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A member registered May 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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This was pretty great, and the protag is for sure someone I wish I could see "discovering a bit more" of his new hobby

I actually enjoyed some extra difficulty to unlock some of the images, and the elf with his hints were pretty good, nothing too in your face, but nothing too cryptic either, just right...although I slightly wish you could skip the introduction after you unlocked around half of the gallery;
Amazing little game still, would love to see more... especially of that dang elf, who really made me "feel things" 

A really fun and short adventure where all the characters have their own little quirks,while I hoped there were some secrets to be found with so many different areas to visit, it doesn't take away from the whole thing.

The stories so far have been great, and the hints towards a more complex plot are also very welcome, I got to say that I especially enjoyed that the protagonist is very much a versatile slut, going to town either bottoming or topping whoever he pleases;

The 2 things that I would like to mention are minor though.

First is that while I don't know know what scenarios are planned it would be welcome to have some alone time as the protagonist pleasures himself, to know some of what he likes to do when there is no dick within reach other than his own can be fun, not to mention the moments of "post nut clarity" could give some character insight.
Second and I don't know if this is feedback or a bug report, or something, but during the second story, one of the kinks marked for showing either didn't show up or was so subtle it made little difference (I double checked for tagging it to show and there was no change with the kink active or not) even the little icon on the bottom of the screen not showing up, the kink in question was "large orgasms" I think, or it's other equivalent,maybe it was a small oversight.

In any case, this project is starting off strong, I hope to see more from it and to be able to contribute to it as soon as I can.

The idea of the new card design is really good, though I have to admit, I kinda prefer the pixel art rather than the full drawings 

(1 edit)

Really fun, and the art as always is really good, surprised me a bit by how smooth Lance's walk cycle was; I believe the only detail missed is that 1 item that can be clicked didn't show its name on the dialogue box, that being the store window, not a real problem, just an oversight I guess.

It's an incredible comic, and I say that because by the fourth page I was already prepared to have my feelings stabbed to death.

I don't know if this is one of the issues that was fixed by the hotfix but, 2 small issues appeared during my gameplay, first is that the available visit to bareleaf park triggered an error, apparently a string of code is missing; the second one is that during the fishing minigame the buttons on the sides to control the bobber didn't work, I clicked on them but nothing happened, I can't use the arrow keys on my laptop so clicking is kind of my only option.

The game is neat, reminds me of very old school master system games (the sega one, I don't remember it's alternate name) the controls are very responsive and it seems to fit the theme very well considering both the player and the boss don't really have a life bar or even lose much more than points when hitting each other.

The one problem I can point to is that in this kind of game shooting as often (and as fast) as possible feels like a must, so having to tap the shoot button for every shot to come out can be very tiring on the old trigger finger, to be able to hold down the fire button and shoot that way would be much better.

Thank you for your concern and comment, and well in order...
Yes it was intentional for the player to be able to climb the black border of the screen.
the timer hitting zero seems to trigger the death of the character so you are indeed supposed to return to the start of the level, even if you already touched the end of the level and the animation started playing.
About the credits... I agree the animation was a bit much, makes it hard to read, not impossible but sure makes it hard XD

Thank you for your comment, I'm somewhat surprised that you managed to finish it so fast, some of the later levels are indeed a bit difficult, or maybe I just suck, who knows :P

Thank you for your comment, the difficulty curve, from my point of view as just the guy who made the visuals, felt fine if a little steep, so I'm happy to know others found it equally challenging without being frustrating.

And in regards to the wall jumps, yes according to my friend who made the levels it was the intention all along...
I was surprised by that too when I first played XD

Thank you for the comment, and yes the enemy patterns were a bit tough to make work without overwhelming the player, but thankfully the team's coder is a very competent dude and made both the enemies and the weapons function in a unique fashion each.

Thank you, the little shark was a bit tough to handle but I'm glad that people are finding him charming... hopefully we might see more adventures with him in the near future.

Our game for some reason didn't submit to the jam...

All the new characters are pretty great, some adding quite the variety to the cast... no spoilers of course.

Another great update Caesar buddy

Thank you for the critique, I do agree that the "field of view" ended smaller than I expected so the clothes for the gnomes don't have enough space to convey what they are supposed to be related to, as that was supposed to be the biggest hint as to where each one goes, while the fact that the gnomes are in fixed positions, I believe the starting hint does imply that, but might have been too obtuse so I understand some would be confused.

it's understandable to need to cut some stuff because of time, me and my partner almost didn't have time to upload our own, it was like 4 minutes before deadline XD

The game is pretty good, I got a cit caught by surprise with the voice lines, but they added to the fun of it all, the only 2 things I guess I would say work against the game is, the aesthetic and the end level tally.

the aesthetic of each individual level is pretty good, but they don't really mash together as a whole, the look and feel of the space gynoids doesn't mash with the little bob-ombs or the pirates, keeping a cohesive visual style between all levels would have been better.

at the end of the timer, maybe a little something more could have made the act of guessing the right/wrong number a more engaging experience, a simple jingle for getting it right, or a comedic "sad brass" when getting it wrong, would have made it feel like the game was talking more with the player.

Thanks for the comment, and yeah I believe it wasn't immediately obvious where each gnome should go, probably because of the size the globes were, it was supposed to be visible that each of them wears a different outfit that resembles where they should be.

There's  what I can't really call a bug, as much as just as just a small sillyness, according to the handy "cheat sheet" provided the 4 star event for Levy shouldn't be unlocked yet in the public version, but the quest for achieving such can be started as part of the 4 star event for Theo at the gym, it can be a little confusing as it more or less repeats the previous quirk of one of Kyle's quests being left half way done... it's not a problem as much as something to take note for future updates, to avoid quests that can be left halfway done.

