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A member registered Jun 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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I really liked the different shapes for the characters, not sure why but it reminded me kind of the crystal gems from steven universe haha. I found it a tad overwhelming with the four party members at the start, a nice build up to that would have been enjoyable!

Great job on the UI and overall aesthetic! I  noticed sometimes the cursor stuck in place when selecting UI items so it made it a bit confusing sometimes what was highlighted.

I like the concept of a butterfly soaring through some wormhole looking environment! The first few times I booted up, the controls wouldn't work, not sure if that is a known problem! I'd love to see some variation as you progress :)

Firstly I'd like to say well done and the art and the music and the overall aesthetic of the game, it looks and sounds very visually pleasing! One thing that I struggled with however was the pacing of the game as right off the bat I felt overwhelmed and I didn't have much feedback if I was damaging enemies. Some damage text to show you are dealing damage even would help. 

I love the entry into the game, and the way the player spawns in is sweet! But a bit more of a moment to breathe when entering the level and some more visual cue feedback, and a gradual ramping up of difficulty can really help make it shine in my opinion!

Nice work on your entry and looking forward to seeing you do more with it if thats what you'd like!

The music was honestly epic and for some reason felt so great flying around, I felt like I was playing Rayman in a way! The controls felt slick, I'd love more feedback from things like checkpoints, which I only realized was a checkpoint when I died. I was trying to fly into it for a while because I thought it was a pick up! Maybe some UI text to say something like Checkpoint set!

Nice work all around! Love  me a metroidvania I do!

It's interesting that you went for a game like this, I'm sure there is lots of logic involved so thats pretty cool! Nice work!  I don't see bugs though which of course was the theme so that's a shame! All around nice work on implementing multiple game styles, Id be interested in doing something similar myself, I used to work at a gambling company haha, those games can be scary addicting but fun :P

Nice entry! I would love a speed up button, the enemy waves felt very long to come! Also more clarity of when you have the tower selected. Maybe have the cursor turn to the tower you are placing? Would be interested in seeing you do more with this as I love tower defense games, with some tweaking to the speed and flow of the game, it could be even more fun!

Loved the intro it gave  me a good chuckle haha! Unfortunately I got stuck , my  character would only move up and down and the wave of enemies wouldn't follow me, is that a know bug?

It's a bit unclear whats needed to be done but I appreciate trying to do something different. A reload button or clearer instructions to happen to not feel "stuck" would be appreciated!

I was delighted when I saw it was a spin on snake as it's one of my fav games! I was obsessed as a kid haha. I was a bit disappointed when I was doing so well and I accidentally pressed the left key and I crashed into myself in a straight line, I didn't expect that!

Seeing as a worm has two ends you could make this kind of fast pace and when you press a key, you switch to the other end because i found myself zigging and zagging just a tad too slow sometimes!

Nice entry regardless! Loved the art and sound!

I enjoyed the maze aspect but I'd love some tweaks to the way the "enemies" work. I read in one of the comments it was a feature not a bug to have the death animation of the enemy hurt the player, but it was even the case when the sprite for the animation was like tiny and I tried to run past it, giving me a game over. I think it breaks the flow of movement for the player! 

It might be nice to have more enemies, more easily killed, with less of a death effect hinderance to make it more "fast paced". Such a buzz word I know, but I *wanted* to move around more and explore and solve the maze but the enemies felt a bit rough to fight against. 

Some indication of the enemy health would be good too and more of a gradual ramp in difficulty would be sweet!

Would love to see what else you do with it!

I wish this had more levels, I was having tons of fun! Nice mechanic. I liked that I got used to it and I could figure out whats going on without having to check the list of tasks. Good interpretation with the theme too!

Fun game! I'd suggest maybe making the pop up a bit smaller, or not in the way of the map as I found it obscuring my view sometimes! I liked the surprise of seeing the player evolve into a bigger spider. Really cool! 

EASIEST 5 STARS ALL AROUND. WOW. Perfection, this was such an amazing game. I'd expect you will win the jam with this! So much fun! I'd buy a full game!

I nearly died when I started the game and i had my head phones on hahah, the audio was LOUD.  Nice Pac man-esque game! I liked the addition with the "bugs" in the game. I did however run into an issue where when I ran into one of the enemies with a can in my hard, it said Game over, all enemies disappeared and then I could still walk around and the game never continued.

