我set咗 boss HP = 100
Player子彈攻擊力 = 1,附有1 dps(持續5秒))嘅燃燒傷害
除咗 Level 6 其他都解完
Bug Report: Fullscreen時文字會走位
美術效果做得好好,特別係 Level Clear嘅彩虹。玩家過關會有正面嘅Feedback,對一隻Game嚟講好重要。
目標係溝旗仔嘅顏色出嚟。我諗設計原意係想玩家用肉眼判決顏色,但係我冇乜Art Sence,所以我係直接對 RGB value解Puzzle。顯示RGB value嘅UI唔太好用,一次只能show一個object嘅RGB value。
我冇美術底,理解唔到各個分解器嘅作用,唔知點解OUTPUT出嚟會係呢個 RGB value,所以只係用Try & Error過關。
I love this game. But there is a bug in the control when I play with the browser.
(1) The fighter moves anti-clockwise when pressing D and clockwise when pressing A.
(2) But it changes when the fighter is in the 9 o'clock position: it becomes anti-clockwise when pressing A and moves clockwise when pressing D.
Awesome fast-paced FPS game! The movement is so smooth. It seems the game hasn't been polished yet, and I'm looking forward to the full version of the game.
(1) There is no indication that I am repairing myself. I can see my energy drop when pressing "R.". But there are no sounds, visuals, or icons telling me that I am actually healing.
(2) There are only three enemy types. It makes ~15 minutes of gameplay too long. Even though I beat all the levels, I got bored after 5 minutes.
But the first 5 minutes of the game is really fun! A great game!
Good idea! But this game is too difficult for me.
(1) Moving is difficult. No problem for me, and I enjoyed it.
(2) Aiming is difficult. The bullets don't follow the cursor, so I have to stand in the same position for a long time to calibrate the gun.
(3) As a result, I can't dodge bullets in this bullet hell game. All I did was stand in the same position, adjust my gun position, and try to eliminate the enemy's bullets with my bullets. I'm not sure if this is your intended game design.
I love narrative and letting players design levels.
But that's not my cup of tea. The only thing the player can do is use WASD to dodge bullets, and the character moves like skiing on ice. It's a suffering game with a lack of positive feedback. It's just not my type of game.
A great game for your target players! Well done!
Fun survivor game! I love the enemy death effects. It's really interesting. I reach the maximum level at 5:20.
Great jam game! But I think the player is overpowered.
(1) 0:00–1:00: Trying to survive.
(2) 1:00 - 2:30: A little bit boring.
(3) 2:30–3:00: Great boss fight!
(4) 3:00–5:00: Keep leveling up! It motivates me to continue playing!
Nice work! Just some comments.
(1) I can only see the main menu's "start" button when I'm in full screen mode. It looks like your Unity Anchor Preset (Rect Transform) doesn't work well in my browser.
(2) This game is too difficult for me. I can't dodge bullets even in "slow" mode.
But I love bullets and tanks. It is a potential game.
Thank you! It is very useful. I've read Unity's documentation for this function, and applied it to my next Game Jam game.
Hi everyone, I am new to Unity. This project is to test two programming/ software structure methods.
This is a simple prototype that took two days to develop. Therefore, I used some techniques to speed up development.
We are all beginners. Feel free to share any game development techniques here!