That sillyness aside, I really liked this new chapter, introducing some new characters (one that I'm certain is a reference XD ) and the lovelly squirrel enemies that I could say I want to hug... if I didn't know what their strongest attack is (seriously that wrecked me up O.o ) great job as Always Caesar

Thank you, we know it's kinda janky, but it's still nice to have such good reception :)

the end wasn't that shocking, but the gameplay was really solid, the enemy placement was kinda challenging by the end, and even then I managed to reach the end with all the colectables... just not sure what their purpose was though. great game still.

Thank you, the bar at the top was a bit of a last minute addition so I'm happy that it's appreciated, my co-developer was the one who thought of it at the time, so he deserves the credit for it.

Thank you for the input, for a couple puzzles the timer was slightly altered to give the player more wiggle room to solve the puzzles, so it's understandable that it felt "random" but about the music, any specific reason a different one would be nice, or you meant, a bigger number for the levels?

Thanks, we managed to rush it a bit to be able to finish on time, so it's nice that people are enjoying it.

I love the new characters, the christmas theme was brought well with everybody, even though around the fourth character I sorta saw the twist coming, also a christmas elf polar bear is quite ingenious, great job on this one Caesar, and marry christmas to you buddy.

I'll be completely honest, the new mechanic with the current "boss" in the game got me by surprise, it's a really good addition since it makes for a big back and forth between you and the enemy, I'd like to see other types of quirks with different characters...

Also the bit with Timmy and the hero Gallant was great, somehow I didn't see that coming XD

I say, the game is pretty good, just challenging enough to keep me engaged, and the addition of the opponent's sprite moving when transitioning from one stage to the next was a really good idea since it gives more life to the visuals rather than just the static change from pose to pose, I'm eager to see what comes from any future updates.

It's fun, a bit buggy though, the player "thing" has some response issues considering it didn't always seem to understand the difference from when I was charging a shot or just tapping to shoot, also the screen would occasionally jitter and gag when there was too much stuff at once, maybe with more polish and a better color pallet (the bright magenta wasn't a wise choice for BG) this could become a nice arcade-y distraction.

I say, the charm alone of it all makes the game very fun, although my only criticism is that when the screen is squeezing as the timer runs out it's a bit too fast, maybe give it 1 extra second to the total, but that's just a preference thing, all in all I say this has great potential for a fully fledged game.

I honestly wasn't expecting the tether mechanic to be what controlled the laser, as well as the "shadow knight" being a thing, the presentation is through the roof in levels of quality, although I have to admit, the difficulty curve was a bit steep, from the mid levels onward I was having trouble getting my head around how the timing of everything could work, especially considering the control over the laser's direction is rather loose, I'd recommend making the ghosts slightly slower on the earlier levels and to ramp up the difficulty make them faster near the end of the game.

The concept is solid, tying stuff together to then make them crash against each other is fun, but just like what was mentioned in the game's page it's under-cooked, I do encourage the team to finish it though because with just some more polish, and tutorial messages that aren't arial font over the ground this could be really fun to play.

yeah I do, it just wasn't submitted through my account, it's name is "Gnome along"

me and my team are still working to implement what we couldn't while the jam was running (for after it's finished) so what we have is just a snippet.

the presentation is good with the different music layers working alone when the duo is split or together when they are... well together, the dual world idea might not be the most original out there but you managed to implement it pretty well, also the level design was pretty nice, I didn't feel stumped at any point, the controls though weren't the best, both characters were very slippery, making the jumps on tiny platforms more of a hassle then they needed to be.

since it was for a 48 hour jam I tottaly get the "let's just do it" mentality, my team had to almost scrap the wholeproject to be able to have something passable, consider my criticism more as pointers to what you could work on  in the game just in case you decide to push for an update after the jam, it has potential after all.

Really nice game, the aesthetics are cute and fit the sound effects and music choice really well, the controls were well balanced with the frog being just fast enough to move through things, and thank the heavens for your foresight in adding the dash option for panic moments when the frog is alone.

I only have one complaint, since the followers work in a "snake mechanic" where if the chain is broken anyone along that chain will be defeated, regardless of how much health it had, it would be wiser to make it so the newer enemies added to the chain are added closer to the frog rather than at the end of the length, otherwise those already hurt if hit will make it so we lose followers too easy... I hope I was clear enough.

some really good pixel art and music, the aesthetic is pretty nice, but the gameplay is kinda janky with how the enemies can combo you with their projectiles and whenever you hit them with your spirit there's a 50/50 chance that you will just pull them closer to you... somehow.

A suggestion I could make is that, since the player's spirit covers him so much as it costs mana to initially summon it it could serve as a shield against projectiles for maybe a single hit so not to make it too OP; All in all it was a nice concept but with flawed execution.

The game is pretty neat, the music is subtle but adds to the charm, the visuals also while simple do their job, especially the little blob he got some personality making him cute.

the only major problem is that I believe the puzzle aspect of the game, in the matter of level design, wasn't fully thought through, I did understand how each level should work more or less, I finished the game after all, but I never felt like what I was doing was right, the solutions gave me the feeling that I was sort of brute forcing through the game, shooting and ignoring the enemies, sometimes tanking damage just to get to the level end.

Not bad, it's engaging to have to balance the health and ammo, but the "astronaut"  isn't very reliable when to comes to controls, he seems a bit too heavy which made me very frequently either undershoot or over shoot a jump, which considering how relentless the swarm can get after a while makes for a difficulty that is more frustrating than entertaining, still just a few tweaks and maybe some sound effects and this would be a great game.