Super nice movement and style, great job dialing in the aesthetics of this one! I also feel that this fit the theme quite well. Good amount of enemy variety too!
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Good game, pretty intense at times! One small suggestion on the bat - I thought I was bugged and couldn't hit the blockade, I swapped back and forth on controller/keyboard trying to fix it until I found the hidden room. Other than that - great puzzles! You get used to the camera system eventually and it makes solving with speed much more rewarding since you've built upon your previous movement skill level. Cheers
Cool game, definitely Donkey Kong vibes. I got stuck on level 14 though and was unable to pass the first barrel. I tried ~120 times and still no luck after getting past it 5 times in a row initially. I like the amount of levels and ability to relaunch the game with my progress saved! Fun game for sure
Oh my GOD this game is hard. Or I suck. I only cleared the first room :(
Fantastic work though! The jumping animation is fire and the music when you hit the first room is great. I'll come back and get my revenge after rating more games! In the future if you could export as a web game that would be awesome, a single .exe is a little sus for some people
I had issues with the checkout spot as well and had a glitch that dropped me to around 5fps (guessing) then launched me out of the first person world when I exited the game into a pure blue void.
That said! The colors, art, dithering effect, are all GREAT. The premise of goofing off on your job by playing a game while dealing with customers is great. The platforming mechanics are DIALED IN. Would love to see this expanded into a world full of gameplay, upgradeable shops (perhaps?), unlockable color palettes, etc. It's lovely
I used controller and want to note that some glitches occur if you press any key or mouse button after pressing "Run Game" while also using a controller. Audio glitches and a duplicate boost meter in the top left occur. To get around this, commit to controller OR keyboard and never mix inputs.
That bug aside, the skating is fun, the tricks are great and it's entertaining going at such a high speed while platforming!