Lovely stylistic take! Reminded me of like the old disney PS1 games! The Hollow Knight artwork jumped out at me at first so thanks for giving credit to the OG creators. 

The jump was very hard to control, I'd suggest tweaking it to make it more responsive and more controlled in the air. 

Great effort and entry for only a couple of weeks!

This was a cool entry! I struggled with the first level but I liked the creativity in the game. I could see this being made a little less challenging and ramp up the difficulty and it could be a very cohesive and enjoyable experience!

Really great entry! This would be such a fun mobile game too! I loved the dashing mechanic and it felt really balanced! I also really enjoyed the art and sound, everything felt very cohesive.

Really cool idea for a game! I had fun getting the adventurer to BUG OFF! Looking forward to seeing what other abilities are coming! 

Nice platformer! Unfortunately the jump felt really laggy when I tried to jump while running, so I had to stop and jump, and the gravity felt a little awkward so the there was a missing state of flow when moving around. If you tweak the jump, already this is such a fun game, it would be even better. 

I love the art style, it really pops out! You should for sure do more with this :)

Hahah woah I did not expect that, I was chuckling all through out, crazy game haha. I found the camera and the movement hard to control together, I guess I sucked :p Really fun entry though!

I had fun laying! i saw there was a secret when you hit 9999 but I can't make it :p I keep getting closer so maybe I will eventually get there :) Nice graphics even though its simplistic, it's effective!

Fun game! The cover art doesn't do it justice haha. I really like the way you blend various obstacles across the level and I enjoyed the sound effects. All around good job!

Hey! Good job on your entry. Some feedback is that the text is very scattered on the screen so I was getting super confused at only the tutorial. I think a bit more explanation and some tidying of the UI will already help ease players into it!

I'd love to play your game so if you get a working web build up, drop me a comment and I will be sure to play and rate!

I'd really love to play this but I am trying to download on Mac and it says the file is damaged? Is there a newer version, or a web build I could perhaps play, it looks so dope!

You are more than welcome! Check out Hollow Knights way of doing it! You could trigger a respawn and do a little animation from the entry point to the ledge :)

Haha whacky game! In a good way! I loved the DDR type section, I wish there was more feedback about what was happening like a sound effect when you land a click successfully. Nice work on your entry!

Its a fun puzzle platformer! I enjoyed the sound effects too, nice work! However I don't see the connection to the theme! Still, I had an enjoyable time and thats worth a lot! :)

Fun game! I wish the hitbox was a tiny bit bigger on the bugs but I loved how frantic it got and the variety in the bugs! You hit the theme nail on! Good job :)

Nice game! And thank you for your comment on mine, I can for sure what you mean about a similar theme! Great minds think alike ;)

The game looks fantastic, well done! Loved the audio too, I was bopping along while playing through the game. I sucked at attacking the enemies so thank god you were generous with the health points. One thing I had trouble with was sometimes when jumping up to go into a next map vertically, I'd fall down again, minor inconvenience but it would be great if it sort of, smoothly moved the player to the nearest ledge when you enter the room, if you know what I mean? :)

Great job, seriously!

Fun entry! :) The platforming seems a little unnecessarily difficult to manage and distracts from the puzzle. If you made the platforming a lot more responsive and the jumping a bit higher, it would have been fine and kept a fluid movement, but I often found myself not being able to jump while moving left and right. 

Other than that, the puzzles were smart! It reminds me of the mobile game 2048 but with platforming a bit :)

Also, some music would add an extra level of depth to the game, even some peaceful glitchy music as I could imagine getting lost in some addictive game play and nice music :)

I look forward to seeing more! I'll follow you so I can keep an eye out :)

Oh my god never mind I am dumb, I didn't realize I had to drag the pieces back together...... duh. I will update my comment!

Thank you so much for playing and I agree! I can tweak the difficulty curve and have actually done so in my current post jam version, so I appreciate that solid feedback!

Thank you for playing and for your feedback!

Thank you so so much for your feedback and compliment! I will be improving the walls and ground post jam! <3

Thank you so much for your valuable feedback! I will be certain to improve the difference between the walls and ground, my boyfriend had also been telling me that but I had ran out of time to make improvements :) Thanks again!

Congrats on beating the game! I will absolutely improve the map spaciousness, solid feedback! We are glad to hear you had fun! I'll share an updated web build post game jam if you'd like to play again! :) 

We appreciate your compliment! Thanks for playing!