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A member registered Aug 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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Wow that's interesting. I really like how each puzzle take a different form!

I have nothing to say, it's just perfect! Everything is well made and polished, lovely music and a nice background. Congrats! (Just one thing, instead of holding r and having the screenshake, a simple click would be better)

Took a bit of time at first to understand but it's pretty cool! I really like that music.

Really like the concept! A bit unfortunate that you can see the transitions between the normal and big. Also, I know in the big version of the level that the player is very small, but it moves really slowly.

It's fun to experiment with different vehicles! Would be cool to see more objects being added.

The platforming aspect of the game could be improved, same for the grappling hook. With a little upgrade on the visuals it could be a fun game!

Thanks for the feedback!
It isn't possible (hopefully) to get softlocked, since you can go back to the previous puzzle (or even a later one) to get the right color to free yourself (if I understood your message correctly).

Using fractals is a good idea! The "towers" are really fun to use. It's a really well made game!

I don't know if it's because of the web build but I can't turn 360
But the game itself is nice, I like the ambiance of that memory game.

Interesting use of the theme! It's a bit hard, I shoot too much and I'm too little with almost no range.
Just need to improve the art and it will be a fun game.

A bit hard to not wake up the clowns since the light take a long time to shrink back.

With more polish and sound effects it could become a really fun game! I like that idea of building your spaceship but it's hard to shoot the enemies and see their projectiles.

Very fun to play with planets! I like these explanations that give no info

Thanks for the feedback! I totally can see why you think so, without the animation of scaling up/down it would be outside of the theme.
The best way I found to explain it is that, the player in the next puzzle is the previous puzzle, but only the color is visible.

Nice tower building game! Very fun to move around the shapes.

Interesting idea, I really like the ability to create your own ship. I hope more content get added.

Very nice game! It just need more content (more enemies, upgrades...) and polish (particles, sounds...).

Okay someone made an fps with unreal engine. It's a pretty fun one, but hard to see the color of the eye.

Pretty simple but fun! I was surprised sometimes to not get softlocked, great level design.

It's a bit harder than excepted but it's nice to build your little city! It's just a bit hard to remember every restrictions.

Really nice game, it's simple but it works. Would be cool if there were other things to do.

Well I've finished the game, it's not hard if you're careful. But it's pretty fun, would be cool if the expansion came faster and faster. Also when moving pieces at the top of the tower, it hits the coffee break button which is anoying.

Using the Y-axis is way more interesting that a button to scale up/down, that's nice! Lovely artstyle.

That's a really nice game! It's very cool to find everything by yourself, but my score was terrible.

Alright thanks for the answer!

It always shows 100% so I was wondering why it was there.

Really nice game! I like how you turned "scaling a moutain" into a puzzle game.

Also, it's a bit weird that you need a loading screen no?

Using legos is a super cool idea! It's really fun to build your machine!

The only problems are the ui behind the machine and finding enemies.

Would love to see more pieces being added!

Note: bad idea to run into other machines.

A bit short sadly but it's nice for a first ever game!

Pretty simple but very cool! Just need a little more polish.
It's a bit anoying sometimes getting spam by upgrades while not really doing anything.

A bit hard to move & connect at first but it's a cool game!

It's really really hard, even the title screen is hard (half joke). The art and sounds are nice tho.

Pretty nice game! I didn't really know what I needed to do at first, in the first even after checking the controls I didn't understand. Same for the second level, I didn't see why I wasn't able to scale up the bridge.

Really nice intro! The gameplay itself is fine, but I don't like the enemies that you need to defeat with a qte, it slows down the gameplay.

I see the idea, but it wasn't really fun walking just to find 2 strawberries. It would have been nice to do other things while searching for the fruits (and the big snacks). But the artstyle of the game is lovely!

Okay I like the idea. The second level (the cars) was hard but I like the game.

Very happy to see an ant related game. It's easy to understand and play, good job!

It's simple but well made! The art and sounds are nicely done. It's nice to only  have arrow keys and not the others one so it's less confusing, good job.

(1 edit)

Interesting concept, I like it. Hard to move around at first tho.

2:00, I've finished the game! Simple but cool! Objects are often dropped at the right so I put stuff at the left and let the game to the work for me.

Nice interpretation of the theme! The puzzles weren't too hard (which is a good thing) and I've enjoyed the game.