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A member registered Oct 31, 2023 · View creator page →

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+100 points for using Chopin's Funeral March for the game over theme. Sprite art is very cute and expressive as well. The game itself is decently fun and it's amazing you got it done in such a short amount of time. It gets overwhelming like any good arcade game of the time would be, but I have a couple suggestions for what I'd like to see added in the future (If you're not done with the project, which is fine too, you did a solid job and you should be proud of the work you've done already). 

I think adding a Mario Bros style POW block could go a long way in getting the player to play the game more. When enough crabs reach the bottom it can start to feel kinda hopeless and defeating, having a couple screen clears (for the enemies on the ground at least) ready would help the game's longevity and add another strategic element. Another thing I'd add is some kind of item that can hit multiple crabs at once, whether it's like a koopa shell or Donkey Kong hammer. Just something to make way for a good score multiplier that'll make the player feel like they can really optimize their high score.

But those aren't really problems with the game, those are just suggestions from a worthless idea guy. Great job on your game. Punch those crabs!

Edit: You're amazing for including the source code with your game, big ups. I'll see if I can include it in my game as an extra minigame. I had an idea for the minigames to all run on a Windows XP spoof OS with some of the games running in a Nesticle like parody emulator, this'll fit right in.

Probably the biggest game I've had to download for one of these. Haven't really gotten that deep into it yet but I'm having fun so far, brings back memories of those mech pod games they used to have in arcades. And the portrait art is really nice, did I hear correctly that your mom did them?

Starts off as a standard puzzle platformer but quickly becomes a puzzle action game like Solomon's Key, very fun! Music is very nice too.

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Incredibly cute, reminds me of the games I used to make as a teen (but way better!) The game gets really good in the ice and lava levels, some really fun level design is there. I'll come back to beat the lava level later, it's really kicking my ass. Great job blorbdev, you're on your way to doing amazing things. Also big ups for using the arabian riff in the desert stage, that put a big smile on my face.

Very cute! The music reminds me a lot of early Famicom stuff, like the stuff Hudson Soft would make. The gameplay is a good approximation of Mario 1 though I wish Gob ran a little faster. That and I died once or twice from jumping on the knight's helmet. Great ending too, didn't expect that. Level design is pretty good and challenging as well. Good job Top Gob

Haven't played this one in awhile but this is still one of my favorite /agdg/ games. I really can't wait to see how this game grows and evolves more. Also there's some issues with the resolution support, the game doesn't scale correctly to 1440x1080 and it crashed when I tried to switch to 1024x768.

Thank you so much for the video! I always highly appreciate when anyone does this. Not to bite the hand that feeds me but I found it a little strange you wanted a "couple more attacks" when you didn't use the two special moves I outlined on the tutorial screen but whatever. I think you made many valid points nonetheless.

Thanks for playing Velveteen! Honestly not a bad idea, I already have a similar sorta thing for the bosses where they go back on screen if they're off screen.

Thank you for playing Tsveeble! Definitely gonna put in some volume options for the next demo. The asshole part of me wants to say "oh it's just like those early 2000s Sonic fan games that blow your ears out with midis" but I've already exhausted enough excuses for why the game being janky is actually a nostalgic callback.

Thank you horbror, always appreciated! I'm kinda torn on whether or not I wanna shorten the distance of the stinger because idk if a full chain of the second stage will work with a reduced one but I'll test it out in the lab. I'm also gonna be putting in a level select soon so people can practice full chains better (yeah right lol).

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Finally, another bmup developer has joined one of these (to my knowledge)! This one is decently fun too. There's a lot to like here, especially the art, but the grabbing and combo abuse are holding the game back. The combat itself is engaging and feels good, no doubt, but these problems definitely bring it down a peg. 

Throwing is a staple in these games and for a good reason, it's a risky move to pull off that pays off greatly in large crowds. However in this game, grabbing is a little too inconsistent for me to want to use it. There's probably a more consistent way to do it but it feels like half the time nothing happens when I try to do it. If I can say something positive about it I love how much variety there is in what you can do once an enemy is grabbed. I don't think I did this while recording but I threw an enemy up in the air, grabbed another one, and the enemy came down doing a bunch of damage to the enemy I was holding. It was amazing.

I love that you implemented wall combos like Fight N' Rage but they feel a little cheap, especially in boss fights. It's not as easy to abuse in the regular stages when you have enemies coming at you from behind but it's very easy to abuse in a boss fight where there are none. Still a really fun mechanic, definitely keep it though.

A couple of inane things; out of context the keyboard layout is evil. In the context of you using it to test the game one-handed it's fine and kinda funny. Also the game doesn't support other aspect ratios super well.

