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A member registered Nov 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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They get lost in the woods, but it's something people get confused about more often! Thanks for the feedback, it is much appreciated

Thanks for the extensive feedback!

Nice job on your game! Sadly it seemed a bit bugged for me (I never won the level, even though well over three troops passed), but I stll got a pretty good idea of your game, some comments

-The music didnt stay in one key, which made it very hard to listen too at times, it's great that you make your own music (I've fumbled plenty of time in the department too), in the future perhaps stick to one scale (c major is the easiest) and a more traditional  I-V-vi-IV progression, its perhaps basic, but does a good job.
-I liked the simplistic art. Some post processing would've been a cherry on top. You also could've gone for a more stylished colour scheme to further enhance the looks of the game
-There seems to be a weird bug where the troops you spawn go tumbling all over the place
-In general I've seen this idea explored multiple times and it never really seemed to work just like this, I suppose you need some kind of creative solution to create depth apart from just spamming troops with this type of game, I dont have the solutions to this ready at my fingers tip, but its worth thinking about.

Well done on your game, I hope you dont take my criticism too harshly, making games is hard. 

Well done on your game, and congratulations on making a complete on in the timeframe. It was short but sweet and although I didnt immediately get the hang of it it turned out to be a neat concept, some comments:

-I would not rotate the trees! The art looks great but by rotating them in the 'correct' direction it creates a bit of a wonky look, you can look at examples the like of pokemon, they all keep their trees upright.
-The game could use some more depth, perhaps the zombies and priets come in alternating waves, I am not sure, but currently the game just lacks that bit of extra diversity in gameplay (something of which I am aware I am also guilty of myself!)
-The audio mix is a bit off, the footsteps are too loud, which is a bit annoying
-The concept feels a bit forced, why are zombies suddenly running away? Perhaps a concept like 'you try to convert the survivor in a zombie survival game' would've worked better. (Although  I do see that that is perhaps less creative.

Overall you made an interesting game though, with a concept that is definitely not often explored, well done!

The music is such a vibe, and the game plays really well, being at home I had to suffer the trackpad experience, but I still enjoyed the game quite a bit.

Some comments I have:
-It was really frustrating that it did resgister click on the outer walls, my mouse would be slightly of the playing area and nothing would happen.
-You did an amazing job at making the intuitive to play and quick to pick up, I had absolutely no problem getting started
-The difficulty curve is a bit too exponential, the game goes from way to easy to very hard too quickly leaving very little time in the enjoyable sweet spot.
-I think the game ould benefit greatly from roguelite elements, if you'd have had those extra 24h I would've gone for something in that genre.
-Even with little time you had you did well enough on player feedback, screen shake would have been another great addition though
-Finally, it was not entirely clear to me when you would bllock and when you wouldn't, it seems it happened when it hits the sword but I seemed to not be able to get any control over it.

Overall great game though, especially for just 24h, well done!

Overall an interesting experience! I liked you taked on the theme and the game played pretty well. I played up to the point where I felt like I had a good grasp of all of the mechanics.

Some comment I have: 
- Hitting one brick generator is very punishing, perhaps you should've told/taught the played that exploding these does collatoral damage
-It is unclear what the button does where you first start the game. A very small tutorial instructing the player to build some blocks and then press the button would do wonders (think a bit of text at the top of the screen that dissappears once the task has been completed)
-The sfx are great but some music would do wonder.
-I wish the difficulty would ramp up in the form of more balls spawning/ the balls speeding up.
-I really like how you deal with the player dying

It was a neat game though and definitely has room to grow into a really fun game, well done!

(1 edit)

The swapping of the dog and the wolf was intended to make the game more challenging and chaotic, but once you get the hang of the game I can see how that effect is not really achieved. We also intended that the flock size is preserved from level to level to make losing sheep more consequential but a game breaking bug prevented us from doing so. Thanks for the feedback though,  much appreciated!

Well done on your game! I played through the entire game and overall it was an enjoyable little game that has much potential to scale.

