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A member registered Apr 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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simply build the gun better :)

I couldn't really play this one, just stayed stuck on one screen after scrolling a bit when i pressed start..

I got outside the map in the green room, i think there's a tile collision missing there. Otherwise fun game!

help i got stuck in the air after spamming cards

I unfortunatley didn't find the right potion. Liked the idea of doing trial and error for the theme and the potions had some very funny effects, it was just a bit difficult to remember what was already done!

Love how the music changes with each block type!

Pretty fun game. I should probably never become a crane operator....

(1 edit)

Nuke explosion was a little underwhelming honestly. But besidess that, holy you have locked in for these last few days. There's just so much content!!

Also the web build was too big for my screen-

Ooh, really enjoyed this game, a but puzzle-y. Very cute artstyle too! 

Heyo, this game is pretty cool but pretty hard to get into. I kept wondering why some values weren't working but it turns out they need to be the right color. Also, I didn't really know how the scoring worked at the end so i dunno how well i did... I liked it though!

this fucks with my brain, but its real fun


Very fun game, love the stylistic choice with a bit of lore as to why in the end. Had a lot of fun!

Liked it, short and sweet. I felt a little slow-

Loved the vibes of this game. Team did an amazing job on visuals and audio, game was very fun to play, although i couldn't really get past the second boss due to the difficulty. Some of the attacks left me wondering how i would ever be able to dodge them. But great concept and execution overall!

Hi lightpunch

Overall great game, i have a skill issue playing it though. I like the integration of the spin theme and the idea of the different weapons- more contact area versus lower damage. Game feel was also good too.

Yall should be proud, huge team, good job!

Came here cuz koca told me to

Pretty fun, interesting visual style and idea for using arrow keys to input certain moves for combat. I do feel like it makes it a bit awkward sice you have so much time between attacks. Otherwise pretty polished game, can see yall put a lot of work in it!

Super wacky and fun game, there's quite a bit of difficulty to it. Especially struggled on the 1 hp level lol. But i love the vibes n all

love the story here :)

controls were very difficult for me, i assume this has to do with the retro style of the game. Cool artstyle and everything else though!

(2 edits)

Damn this art creeps me out, but that means it's good. Liked the game a lot (sucker for roguelikes)

Surprising amount of content! Good work! Though i felt like there was something with the lighting or something that gives the game a slightly odd look. maybe things were too shiny?

Love this one! I definitely feel like the odds may be skewed in my favour, and there were some times where I didn't fully understand what was going on. But it is all explained when you hover over it. Cool game with creative use of the theme.

Pretty good game! Though a bit difficult for a jam game, i'd say. cool implementation of the theme and nice pixel art and sounds.

Would have liked a tutorial and maybe a healthbar from the boss. A lot of things were confusing to me but i did have some fun playing!

Game was alright, though i'd have added a tutorial for the controls, never got to use my beyblade thing.

what the hell lol

(1 edit)

man that second boss is unfair

liked the game though, found myself playing it a bunch of times just cause i wanted to keep going. some items in the shop seem a little expensive so i wasn't able to really make use of the golden ones, like you have to defeat two bosses to even get one of them.

Cool game but feels pretty unfair at times. Especially the second boss where you basically have to have the "shoot bullets when damaged" upgrade or otherwise it will just kill you without you being able to dodge. Music and art was pretty cool.

Pretty fun game, I found the ship a bit hard to control though. Sometimes i'd get stuck in place for seemingly no reason. I liked the vibe it gives off, very much stuck in a stormy sea.

Have fun playing!