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A member registered Apr 14, 2018 · View creator page →

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Time for soup :)

Great job on this. Controls felt good and the items worked great. Animations were adorable and the music was pretty chill.

Good submission :)

Super great job on this to the whole team. My only ask is a combat log to see what's actually happening :)

straight forward, well executed. Good job :)

This was super fun! The collisions were a bit janky at times but overall great game :)

The movement was fluid and felt good. move_and_slide doing a lot of work :) Others have mentioned that the invisible platforms are rough and I agree but since the levels are small I think it's a nice strange addition. Being able to reveal the invisible blocks could be cool tho.

Good job :)

Really cool art and neat idea. I like the freedom to come up with your own solution to levels based on the mushrooms you eat. The physics were kinda floaty and forgiving so some of the levels were pretty easy to cheese around the intended path.

Good job on this :)

Unfortunately, the menu buttons don't seem to do anything. Will review again if it gets fixed tho :)

Nice pixel art and music :) The platforming is a bit stiff. If you want every platform to be completely solid with no pass through then I'd recommend making the jump feel more fluid so you can actually maneuver around them. Add things like being able to move in the air and allowing for smaller jumps by just tapping the jump button. 
Another thing is the camera, it moves pretty slowly compared to the character. Might want to do a box around the character, and if he gets to the edge of the box then move the camera.

I think a big thing you could do is pick a platformer you like a lot, and then recreate that movement. It gives you a really good feel for what you're actually looking for.

Good job on this submission :)

Seems pretty RNG heavy. Would be nice to have some alternate options in combat. Unless the mushrooms is supposed to be the end? The presentation is pretty nice, i like the dark art and the spooky sounds.
Good job :)

interesting idea. I think it could do with a little more direction on what we're going for. Just eating every mushroom and then starting over makes it feel like it's dragging along because you have to repeat so many steps.
good job on this :)

I would never do such a thing!

Thanks so much for giving it a play and the constructive feedback.
The inconsistent bounces is definitely an issue. I'm calculating the physics in a dumb way and it manifested as such. Time constraints made me press on with other things though. Since I knew it was beatable I left it as is, but once the voting period is over I'm going to go and fix it up a bit.

I knew a couple of my design choices might be controversial i.e. the small jump and camera. The jump I wanted to force reliance on the mushrooms, I actually debated not having any jump at all. As for the camera, I stick behind it. However I'm sure my level design could use some polishing to really take advantage of the camera movement. I think it subconsciously makes the player count screens, which gives you a real measure of progress. You know exactly how many screens you've conquered, and you know exactly how many screens you've lost when you fall.

But I am rambling now. Thanks much again for the play and the feedback :)

WOO! Nice!!!! That's the first win I've heard of from outside my friend group. Also, you can actually get more and more trophies for every time you win :)

Placing your own mushrooms to solve the levels was a neat idea. The art is appealing and the music was chill. Only thing i really wanted on top was more levels. Super great job on this :)

Super chill vibes. I was able to get 1, 2, and 5 by just doing some pretty basic pattern matching on the start screen. My brain isn't big enough to do more than that tho :) Art is super cute, concept and limitation are outstanding, and the music could just live in my brain forever. Wonderful submission overall, great job

ok that yipee ending page made me actually laugh out loud :D :D Super reminds me of old atari era games. the art was great, the music was bangin. My only complaint is so small and teeny tiny, when the text cutscene is happening the low rumble was a bit loud. Other than that, this was a lot of fun. Super great work on this :)

I liked the visual elements that denoted interactable objects (green reticle, pulsing dot). The room looping was also a nice touch. I'd be interested in seeing more. Could be a cool little horror game :)

Those animations are great :D The controls are smooth and it feels a lot like the hover car levels from battletoads on the nes. Only thing it's missing is a bumpin soundtrack :) Great job on this. Hope to see yall do more game jams!

Thanks for playing! I appreciate the feedback :) I don't think anyone in the jam besides myself has beaten it yet so you're probably the top climber :D

Thanks for the play and feedback :)

I definitely knew I made it a bit too hard but since it's supposed to be in the same genre as Getting Over It and Jump King I left it as is. And I actually ripped the camera straight from Jump King as well, but I'm sure my level design could use some work to make it feel more natural.

Thanks for the play :)

Yeah keyboard controls and platformers don't go together. Fortunately I was able to get controller support up and running and that feels a million times better. 

Music was cute. The sprites were great. The day/night timer was a neat idea. However since the monsters can just walk through everything, there wasn't any reason to not just fill everything up with holes. Things that could be done now to increase difficulty would be to have more enemies spawn as the days go on. Also you could have the holes lose durability so that you have to replace them.