A list of comments I have:
- I found the game very challenging, mostly due to controls
-I would've preferred to point where the ball should go instead of 'slingshotting' the bullet by dragging behind it
-Either the dragging should not require you to hit the bullet, or the hitboxes should be more generous, I struggled to get a hold of the bullet sometimes, esspecially since it is not on a fixed position on the screen
-The hitboxes of some of the objects were a bit punishing or a bit too lenient sometimes, this was especially noticeable on objects you scaled a lot
-The game would really benefit from having incentive to go fast, for example there could be destructable object you can only push through with a certain amount of speed. To aid that perhaps you should got for less tight corridors to promote more risk taking from the player
-The cooldown and limited usage of the slomo had no feedback, there should be some visual or auditory indicator (apart from the text!) to tell the player it is about to run out
-I have a widescreen monitor and some UI elements appeared (partially) off screen

Dont be fooled by the large number of comments, I did thoroughly enjoy your game, and the idea and concept behind the game is great. There's just a few (relatively minor) thing which I think could elevate your game from a good game to an amazing game next time!

Definitely the best I've heard so far, thanks for the kind words!

Overall really solid game, but as it stands it still lacks some challenge. I really enjoyed the powerup though and in general have very few real gripes with the game. Well done!

Charming little game! I think you could've done more with the concept, there's plenty of games where you controls the raft, perhaps you could controlled the waves, allowing you to push boxes towards yourself, push away sharks and control the raft, I think it would make for a slightly more engaging game.

That being said the game functions really well and is balanced great making for an overall alright experience, well done!

There's a subtle difference between a good game and a great game, and you managed to perfectly hit that. The writing is superb, the art is amazing, the levels are well balanced, gameplay is interesting and the mechanics start easy and go really deep. I played the game the entire way through, and thoroughly enjoyed doing so.

I try to always find a point of improvement for a games to make my feedback as useful as possible, but frankly there is nothing worth mentioning.  Great job.

Really cool game! It took a tiny bit of time to get the idea; I was a bit confused by the text below the score at first, but in the end everything was quite intuitive. Apart from that I thought the shooting guy were very punishing. I also would've liked an explanation of the items ingame. Overall great game though, quite fun!

That was such an interesting concept, but a bit lacking in execution. The camera movement was incredibly frustrating, I also found my golfer would launch his balls into the rocks rather frequently. I also wished the game would continue after more than the first shot. Overall though this is a game, and that is quite something for 48 hours. Well done!

Really neatly polished game. One thing I really struggled with is keeping rack of what was happening, my field of vision felt really slow. I also missed some kind of interesting challenge, nothing prevents me from endlessly spamming the most overpowered unit. Regardless this is by far one of the better games that had this idea. Well done!

Charming and really well polished game! It was ashame it was so short and didnt have more depth. I have one weird audio issue, it would slowly get worse and more distorted as I kept playing the game. I have had more issue with the most recent version of Godot so maybe it is something on my end. Regardless, well done!

Well done on making a game, it was actually surprisingly well balanced, something on which other games in this genre often fell short. One flaw that is persistent in these kinds of games is that you just keep spamming troops. I also could see the darkness counter in the first level (it was behind a tower), which really confused me, would've swapped the coin and darkness counter (after all the towers use coins while we use darkness.

Overall I'd say, although unpolished, this is actually a really charming game, great work!

There are so many levels! I played at least 10 before deciding I'd seen enough. Its really impressive but in the future I think it might be better to stick to 5 really good once rather than 20 of varying quality. I also think the spike hitboxes are overly punishing. It was fun to play though, in the good levels at least. Maybe lean a bit more into the puzzle aspect but overall well done.

Nonetheless it's still completely valid that you think it is a bad/frustrating mechanic, it is not the first time I've hear such a sentiment, a I mostly agree with it. Thanks for the feedback, and there's no need to feel bad about it.

I marginally took back the record. This time no more slowing down early one it was combination of a good run followed by an almost perfect run. I think 35:00 is the limit, possibly even higher.

Yeah I have had a 35 flat run but you actually have a disadvantage when trying to catch the player, or at least the speed difference is so insignificant that you need to perfectly repeat it. To WR I started slowing down in order to catch early, reducing the chance of fumbling the bag on a good run. Time trial mode sounds good, I'd probably prefer that.

