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Copperhead Game Studios

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I had aspirations of making a rhythm game prior to this jam, so I'm always super pumped to play others' rhythm games. This was a great time. Cool music, solid rhythm mechanics. Great work! Congrats and good luck!!

Great mechanics and gameplay loop. A very charming game. Great work! Congrats and good luck!

Art and music were great, moving and attacking felt sluggish at first but took no time to get used to. I was a tad confused initially (probably because I didn't read =/) and ran straight to the shop and got the "You Win!" message. After I restarted I realized I could go left and there was more to do. Overall, great work! Congrats and good luck!!

Very cool interpretation of the theme. I went through each mini-game a few times and she was never satisfied. It's too close to real life! Great work! Congrats and good luck!

What a crazy ride. Very cool interpretation of the theme and I loved the art/aesthetic. Great work! Congrats and good luck!!

I got 77. Fantastic game all around. Congrats and good luck!

Loved the atmosphere (and the stratosphere. I kept running out of oxygen because I wasn't paying attention to it.  EVA'ing felt great too. Love seeing unique stuff like this made in Godot. Great work!  Congrats and good luck!!

Like others, I got stuck a couple of times after switching rooms. Art and narrative look great. Congrats and good luck!

I always enjoy a good chill fishing game. Great work. Congrats and good luck!!

I thought the idea was cool and the dirt and bamboo assets looked good but it was difficult to get a feel for what I was doing, but great work anyway. Congrats and good luck!

Enjoyed the premise. Kinda reminded me a little of Sid Meier's Pirates! with the movement and broadside combat. Upgrade system was nice. Great work! Congrats and good luck!

Loved it. Great take on the survivors genre. The enemy types were varied and creepy in the best way. Great work! Congrats and good luck!!

Thanks for the reply! The boxes spawn randomly up and down the funnel. It's certainly easy to lose your orientation inside there, that was somewhat intended since it's supposed to be chaotic like you're inside a tornado, but hopefully once I get some actual assets in the tornado instead of just spheres and blocks it'll give a little better indication of which way is up heh.  I really appreciate you taking the time to play and rate it!

Some fun and challenging puzzles with a nice interpretation of the theme. Great work. Congrats and good luck!


I appreciate the feedback. I definitely plan on updating the visuals. Thank you!!

Thank you!

Super fun idea. Loved the artwork, controls and audio. Great work!! Congrats and good luck!

I say it all the time for these game jam games - I see dog, I click dog. Fun game, great work! Congrats and good luck!

Cool game with very chill music. Took a bit to get the hang of it at first but great work! Congrats and good luck!

Very cool. The air gun mechanic was fun and each level had some cool new twist. Great work! Congrats and good luck!

Cool art and music. Gameplay was interesting, and I enjoyed the feeling of deflecting the projectiles. Great work! Congrats and good luck!

Interesting take on the theme and a pretty fun gameplay loop. Great work. Congrats and good luck!

Love the name and premise. Fun times, great work! Congrats and good luck!

Cool pirate game. Interesting take on the theme. Great work! Congrats and good luck!

Decent little speed run platformer. Enjoyed the music quite a bit. Great work! Congrats and good luck!

I made a 3D flying game about diving into a raging tornado to collect cargo and materials. I know downloadables aren't the popular way to go, but it's less than 40mb! I'd love for you to play it (feels very good on an Xbox controller imo) and I'd be thrilled if you could rate it!

I enjoyed this idea quite a bit. The art and audio were very cool, but like others said, I accidentally got stuck under the bin a couple of times. Great work, though! Congrats and good luck!!

Really liked the cool twist on something like Angry Birds. Very unique way to fit the theme too!

Thanks! I really wanted to add a mechanic sort of companion NPC that gave you the rundown of the gameplay and walked you through the controls but time contraints etc... It's definitely planned for the future though.  Thank you for the feedback!!

There were yellow cubes that were the cargo boxes, and then blue sort of oblong shapes that were materials bundles (can be either plastic, metal, or rope.)  The "collect x cargo boxes" just meant collect the cubes, and it tracks how many you've grabbed in the bottom left corner.  Originally the cargo thing was part of a bigger idea I had at the start but quickly realized I wasn't going to have time to flesh it out so I just kinda made the cargo boxes be the mission objectives for now in order to create some kind of gameplay loop for the jam.  

I'm glad you enjoyed flying around, and thanks so much for checking it out!

Felt great to play. Very satisfying to yeet a barbell at a bunch of enemies running at me and knock them down. Great work!! Congrats and good luck!

Excellent work! Loved the gameplay loop. The audio was great, and all the art fit perfectly. Great great stuff. Congrats and good luck!!

Very cool art. Would've loved to have seen the finished product but great work anyway!

Yeah I'm sure with longer development time, it'd be way easier to come up with original asset but it's totally fine! The ones you chose worked great and served the game well. Cheers!

While I don't disapprove of AI as a tool to aid in creation, this clearly isn't the way to use it. The calm in this case was me waiting to play the game, and the storm was me spam clicking the start button and nothing happening, so I'll at least give you more than 1 star for theme. Good luck!

(1 edit)

Really enjoyed the puzzles and the music! The art was fine but since it was a lot of assets it felt kind of disjointed in a way. It didn't take away from the gameplay at all though. Great work! Congrats and good luck!!

I definitely plan on continuing with this project, I have so many ideas! Thank you!

Enjoyed the art style and the mini-puzzle mechanics. Great work! Congrats and good luck!

Really enjoyed the art, cool concept for a game. Great work! Congrats and good luck!