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Bart Moon

A member registered May 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the kind words and yea... I noticed the bug with the buttons not updating too late and didn't fix it in time. My bad :((

I'm sorry I was raised humble and I can't accept such high praises, Parabox is for sure better!
Thank you very much for the kind words Starfool.

I would like to make it more polished but it all depends on if I will have time :c

Oh, okay, so that was me reading into it too much ^^
Doesn't change the fact that I smiled when I saw it!

Glad you liked it :)

Hey, thank you for such long and detailed feedback.
I can explain a little bit about the undo if you would like to have a little look behind the curtain:
It is like this both as a design choice, but also it has a technical factor. Basically, I don't expect many mistakes to be made more than ~5 moves before, as the game usually doesn't let you progress further if you made a mistake that long ago. This is however not true in the later parts of the game, where indeed you might've made a mistake ~20 moves ago. That being said, with the whole world being connected and continuous I can't just let player restart a level. In that case what would they even restart? Current cube that they are inside of? It can't be this way because the cube affects other cubes(worlds), so reseting just one doesn't really work. This could also lead to exploits where you can re-arange stuff inside of a cube, get out of it and then restart the level for it to fall into a position that it started at, which might not be available anymore due to some moves done.
Long story short: Due to the technical implementation and some design decissions, you can undo to the very start of the game which I think is super cool, but you have to do it move by move.

Thanks for taking the time to reply! :)

Technically impressive for a jam game. I really like the atmosphere (considering it uses similar colors to my game it is pretty easy to guess that I will like it :D).
Was the radio used as a checkpoint a nod to portal, or am I reading into it too much?

Well, Well I must say that is a great idea and top notch exectuion.
However I have to return the ball that Teapot threw at me and say... I wish it was more polished/balanced ;)
This is definitely a great basis for a potentially awesome game (not that it isn't good right now!). Multiple purposes of objects in the game, easy to learn, hard to master, basically everything from a good design is in place here.
It would be more pleasant if there was a more explicit description of what the game mechanics are, even on the itch page. I know that it is not that hard to grasp what the game is about, but given that we are all after 96h of jamming and playing a lot of games I would like to have it fed to me with a spoon.

Great entry, awesome dual (or even more) interpretation of the theme implemented.

(1 edit)

I mean... The text in the menu made it pretty obvious what your inspiration was ^^

Simple idea but with enough variety to not make it boring.
Although I must say I enjoyed the game much more when I "forced" myself to play by the rules, inestaed of exploiting the bugs, then I could appriciate the level design and ideas more.
As other already pointed out the game is very easy to exploit, especially springy and small shape spamming let me go around the whole level etc.

Aerodynamic is probably my favourite :)

I can only agree with previous comments, some sort of checkpoint system would be great. Maybe something a'la Jusant would fit perfectly.
I must say that I just came back from cinema and playing this game right after watching Alien Romulus definitely made me appriciate the atmosphere even more.
I wonder what the used assets specifically were, as the station looks to me a little like a scan of a GPU/PC Motherboard, which is an interesting look.

The begining was confusing and I also got "Browned", so there was some frustration, but I played through that and I am glad that I did. The jumping and catching effect worked exactly like I would expect it to work in any game set in space. It could be a part of a bigger full release and I would not know that it was made in only 96 hours.

Cheers and good luck!

This is probably the fastest character movement among all of my games :D
Believe me I would also like to add more polish to the game!
Thanks for nice words Teapot!

Thank you very much for kind words.
Yes the trigger boxes for camera change weren't prefectly in line with the decoration. Easy fix, but noticed it too late :c

It was supposed to have that, but you know how it is :D

Hah, this explains a lot ^^
Glad to hear that both of those things might end up in the full release!

I wanted to go for a high score, but then I saw people reaching over level 100, which I could do, but it would simply take time, I quit at L50 and as other people pointed out "Divide" is OP and basically lets player reach any level they want :D

For feedback part - I really enjoyed the game. A very good execution of simple mechanics with a great technical twist (the swarm enemy). Wish there was more upgrades but I guess you didn't plan on having 50+ levels :P

The only thing that I would actually change would be the color of player character, at some point (even in regular gameplay without Divide exploit) it is very easy to lose track of player character as it has the same color as: cursor, explosions, rams etc., and to some extent the built walls. Some hue of blue might be good as it would contrast with everything, while green is already used for rewards.

