Got to 656 - epic game
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Increcible RTS tbh. I usually get bored by these types of games but this game had that perfect simplicity-complexity ratio that kept me hooked. I was honestly having a lot of fun trying to min-max my city planning and mining and power usage and stuff but the narrative events at the end were super cool. I thought it made for a satisfying conclusion that you have time to prepare for the final event and had a great payoff most games in this genre for game jams don't really have. The aesthetic reminded me of some other lowpoly horror like iron lung which i love. Final cutscene so well done too
This game looks beautiful, i think the presentation and level design is really cool, amazing art style, but by god the controls are horrible. Resident evil had tank controls for a reason, the controls are so inconsistent between cameras here and it feels like there is a lag before they adjust to the new scene. Got softlocked on the last level, wish I could have seen the ending.
Also the hit stun is way too much tbhh
The original intent was to have the player have to react to different pitch timings/styles and use those to hit other enemies, but in practice we found that hitting them while winding up was a pretty effective strategy too. Like you mentioned, we were enjoying the gamefeel so much we opted to not restrict how the player can play or react to enemies. There are definetely some extra balancing tweaks to be done lol, thanks for all the feedback and playing our game!