing job, I just hope you can improve your art, because you have the mind to acquire great ideas! 

Wow! This is amazing, feels like a complete mobile minigame for a cute game about raising pets. Astonishing!

The grandfather clocks are the checkpointa, if they have a tick, your checkpoint is set there, so when you fall just dont tpuch those, thank you for your review

Here is the solution for the error, when you exported the game you probably exported it in the compression format of brotli, itch.io doesn't accept that. Get into the unity editor and under project settings->player->publishing settings(Webgl) change the format from brotli to Gzip

I didn't expect to see a survival game in a gamejam, since they need a lot of mechanics to make a good game. In this one the core mechanic of collecting and crafting was done but the lack of survival items and hazards made the game less powerful (you probably didn't have the time to add much). Other than that I liked the art but I think the pov of the isometric camera could have been a little higher. But hey this is a jam(for your first jam this is impressive) and good job for your daring approach!

Very polished and cute graphics. Sound design is brilliant. But I will have to criticize the enemy ai and the screen resolution for the game. In these kind of games, I expect to see a larger world, player character shouldn't fill like %20 of the screen. There should have been more platforms with more screen space that you can see and maneuver. Moreover, the enemy ai is quite simple and there isn't any variety. But hey this is a gamejam game and you did a brilliant job of making a super cute and polished game that can easily be adjusted to be way better. 

Very nice take on the theme. I love the transition screens, the music fits the game perfectly and it has a really cute art. Great job overall! 

Very original and well executed with enough polish and beautiful audio. but the font is indeed to small, I wish there was a enable fullscreen button.

I am not a fan of the controls. WASD for movement would be much better for the gameplay than W and mouse direction controls. Because of the controls dodging has no meaning since you have to stop in order to hit the enemies. The art for the UI and the environment is lacking but the polishing you have done is great. Enemy death effects as well as the particle of the freeze gun are very satisfying.

Wow this is very good. A stressful idle game which is always epic. The music fits and the gameplay wise this is the most entertaining game I played on this jam. The only thing I can say is that with a little more polish on the UI this would be better. Awesome game, great job!

A simple mechanic thoroughly explored and polished. Feels like a full game already. Great job!

Super original idea for this theme. Gameplay wise there isn't much feedback. You could have made this game a lot better with some polishing(such as the  cards look more like resumes and get bigger on hover, or shake little, some camera shake when you pick wrongly and something like a ding noise when correct) and adding days(with different reapers and people) to make it longer.

The art and the music are beautiful. It is just sad that I couldn't quite experience it since all I could look at was the rhythm board.  I also think that the timing of the arrows was a little too tight and didn't leave any room for error.  I read that you didn't have much time so good job for finishing a cute looking game!

the music is really well selected. I usually don't like ice mechanics for movement but in this one you almost nailed it. maybe just a tiny bit less acceleration could be better but not a problem. The only thing I can comment is that the fact you cannot jump on the full mesh of ice is frustrating. Artwise the penguin is cute and the water shader and ice blocks are fitting(I can't say the same for the ships  tho) Well done!

A simple game that was almost well implemented. But for a game like this, you ABSOULOUTLY NEED a RESTART button. when I failed I think I had to wait until the balls velocity was zero. The background art looks cute but the default unity circle and squares aren't visually pleasing. Mechanic wise good job, if there was a restart button, this would be a good mobile game. Unfortunately art wise, this fails. 

Thank you for your review, I have added a mode where it is a little easier(not by much tho) for people who cannot beat the normal mode. I would like to hear your thoughts on it's difficulty so that I can adjust it if necessary

Very fun entry, The minigames make this game very fun and the bad drawing art compliments the goofiness of the game, Great job!

I don't think this fits the theme, well i still had fun throwing weird things at other weird things

It looks polished, and it is funny. the environment made it so that I really felt like the game, so you nailed the theme! The gameplay is also fun, Great job!

Super impressive for a 48 hour jam. Though it didn't feel very polished, you successfully captured the essence of being the ghost, while in normal games you are the ones who do the task, reversing the roles and brilliantly implemented the theme!  

I love these kinds of games, but I got stuck at the reset password thing(I thought I answered them all correctly and found the answers but still told me incorrect password)

Super polished game, O loved the blood spatter and the reflecting effect of the bullets. Super juicy and fun gameplay. Though I found the game to be short(this was a short jam so can't complain tho)  and the implementation of the theme to be random. 

Wish I had a friend to play this game with. the comment of vandarthul basically sums everything up. And I find it unique that instead of implementing the reversed roles in games, like game and player, you changed the role of the players and made minigames

Is there supposed to be a trick in the third level? I couldn't jump that far. 
The implementation of the theme is brilliant, but the art could be better. I can't comment about anything else because I couldn't get past the level 3, 

Firs of all I want to say that the title art is fabulous. This is a very simple but fun game. I played it for a good amount of time and had fun. The only criticization I can say is the implementation of the theme. I didn't feel like the developer and didn't get the roles reversed atmosphere. Otherwise, very fun game

Wow! this is a really good puzzle game, the level design and the balancing is lovely(not too hard, not too easy). Only thing I can complain is that there is no fullscreen and you have to play it at the upper right corner of the computer(but this is no big deal and isn't even about the game). Definetly one of the best games in this jam I have played!

I couldn't beat the player without being sus enough(no matter what happens my sus meter increases) Also I don't understand what the bar above the meter does, Other than that I love the idea and the feeling of power I get as the rng, the most feared being in existence. 

Due to the lack of fullscreen button, I couldn't progress to see the hero, the style doesn't fit me, though I can see some people liking it.  Fighting the slimes is useless but this was a short jam and you most likely didn't have anytime to balance, great effort anyways!

Damn! Amazing aesthetics, responsive gameplay and more importantly it was fun! Great entry!

I found the humor to be brilliant!! Now I want the prequel of the dad iceberg's story