Back to back great entries, both of which in totally different style. I'm a fan for sure Stepan :)

I must preface this comment by saying that this is not my style of game, I'm pretty bad at such platformers, but I saw this on stream and had to try it for myself.
...It went as expected, I absolutely sucked at it :D
But even then, the idea, the execution, the overall great polish is top notch. In a context of a jam game there is really nothing that I could say is bad.
I know I will just say the same thing as Gabriel said on stream, but I also found myself trying to jump before doing a hookshot, and failed because there is no jump, only hookshot. This might be the biggest issue of the game for me and to be honest... it is not that big of an issue anyway.
Lovely palette, crispy controls, fitting music.
Sorry there will not be much of a valuable feedback from me, I just enjoyed the game despite it being in a genre that I don't touch outside of a jam. There is not much to add it is simply a very well made game.
Congratulations, Cheers and Good luck :)

That is so clever! I actually had a similar concept in mind at first with something circular growing in a building (or in this case planting) game. Decided to pursue other ideas, but I am glad to see something like this existing in the jam and it has far better idea standing behind it than I was able to come up with.
It took me some time to fully get what I was doing and what I was supposed to do but overall it was a smooth experience. A dating sim element caught me a little bit by surprise too!
While this is a jam game and simple graphics are expected, I feel that the concept for the game calls for a post-jam update with some very fancy effects like falling leaves, snow and lighting changes in the circles.
Very glad I had a chance to play this. I needed a cozy game in my jam experience :)

Lovely idea, nice exectuion, fun and chill atmosphere and a mind blowing brain exploding main mechanic :D
I can't really add much more substance to what previous commenters already said, as I agree that tutorial levels/difficulty curve would be a great addition.
I also found myself wanting to draw on screen, so I grabbed a screenshot and drew stuff in paint like "Ok I think this is an area with 3 sheep shaped like that..." etc. Not sure if a mechanic that would allow to for example simply put a color on a tile without placing an animal would be useful (would be for me :P) and possible to implement, but that is one thing.
I also wonder what was the design idea behind the decission to randomize the animals that I can place. I found myself putting 5 sheep in a corner for example just to get rid of them for the time being so I can work solely with crabs etc. I wonder if allowing player to choose what they place would benefit the game or not

Once again, nice game, really enjoyed it.

I love the idea. The game is super super cool, but it was absurdly hard for me to play. I tried and tried and tried and was still not climbing very high. I enjoyed it nonetheless, but I just wish for more quality of life/accessability mechanics to be included, as I really struggled from the very beginning of the game, even as early as building my first robot to be able to climb anything. Once I made it past the first steps the game was great, even though I had a lot of trouble climbing.
A solid entry, very good idea, I might just be not skilled enough to play it :D

While I still can't believe you made me play a clicker game... I must admit that I got at least a little bit hooked (pun intended).
While the clicker part is of course nothing especially groundbreaking it does work, it looks nice, is responsive and easy to understand. The whole twist of there being 2 sides of the scale that we can add our fish to is a fun way to interpret the theme and to add a feeling of a goal to a genre mostly associated with... well idling with no goal.

I had a small issue where I couldn't connect with web version but download version worked smoothly. Also there are some typos/writing errors in some upgrades' descriptions but that is a minor thing.

This might sound like little bit too much in context of a simple jam game, but I miss the days of full releases that had the core mechanic of your game in them. The tribal-asymetric, whatever you want to call it, rivalry.

Thank you!
I'm much more of an atmosphere guy, rather than a technical developer, so means a lot to me that you enjoyed it ^^

Yes! Patrick's Parabox was indeed an inspiration. The game that made me go into the direction that I did was actually Moncage, although the final product doesn't show much resemblance. Parabox and Talos Principle were mechanical inspirations, while classic Sokoban and Talos were puzzle inspirations.

Never done a sokoban before, but the general style is very similar to my other games.
Thanks for the kind feedback. Wasn't really expecting so many positives! There are a lot of things that I would fix if I could go back in time and the visual clarity would be the #2 right after showing the insides of the cubes on them :D


Thanks for playing.
What you highlighted here is probably the biggest problem of the game in my opinion and sadly a problem that I didn't get to solve.
It comes from the fact that the whole game was based around you actually BEING ABLE to see what is inside of the cubes but that mechanic proved very technically challenging (I'm not the best tech artist) it took me a lot of time to try it without success and I had to drop it almost last minute.
Now after all is done I have hundred ideas about how to make it work, but it is a little too late.