Good job on this :)

5 stars on music/sound for that death sound :)

This game has potential. It needs more clues to figure out what you're supposed to be doing. Right now I feel like I'm just brute forcing everything. If there's something that gets drawn in front of me I assume it's not something I'm supposed to deal with. I found the pills and gave them to a guy on a carpet. I found a snake in a toilet but no stick.

Also I found out that the gun gets dropped by a guy in a room after an amount of time. Having events like that means that I'll need to go stand in each room for as long as possible to find out if things will happen like that. And if I prevent his death and time goes on longer, that means I'll have to go wait in every room again to find out if there are any new random events.

It's a good start to detective game. It just needs a trail of breadcrumbs to follow for the player.

Good job on this :)

I know it's not a lot but this is awesome. I love the look of everything and the creepy, ominous feeling is perfect. No music really adds to the atmosphere. I really like where this was going and would love to see more.

And one quick tip for efficiency. For the trees on top of the mountains, the ones that you'll never interact with. You could billboard them or even just render them as a 2d still image. That way you don't have trees popping in and out for render distance. Also you'd have less 3d objects to manage render wise.

Good job on this :)

Nice! Another platformer :) There's some nice movement in here. However I would really like to dash in the air and having attacks freeze your movement is very annoying. I love the wall slide and the double jump. Also I figured out the speed run tech already :) it's jumping mid dash. Retains your velocity in the air. Dying past the half way point is frustrating since it's a full restart.

Level design here was interesting. Sometimes I was like "oh yes good platforming part" and other times I was thinking "why did I explore this way for a dead end". Also the death pits were unexpected. I kept trying to kill myself earlier in the level but things that looked like pits weren't and then all of a sudden the water exists. The power pick up was good. I liked the visual change to bear and the ui :)

Great job on this :)

The concept is solid. I'd really like to see how a turn unfolded or a time line showing what's happened. That would be amazingly helpful to know what impact is being made in the fight. Also the time thing for winning means that I just backed off and then healed constantly and I won ezpz. I think there's a really solid game in the mechanics. It looks like you spent a lot of time designing actions and balancing which is super promising for a game like this. It really just needs some art uplift and a few ui updates. Also small ui issue, the words block the hitbox for the SYS button which makes it hard to click.

Great job on this :)

This game is easy 5/5. It is very polished and well made. The only complaints I had visually were very small like the ball not lining up when they serve. I would have liked to be able to change my controls because I wanted to hit the ball with my right hand and move with left. 

Difficulty-wise, I know it's "supposed to be difficult" but those guys are crazy :D I wanted to beat all of the levels but the strategy on the second boss becomes too monotonous. The first guy I was able to just hit back and forth left to right and eat the punish shots. But the second guys punishes were crazy. Which means that I had to just keep pressing S-A-D-S-A-D which made ME sad.

I will have to come try again when I'm not rushing to finish reviewing all the games.

Super great job on this :)

I played several times so that I could beat the first level since I saw others saying they can't. I was able to do it pretty quick once I figured out you could crouch slide, air dash, and run in general :) Instructions on available movement tech would be a great addition here. Also there's a pretty major bug that keeps spawning no room outside the first so you just fall forever. Another bug is that you can just immediately clock back in and it counts all tasks including the ones that weren't present as being done.

Good job on this one :)

Concept is really nice here. The little box fists are actually animated very nicely. Having some explanation on cards would be immensely helpful. Since most of the enemies have such quick attacks, the longer pre animation attacks were pretty useless. I tried to gain distance by moving away and then winding up but it was never enough. Especially since they almost always jump attack.

Overall this a great start to a turn-based-card-based-fighting game which is a neat genre that I haven't seen before!

Great job on this :)

Phone control was great. I was really hoping for a monkey ball feel. I think with some stabilization on the phone gyro side it could be super smooth. Also since you get stuck in the wall you can't really slow roll using the wall as a brake which I kept trying to do because I never learn :)

This was a super creative submission. I ran into one bug that lead to another bug. On level 3 it started the blue guy on top of me every time which made me die over and over again. Then it let me continue playing while the name input screen was up.

Great work on this :)

The art is neat but at the same time it made things hard to see. I couldn't tell what was bugs and what was trees loading in. It would be nice to have some way to increase speed in the direction I'm facing so that I could dive bomb things. 

Also nothing bad happened when I was hitting the ground or the water. Also also when I increased my heart rate I physically could not run out of stamina. With the combination of those two things. I could force flap my way into ridiculous speeds. I was going from one side of the world to the other in less than a second. However, since I couldn't direct that speed into a direction it wasn't very helpful.

Good job on this :)

Do rockets go after any other players? Because I definitely got hit by every single one I'm pretty sure. :D jk lol... kinda.

