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Bryce Reading

A member registered Oct 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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NP ill take a look and edit my comment

Quite a simple but overall good premis for a game.

I found the implimentation of a how to play menu was great as it helped to know what buttons did what, as i found that the shooting was a bit hard to notice when you were actually shooting.

Your game was really fun, I enjoyed the variety of enemy ducks, game the game more veriaty rather than just shooting the same low health enemys.

I found that you were able to move through the lego in the bath, I feel that it was ment to damage the paly.

overall a good game.

I found the overall game play quite intresting especially with the switching attack mechanic.

Although, I found the fact that the aiming and what seemed to be the movement were controled in the same way by using the mouse, making the game a bit hard to controle.

(1 edit)

The game looks good from the thumbnail, sadly the page is unavailable so i can't play .

Im not sure if this is an issue on my end or with the game?

After playing both levels I really enjoyed the graphics and gameplay.

The mechanics are great and dont take too long to get the hang of making it quite an easy and enjoyable game to play.

Really good job on making a new inervative step into the genera.

The game was  really good, I enjoyed the constantly repeating map with mouse controled shooting.

The only issue i found was that the win screen had no function sticking you there till you close the game.

Very intresting gameplay.

I feel that the implementation of health before the final boss seems a bit redundent as i found that i was at full health after defeating the enemys along the way, however, I can see that it may be usefull if you chose not to attack every enemy and had low health.

The art style was absolutly amazing and the music fit so well.

Each level felt unique and seemed to get progressivly harder as it went on, displayed with the increased speed of the enemys that follow you. However, even on the higher levels they never seemed to pose a major threat to you as the player.

The jumping mechanic took a while to get the hang of but once I did the game became really fun and inervative changing the regular platforming mechanic of jumping of the enemy to kill them.

Overall the game was really fun  and the art style was amazing well done.

Im sad to say that I felt that the game was not fully finished and as a result didnt feel good to play.

The "F to pick up"  only worked occastionally and when it did the prompt remained, more over there was no way to defeat the enemys making the knife practically pointless. There was also no way to leave the game without alt+tabing out and closing it that way practically traping the player in the game.

However i felt that the idea/concept was good, a first person platformer sounds really fun it just needed more time to be polished.

I really enjoyed play your game, the jumping mechanic could be a bit finiky at point especially if you went under a platform then tryed jumping after leaving. 

All in all the game was enjoyable and apart from some graphical changes, placing a floor under the background assets so they dont float in the air, I rather enjoyed it.

The game was overall really fun to play and the art style was good.

However, the main issues i faced while playing was that to start with it was not clear that you could use the mouse to attck the wizard enemy (this could just be me missing something). Moreover after a while the jump would just stop working making it really frustrating to play.

All that aside it was a fun game to play, well done.

Sadly the game didnt work for me however from what i saw the art style was amazing and the concept look to be quite a new take on the whole genera.

I thought the artstyle was great the whole look of the game was minimalistic but worked really well with the whole chill vibe i was getting while playing. I feel the auto clicker is too easy to obtain making the game a bit too easy from the start, moreover the font is a bit blury and hard to read if you are not in full screen.

Was there a way to spend the money such as upgrades, they would provide a sort of goul for the palyer and a reason to be colleting the money. The models are amazing and gameplay was enjoyable.

The concept is great, the game feels smooth with the transitions between planets. However, i would suggest making the upgrades more easily seen so people know that they are the upgrades rather than just design features.  All in all it was a good game

I found this game to be really enjoyable and easy to navigate with different upgrades being esily identifyable and understandable, well described. I would suggest possibly adding more upgrades such as an auto-clicker to allow the grind for money to be less tedious, also sound would also improve game play.

The prices and firework colours are they ment to coraspond to the colour of the firework coming out of the box and how much each one gives you?

As many have stated bellow the game seems like it would be really fun to play however once you enter one of the stores you are traped as the return buttons dont work. Moreover, possibly adding music and sound effects would make the game more enjoyable. 

All in all, the hub artwork is great and the different menues could make for good game play.

The patriotic theme is amazing.

I realy enjoyed the design your team went for, the UI is easy to navigate. The only thing i would say is that the idea of having to sell the crumbs indavidually could be tedious and makes the player have to focus on the game rather than letting it paly in the background, althoght this feature is really inovative however a way of bulk selling may improve this.

The game was enjoyable and provided a good take on the current situation, the only thing i would mention to inprove the gameing experience would be adding sounds for backgroung.

I realy enjoyed the art style and comedic theme you went, it provided a refreshing take on the "cookie clicker" game genera. The music and sfx was also great and made the game flow.

well done

The cutscenes were amazing and i love how everything flowed so well together from the restart animation straight back to the gamepaly.

The only thing i would add would be a way of possibly choising

weatherto retry or leave the game.

Absolutly loved it great work.

The bacground and music were really relaxing and it made the gameplay better as you had something to lissen to while playing. however the fact that you could spam the fire button made it a bit to easy, but the counter allowed for replayability as you could attempt to beat your pervious score.

All in all i absolutly love the game and theme you went for.

The gameplay was fun and made me want to continue playing everytime I lost.

One thing that i could suggest would be slowing down the can movement as it can get frustrating with it moving too fast.

Appart from that it was a really fun game, well done!

I loved the sprit used an the asthetic you went for.

My only suggestion is that  you could possibly add a score counter and a "death" script to the obsticals so instead of just pushing the player the player is killed and the level resets. The counter would give the game more replayability and allow the game to have a goal.

Appart from that i really enjoyed playing the game it was a nice relaxing time.

The game idea is great and i enjoy the animations you added for the palyer movement. A suggestion i could make is possibly adding in more levels or something to make the core gameplay more enjoyable. 

Overall its a good concept and was executed well given the time we had.

I love the top down view  with the limited lighting, it makes it seem like a horror game. One thing that could be improved would be the movement system, it could be made a bit smoother as i found i was getting stuck in corrners and deadends occasionally.

Apart from that i thought it was a fun game.

Thank you, sound effects and music was something i originaly planed on added however geting some of the other features implimented ran me over time but hope to learn from this game and make better one in the future.

Thank you and i agree the enemie movement was a bit slow i just ended up running out of time. 

Absoulutly love the art style you went for, as said befor the only thing i can could say is that the different attacks can become a bit confusing with the high speed game paly.  I feel like some moves may not get fully used as the player is being attacked at a quick pace.

Apart from that I belive this is a really good game well done!