I liked the concept and was able to beat couple of levels without overworking my fatigued brain. I really appriciate the ability to unlock all levels from the get go, so I can skip to later ones and see the game in full even if I don't have the brain power or time to play through it from the begining. This is very helpful in a jam.

I had a little trouble with undestanding how mountains worked at first, but once I grasped the concept it was easy to exectue.
I would say that the nicest thing about the game is that while it is puzzle to a big extent it isn't a 0/1 puzzle game. What I mean is that beating the level isn't a puzzle it is rather granted that player will be able to do it with some thought, but the real challenge comes from the turn counter.

Cheers and good luck

Yay for sound!

Thank you Stepan

It is a great shame that You didn't have time to fix the build as the art and the premise of the game seem super cool :(

I want to see the infamous cuphead journalist play this game :D

It is super, super lovely. I love the idea, the connection to the theme and the presentation. I had to turn down the music, because it started blasting my ears, but apart from that the audio was fine.

It was simple but clever, and to be honest simply the premise of the game was enough to have me sold on the idea. It controls super well and smooth, and the character is super-responsive. I really liked combining 2 mechanics on one color, it greatly added to the depth of the game, that would probably be fine even without that. 

One nitpick that I have to throw in just for a good measure is that the character is pretty slow (nothing a few dash blocks can't fix though am I right xd?), but well I guess... this is just a tutorial.

This is a super cool idea and probably one of the most creative theme interpretation that I've seen this jam, even though it was not super obvious at first how it connects to the theme for me. I really liked the presentation of the game, especially the graphics look super clean. Gameplay-wise it is working smooth and controls well. I am not going to chase the highscores from the table though, I will have to pass on that as I am simply not really good at the game :D

Thank You!

I will learn how to do better movement systems for the future, don't worry :D

I love the idea. The execution is also very good and quite impressive for 48 hours, especially with art and music also being made during the jam. The story setup is also very nice and ties the game together very well. I was a little surprised by the quality of the game, based on how little comments and ratings it has, it was far better than I expected. Love the artstyle, the music choices and especially the cat.

The game reminds me a lot of Moonlighter, but afaik it was not actually inspired by that. So that is a nice coincidence that it reminded me of another game that I like :)

Keep up the good work, best of luck during both this and any future jams.

Super cute game! It is cool for some chill playtime and getting a nice highscore without much stress. 

I liked the contrast between how the dino moved precisely while the fruit movements was very floaty.

I've seen people say that the bombs should result in instant lose, but I disagree, I really liked that they only dinked the points instead of going for insta lose.

Woooow that was haaaaaaaaard.

The level design on most of the levels is genius. I think there is not much more that I can say, the LD work on this is seriously awesome. 

That being said the game is super difficult, I finished it with 151 deaths (half of them probably on last 2 levels). I would really appriciate some sort of checkpoint system, especially on Flag Friends level.

I really liked the change in music for the, let's say "boss level".

Good game, great LD work, simple graphics and really high difficulty.

Good luck during this and any future jams!

Polska Gurom?

Yay for Unreal!

I really like the mix of styles, 2d sprites + somewhat 3d background. The gameplay itself was quite enjoyable once I got a hang of it. I just wish there were some kind of win-states and maybe transitions to different levels instead of it just being a high score chase (or maybe I just didn't score high enough to progress? but I think there is only failstate if towers stand for too long).

A neat concept of reverse tower defense but with an additional twist, I absolutely loved that it was not just a simple "you are the enemies" take on the theme. I could see some possibility to develop this idea further if You wish to in the future, as it definetely has potential.

A very nice interpretation of the theme, really liked the idea.

The mechanics are simple but clever, and the game is fun to play and controls well. It was a little bit on the harder side for me, as I don't usually play games like this, but I really enjoyed the gameplay.

Really loved the dual purpose of the potions as I could use them either on me or on the player. 

Also the small touch of music getting louder when You're closer to player viewport and quiter when you get away is a neat addition.

I tried with the movement but I couldn't make it work for both characters at once and it led to the thief skipping some movements and breaking the puzzles.

This is why no running rule had to be implemented :p

But one thing I can do is to promise you and all other players that I will learn and practice and I whenever I will make another similar game it will have great, fluid movement system. You have my word :D

Yeah, that could work. I always read through comments of my previous entries before the jam, so thanks for detailed feedback and suggestions.