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A member registered Aug 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Glad to hear you liked the effects!

Yeah I was going to do that when I had time

Super intuitive game and a really cool art style. Great job!

I like the art style!

Cool art style, and a really unique idea!

Thanks! There isn’t a score system because there is a max amount of waves… surprised people haven’t got there yet lol

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the in-depth review!

Interesting choice of aesthetic, but a little laggy. Pretty cool nonetheless!

i did that too! :) thanks for playing


Cool art and game feel!

the difficult part was just because I’m not used to those controls lol.

completely true. didn’t really try to go for the creative route. thanks for playing!

Kinda difficult, but super polished. I really like how professional your art style is, looks like something straight out of a several year project. Great work!

This is one of the most creative games I’ve seen today. Also feels great to play!

The pixel art is very high quality, and the game looks great!

Very unique game and the art is very professional. Great job!

The aesthetic is really cool, good job!

I love the cute art style with the alchemist dude. Also, the mouse feels pretty good to control. Great job!

I like the interesting art style, never seen something like that before. Really cool!

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yeah it is a little slippery, and the slipperyness does not match the high friction when you stop moving. My advice is to add some more responsiveness with the movement and maybe add some slide when you let go of a key.

(1 edit)

movements a little janky in my opinion, but the game runs really smoothly! we had similar game ideas and I like your take on the theme.

thanks for playing!

Wow, you really got a lot done! I can see all of the complexity and time put into this project. Good job!

I like the green aesthetic.

The art is very well done!

great use of the theme and the polish is nice as well.

I love the art style!

Wow, the art and polish of this game are amazing! Great work

Interesting gameplay!

Great level design and aesthetics!

really cool! The art is great

Great stuff!

I like the grow mechanic!

Love the smoothness and the art!

Great level design! The art looks pretty good as well.

I love the art style and ideas! Reminds me of that stack the states game.

Very interesting idea, and your execution is great! Nice take on the theme.

I like the idea! My advice is to maybe try and make a smaller game that you can finish. Great job!