I can't wait to see how this one develops and I hope you keep submitting progress. Below I've attached some gameplay. I don't usually do this but I wanted to record some pro arcade gamer gameplay (and also demonstrate some of the issues I stated) c:

In spite of any gripes I have with the game so far I still had a lot of fun and I'm very glad to see more of these types of games being made. I love how dense the levels are with so many different paths that can be taken. But it can sometimes be a little much and I found myself running around in circles trying to find a path that would move me forward. If there is an end to the first level I didn't reach it. Also the boost should give you more speed, its far more advantageous to use the kick to gain speed instead of using up limited boost resources. Enemies should be less intrusive, I got killed by the spinning enemy a couple times because it kept hitting me while I couldn't do anything. Same with the missile enemy that shoots you while you're grinding on a rail. I played the game on both my Steam Deck (which works with no issues I noticed) and my PC with kbm and I think I prefer using kbm. It feels like you can control the turning speed of the character far better with the mouse than a stick. I can't wait to see this project grow and develop, it has a lot of untapped potential.


•Temporarily removed 30 FPS limit

•Updated some enemy behavior to be less buggy

•Removed spotdodge in favor of ducking

•Mapped punch to space alongside zxc keys

•Remapped uppercut to down down punch input

•Added stinger move

•New results screen, now shippable too

•New level! Features two new enemies and a kinda new boss

This is awesome, great work!

Some notes from my stream:

  • Goddamn movement is twitchy, why do you move up and down faster than you move left to right? And then why is this fixed when you're shooting a laser. Is this a placebo effect on my part?
  • The art is great! Very expressive, the streamer mode was nice too
  • Fun first boss! Maybe a little long but the patterns were decent
  • Ranking system could be a good substitute for 1cc given there's no lives, it also discourages credit feeding

Overall I had fun with it, I can't wait to see it expanded on more

Oh one more thing, where did you learn to implement Sonic physics like that? I wanna try doing something similar but idk where to look

Fun! I also love the design of the main character, very cute. That one level that loops infinitely fucked me up because i'm used to the top path being the best in these types of games. The game is at it's best when you get into a flow and are flying through the levels at top speed. Good job!

I wanna play more of this later because it's pretty fun and I love STGs, but I'll say right now inertia based movement really doesn't belong in shooting games like this, you need pin point accuracy in your ship movement.

Oh also +1 for 4:3 support

I can't believe just how close this plays to the old SSX games, it's really impressive. Only complaints really are the ragdoll physics are still a little janky and collision on that pile of logs is very weird. Other than that, this was really enjoyable, I'll be sure to back you on kickstarter soon. EA HIRE THIS MAN!!!!!!

Kicking myself for missing this one initially, this ended up being probably my favorite game from the last DD. I ended up putting on some jungle in the background while I was playing and I just got completely lost in the experience. I'll save my criticism for the next DD you submit to but I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this one. Despite your name, you're GMI!!!

I got hit by the boss just as I defeated them. Then it brought up the ranking and restarted the first stage so I couldn't do anything.

Jump feels a little weird and I died right as I defeated the boss which caused a softlock but this is a lot of fun! The combat feels nice and I like the sprite work

I got filtered hard but I still had a ton of fun with this. I feel like this could be one of those Super Famicom games that's $500 now, good stuff.

Very cute! I love the art and the game is very well designed.

Contender for game of the jam and definitely game of /v/3 (alongside DOTJD, of course)

Thank you! I'm really happy someone finally mentioned the music, my guy did an incredible job imo.

This was pretty fun! Not much else I can really say this seemingly being a very early build, it just needs some polish in terms of visual and audio stuff really.

Probably one of the most solid games of the jam so far. The levels are challenging as hell but not so hard that it's unfair and it makes you want to give up, it's almost a perfect balance. I noticed some frame drops/frame pacing issues every so often but it's not really a big deal.

This has the potential to be amazing but the controls are way too slippery. You can't really weave between the obstacles at high speed so you have to kinda inch around them. But I still wanna see this project flourish and become something great, the potential is there.

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Thank you for playing! I've definitely been struggling on how I should implement the spotdodge but for now it's best to treat it as a parry. And the boss is pretty poor, I kinda just threw it together in a mad state of crunch and drinking mango locos. I'm flattered you think the game is polished already, but there's still a lot of work to do.

Not much to say, but as always you're doing a great job with the art. One thing that kinda bugged me is that there's some kind of input lag when navigating the battle menu, not sure what that's about.

Good first start! Gives me SotN vibes almost. Setting the vertical camera limit will help a lot and hide the gray space above the level. Some acceleration and friction might be a good addition but it's not a huge deal. However having to press down again to uncrouch is weird, you should uncrouch when you let go of down. Also it's weird not having any air attack Give the player some i-frames after they get hit or give the enemies a cooldown timer though, it's easy for an enemy to attack you right after you get up. Keep at it though, with some more polish and original assets this could be something great!

Kind of a bitch to play with the keyboard but it's still super addicting, fun and innovative.

So far this is my favorite iteration of the game in this jam. Cute graphics, cute music and it moves at a pretty quick pace which I like. With that being said the best character is the third green one.