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I’ve been trying to find some puzzle games and this one was really good! It’s a very interesting mechanic from a game design point of view, and the music kept me in the vibe too. I’m a big neon/cyberpunk/synthwave guy, so the art and music hit it off for me.

What makes it amazing is you get the hang of it rather quickly + the level design for each of the levels especially for a week long jam is insane. Loved the way you’ve thought about the theme, a rather subtle way to do it.

Very nicely made! I like the song choice as well hahah, pretty apt. Also the story/journal is a great way to convey what we have to do and a premonition of things about to happen. Smartly designed!

Seems like you really had fun with the falling sound hahahah, absolutely loved dying in this game! The torch mechanic is really unique and kinda makes a “simple” platformer more challenging. Not sure about the theme, but I loved the game design and the art. Good stuff! :)

Great use of the theme in the literal sense of a conversation! Some nice but not too different endings, but it does test your thought process if you’re ever in this situation (which I think a lot of people do). Nicely executed!

That was fun and stressful haha! Felt like I was in an office and had a feeling of neverending work. The typing and mouse clicking sounds were quite ASMR honestly, but great use of the theme!

This was really fun as I’m personally always interested in checking out games with card-based mechanics. I failed miserably at first, but got to 1250 in my second run! Love the UI as well.

Nicely done for a week-long jam dude!

Thanks a lot dude! Happy you liked it. :)

Hahaha yes, even some of my friends had that issue. I think I should move the camera or edit the colliders of the robots/bikes to make it cleaner. Thank you for your kind words and for playing the game! :)

Thank you so much for your appreciation bitty! :)

Thank you! Yeah, I do agree that it’s probably not the best “loop” implementation, per see. In my mind, I was like “well if they HAVE to switch between dimensions within x seconds, that’s a loop I guess?” But yeah, probably not the best of ideas lol.

Thanks a lot dude! Fair enough on the prerequisite, I was thinking that the five second timer acts as a cycle - switching between dimensions once the cycle ends. I do agree that it’s not the best/obvious thing. Thank you for such a detailed comment! 🫡

Absolutely insane. I need to understand and start incorporating some good game design like this into my development, especially how you space out the power ups and introductions to newer obstacles.

It do be like that sometimes Love your art style as well, played your other game Malware Madness too!

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I’m a sucker for art styles like these. Smart level design given the time constraints, and the small helpers along the way are neat! The best part about this game jam is how all the games force you to think and git gud hahah. I did find that if you use the WAD movement, the E and Z buttons are a little difficult to use, and the Spacebar also makes you jump + switch dimensions.

Massive submission within 48 hours! Took me a while to figure it out, but I managed to finish the game. Cool switches between the map every night, had me confused for a moment hahah

I did! Took me a while and a second attempt, but I did it hahah

DUDE! 10/10 on the theme and pre-requisite. It’s a pretty smart concept. Great submission.

Nice concept! It took a minute to get the hang of it, but great job on the level design too.

Love an infinite shooter. Great job on the art!

It do be like that hahah

I totally messed up lmao, didn’t include the zip for the exe. My bad! Should be fixed now.

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Thanks a lot! I’ve had a few friends actually go “what the– why did I die?” when they switched dimensions and crashed into a robot, mostly because they didn’t see there was a robot on the other side when they switched. I think this has to do with the camera angle and perhaps I should experiment/play test with the camera being in the center or having audio set up for the robots and bikes so you know there’s a robot or bike on the other side. Thank you for playing it though! :)

(1 edit)

Thank you! Yeah, I think you should be able to see the character in either full screen or in the exe. Rather weird how there are a few people getting issues like that and some not. I think I need to check screen aspect ratios for the web gl build!

Sheesh, that’s super weird. Let me know if this works for you:

Oh is it? Did you try on a different browser? I haven’t had anyone face an issue like that. Sorry!

The level design is really good for 48 hours! Well done! Love the art and visual style.

The concept is beautiful! Love the music and the art style as well. Pretty immaculate stuff in such a short period!

(3 edits)

My first game jam entry!

Play on your browser or on your machine for free -

NidhiK on the UI (, and yours truly on the soundtrack, sound design, and game development.

Upside Down is set in a retro-futuristic environment, with you taking control of Mika - who has a weird condition of being able to survive only 5 seconds in one dimension. Keep switching between the Upside and the Downside dimensions and avoid getting smashed by robots and flying bikes!