Ahaha yeah I enjoyed the game very much and frankly I had no clue you submitted to the stream I skipped those of people who weren't there, I just picked your randomly out the GMTK submission channel. Surely keeping an eye on WR, I think there is still 0.5s to 1s to shave.

Amazing game, the feedback and things you want to work on list already pretty comprehensively covers my thoughts. There is an issue where you jump into the start portal the ghost you need to follow later goes into the ground. You can hear the rest of my feedback in this video where I break the WR:

Hello! Your game didnt work when I tried to play it on stream yesterday, since then the problem recurred so I took some time to fix it on my end! Hopefully feedback in the form of a comment makes up a tiny bit.

First of all the atmosphere is great, I absolutely loved the red dithering effect, it made the game very disorienting, but in a good way if you catch my drift. I also adore the concept, it slightly reminds me of a daddy longlegs (dont ask me why) game I saw when you basically had a multiplayer style horror game.

One gripe I had is that I didnt feel like there was much feedback after catching the player, it just kind of stopped for me. I also took a bit of time to understand the purpose of the pages, but eventually I got it.

Finally I'd like to praise the movement, it had just the right feel for the type of game. Overall it was just very well done, perhaps just lacking a bit of polish, but thats to be expected given the timeframe and scope. Well done!

Neat idea, I managed to get about 1404 dollars before losing. This game has much potential to include a sort of day based system. Perhaps one day you turn a huge loss to attract a horde of gamblers the next. You could also expand with more different gambling games. Nonetheless given the 48 hour time limit you set down a polished game. Well done!

Hahaha its quite a neat experience and you hit the nail of the head in terms of the theme. Obviously the cat AI still needed some work but for a 48 hour time period you did well. Well done!

A combination of a lot of experience making games and relentlessly working on it over the two days provided. We both put in around about 12 hours over the course of the 48 hour time period. 

Interesting concept. I found it very finnicky to get all the items in their place. The timer also felt really strict, I couldnt even get close to finishing. Congratulatutions on finishing a game, the concept is pretty creative! Well done!

No, thats not working

Yeah I tried that, but after selecting two players I tried clicking every button (who's bounds are not correct) but the game just doesnt start.

Sadly I cant get the game to start!

Neat little game, one issue I came across is that the double jump only worked for the spacebar and not for the w key. Apart from that the game lacks a bit of depth but overall it works, well done!

Well polished and simple entry that fits the theme. It could use some more depth though.

Aahaha no worries, I dont actually mind the rating, this is my eighth jam and I spent just a few hours on it, was just messing with you a bit.

Neat game, the 1 minute timer isnt really challenging enough though, and I found it confusing that you bounce up after clearing a floor. I guess that was to add the "rise" part of the theme, but in the end it was mostly a frustrating mechanic. I do really like hte obelisk models though, they're really nice among the other models and they look suspiciously good.

Sadly you forgot to upload your game! Or at least I cant see it

Good job on finishing a game! You have all the mechanics in place for a fun game but you just needed that tiny step further; imagine if you had more planter boxes and you had the trade off of needing to sell you weapon to plant a new flower, leaving you temporarily vulnerable. I think there's lots of potential there.

Again well done, and I will try to ignore the fact that you rated my game 2 stars before the jam ratings even opened when rating your game ;D.

Sadly the game crashes for me before there's any gameplay. You really did a good job on the atmospshere though!

Sadly I think the game in its current stage is impossible, with two machine guns at the start you can't even pass the first wave, and I dont seem to earn any coins.

I also must say the the interpretation of the theme is a bit for a stretch, for a 48 hour project this was very ambitious though and it's cool to see that you put together something functional. With another day of dev this could've been one of those flash games you played in primary school as a kid. Good work!

Neat little game! It very hard to control the character though, perhaps a slomo after releasing the grapple would improve things. I also wouldve liked a bit of music, some royalty free stuff could've done wonders. Overall its a functional game that fits the theme very well though, well done!