Real tho, this game looks and sounds amazing. Super great job on that. The boat feels very slidey but that's probably intended since it's a water vehicle. The other racers are mean af. It seems like they have some more movement options than I do since they're kinda zipping around. Also the shield seems pretty weak compared to everything else. I'd recommend having the shield just be active until it blocks one thing.

For the levels, I'd recommend having the arrows visible all the time so you can see when a turn is coming up. There were times in the first level where I'm coming to a crossroads and then at the last second an arrow pops up pointing to the right so I drift turn and slam into the wall. For the underwater level, it would have been very nice to have indication on what's not allowed to be driven through. I tried to take a shortcut and boosted straight into a wall :(

Speaking of the underwater level tho, those dark sections are neat. I think having a bigger dark section would be fun and would be a cool addition. I would love to see more put into this for a release.

Great job on this :)

This is a neat idea. I had fun swinging on level 1 and skipping all the platforms. However on level 2 I was a little frustrated when going for the final platform. I had a hard time telling if my grapple was in range of the colored blocks. I started going for the fast platform and had difficulty landing on it because my zip would leave me floating and the platform would just fly away. Something that would hugely improve this is just adding a prominent shadow under the main character. That way you can tell where he is and when he's over something. Also having better indication of whether or not your grapple is actually in range.

One more small thing, when I died in slow motion, the animations took a long time to go through and I couldn't click the level restart button. Also some of the sounds are a bit jarring. Overall though this has a lot of potential. I'd love to see this get fine tuned and released. Can't have too many platformers.

Good job on this :)

The pass it on / relay mechanic is super creative. The rats are super smooth to control and the movement looks very nice as well. Also having the objects move a little or a lot depending on orientation is a fun way to switch up the basic sokoban gameplay. The sounds were all really well implemented but maybe just a bit too jumbled at times. Like pushing an object out of the maze would cause notes to fall on top of each other. And the rats squeaks could be a bit rapid fire when moving quickly. Very minor complaint though.

Great job on this :)

This is super great. The sound effects are spot on for this. The music is a bit repetitive but it fits very well. The sprite are all very adorable. The level generation works well to mix up the area when you re enter it. There are some small nit picky complaints that I have. Like when I attack and try to face another direction at the same time, the attack sound will play again immediately. Also that if I hit a spider web it will respawn and fly into me again. Those are little things though :)

I do however have one thing I really did not like, and that is the movement. I don't think you need the acceleration to be that drastic on the character. Also having it reset every time you change the direction of the character means that you'll get stuck when trying to avoid attacks. It also makes the character feel like he's on ice the whole time. And the same thing with the dash. It feels so gradual that it doesn't feel like it would be useful for dodging.

I would recommend throwing out the acceleration all together on the character and just have set velocities when moving. Otherwise this is amazing and I hope to see it become more.

Super amazing job on this :)

The style of this game is great. Also controls very well. I downloaded the game and it ran pretty smooth which was nice.  

Some things that would be nice additions are:

- an indicator for when  you can throw more shurikens

- indication that I'm taking damage

- more accurate hit boxes, I died while very far from the boss

The hit boxes was a pretty big issue for me. I don't feel like I can get close to anything because I don't actually know where my character will get hit at. However, this was still a nice little game with some good promise.

Good job :)

The music and aesthetic was very cool. It feels like a 3d version of Crypt of the Necrodancer which is what I assume you were going for here. A tutorial or some documentation on what is what and what each thing does would be hugely helpful. Also using an item causes my multiplier to go to zero? And using space causes the multiplier to increase? That doesn't feel intentional. And coins seem to be able to be picked up some times but not others. I couldn't figure out when I was allowed to pick things up and use items or not.

Overall it's a great start. I think a tutorial would be hugely helpful. Keep going on this.

Great job :)

This was a good little space shooter. Asteroids control style for the most part. The sounds are too loud and can take over the whole listening experience. The first shot sound effect was a jump scare. Then when I was fighting the spinning enemy that shot a million pink balls, there was just too much sound going on and it was deafening.

Also it would be helpful to have some indication of controls. I think I figured most of them out but then I would push the G key and my movement controls locked. I eventually found that H put me back in regular movement mode. And it would be good to include what the powerups do and why you want them. From what I could tell, hearts were health and stars were ammo regeneration(?). Overall though it's solid, just needs some refinement.

Good job :)

The art and aesthetic is really great. Always love cat themes :3 The music was relaxing but I found the sound effects and chatter sound effects to be jarring since they all came in louder than the actual track that was playing. I also ran into some bugs with the hit box for the slider. There were time when I wasn't able to pick up food that I had made so it was just kinda stuck there. The cursor shape was very cute, however it made knowing where the active point on it was hard. I would have liked to be able to throw away food that I made by accident if it wasn't servable to anyone. Overall though there is a lot of promise in this. Just needs some tuning on flow and some tweaking of the hitboxes I think.

Great job :)