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A member registered Mar 04, 2017

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Hi Kat!

We're sorry to hear that it isn't working for you :( Can you tell us if this is happening during the tutorial, on the main menu, in-game, or in all situations?

The high scores are out of control! I don't even think I'd make it into the top 10 now :|

We're working on some updates at the moment, so hopefully, we can reproduce the issues you encountered and sort them out

Thanks for playing our game!

Thank you! We're so glad you enjoyed it :D

I'm glad you were still able to enjoy the challenge! If you're interested in playing this without a timer, we'll be looking at adding a 'chill' mode now that the jam has finished : )

This is super cute! Everything works really well, no bugs, and lots of polish. I also really liked the job titles for your team members : )

Well done on a great game!

Oh man, I'll add this to a collection so I can come back to it when I'm not so puzzled out 🙂

Great game! I loved how the instrument for each dwarf layered not only when you collect them but when you're in proximity of them - super smooth!

Nice work on a fantastic submission : )

Amazing! Art, sound, and level design were all spot on. I, unfortunately, got too frustrated with my own abilities after falling off a million times on the green screwdriver level to be able to appreciate everything you guys have done - but this is brilliant regardless!

Well done guys!

Thanks so much for the detailed and kind feedback!

We have noticed that bug where you can get more than one queued call for a given user. We had actually tried (and thought we'd succeeded) to make sure that wouldn't happen, or if it did, that you'd be given enough time to ensure you could connect the next call, but it turns out we didn't quite get there haha. Hopefully something we'll address after the jam.

We haven't had a chance to check out your game yet, but I'll be sure to have a look over the next day or so : )

This is a neat puzzler, I definitely haven't seen anything else in the jam like this.

Great work on the music/voice over - really added to the feel of the game.

Great idea having the two snaked join together to complete the level! We played this two-player and it was a lot of fun : )

Awesome idea having a puzzle element to the rogue-like experience! It was super satisfying to build your own level

I actually enjoyed this - super impressive for 1 hour! I think you could build this out to have different cookie types with other cookie upgrades and it would add some variety.

Life commitments sometimes get in the way, so good on you for submitting something anyway : )

The physics made controlling the character difficult at times, but the puzzles were really well done! We especially loved the change worm   : )

ps. 25 seconds before the deadline!?

Very clever puzzles! We encountered a crash on the leg+hat+spike level, but otherwise really good!

Well done on a great entry : )

Cool idea, it's almost like working in a real office!

It got very hectic toward then end, but lots of fun : )

I really liked the puzzles in your game! Great use of the shackle in various situations, and even using it has a weapon!

Solid game : )

I played this with a controller and it was a lot of fun! I liked how challenging the last levels became once it became more fast-paced. The slow paced intro was perfect as well !

Great game my dude : )

I got the sad ending : (

Great to see one of these games where the two characters control differently and actually have some form of interaction - nice work on the story and use of the different control mechanics! : )

Great puzzle and game design, nice work! : )

Really cool concept! I like being able to traverse around in the air by grabbing the blocks.

You also made great use of the main mechanic in your level design and puzzles - great work!

Such a unique idea! I really liked the intensity of the game - trying to keep an eye on both parts of the screen was a nice challenge!

Great work : )

You made excellent use of the magnetism mechanic in your level designs, really nice work! 

I especially enjoyed the last two levels : )

The movement took some getting used to, but I liked how you included multiple enemies with various bullet types. There's even a mini boss in there!

Nice work!

This doesn't fit the theme of the game jam.

Nice work on including so many different elements! I saw a dialog system, particles, waking animations, and a boss

ps. I especially like that Godot was the boss >.<

I struggled on the enemy that targeted you, but I really like this twist on the control-two-characters game! 

Nice work : )

Excellent work on the concept, and I love that words are being pulled in from daily news headlines. Well done!

Nice work! I liked how the level moved around to reveal new areas

Man, there's some really tricky puzzles in here! The joining mechanic was a nice twist on a classic and had us stuck a few times. Well done!