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A member registered Jun 18, 2018 · View creator page →

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Indeed seeing the walkthrough would be interesting!

Glad you enjoyed it!
Balancing the game was as hard as trying to find a good twist for the core gameplay. It still feels like it's missing something and it clearly lacks good overall control (so a bit too random) but it was (close) enough for this jam.
Tried and left a small review on your game too btw, like I said it was cool!

Nice game!

While spooky games are really not what I like to play (weak to scare jumps among other things) I could enjoy a few levels of this one.
The whistling sound is satisfying and tricking the zombies instead of killing them is a twist I like, it emphasizes the puzzle/strategic side of the game.
That said I'm not really good at those games so I could not get past the part where there are 2 red buttons (you have to go all the way to the top right and then retrace your steps to the start).
Small feedback that I have, if you don't mind, is that it would be useful to have something telling us if we can whistle or not (since it seems to have a cooldown). If there was something already sorry to have missed it.
Otherwise, impressive work for a 48h jam!

Sorry, I did think that maybe just walking on the weeds to remove them would have solved that issue.
Still glad you tried it!

Hi, thank you for trying!
Balancing the game wasn't easy, I might have made things a bit too hard haha

Finally finished, thanks everyone!

It was a cool idea!

Don't have much to add that wasn't already said in the previous comments but I encourage you to pick it up and finish what you had in mind!

Neat concept!

The pacing is a bit abrupt like it becomes hard fast. The collision with the death water wasn't very accurate so I had to replay levels multiple times since I wasn't sure I was touching or not that trigger.

Cool nonetheless !

Nice game!

Common concept but being a duel makes it more interesting also the concept of comebacks and reducing the size of the arena is cool!

But I want juicy feedback on hit and more VFX with the current art direction!

Dexterity isn't my specialty but I liked the mechanics even if I will never have those levels with the perfect score haha

Clever game!

Took me a while before getting that I could possess the drones haha

I felt a lot of autoaim on the enemies which made the game hard from the beginning. Also how the bullet move coupled with the camera controller made everything a lot more complex  which could be toned down by slowing the speed a bit and make it move a bit more physically.

Not the best levels: pacing isn't great, order wasn't either and some bugs made everything a bit random.

Nonetheless those points are nearly all fixed within our next update thanks to all the feedbacks we got.

Happy you enjoyed the game!

Happy you liked it!

Glad you enjoyed it!

The restart button is "R" on the keyboard or "Select" on the gamepad, next version will have that info inside the game and not just on itch.io.

I have a short list of 4 games to test, keep them coming!

If you wanna try to find out why it's happening let's talk tomorrow but I'm sure, one of my computers cannot play the game as is so there is something. 

Glad you went through all the levels we made (we didn't implement the ending loop haha).

Level design was rushed on the last hours so all your points are valid and already taking in account for our next update.

About the enemies indications I suggest you look here https://twitter.com/dzamanikord/status/1160273294655987716?s=20 that's what you should see if there wasn't a bug with the WebGL build which isn't on standalone.

Anyway thanks for playing, I will check out your game in a few minutes!

Here is our game that you could be either with a gamepad or with just your keyboard!

"The Only NeOne" is a Grid based puzzle game where you clear levels by reaching the exit by only pressing and holding your input keys ONCE. Study the enemy's patterns, keep track of your paths you take and figure out how to reach the exit!

You will find the game here: https://dzamani.itch.io/the-only-neone

We would love to hear your feedbacks!


Just finished playing and rating your game!

Here is ours:

"The Only NeOne" is a Grid based puzzle game where you clear levels by reaching the exit by only pressing and holding your input keys ONCE. Study the enemy's patterns, keep track of your paths you take and figure out how to reach the exit!

You will find the game here: https://dzamani.itch.io/the-only-neone

Nice game!

The concept is simple but the mecanics you have added are what makes it fun to play!

Nice twist for your game concept!

If one thing would make it better I would say is to add rapid access to the modules but with the keyboard (like use 1,2,3 and 4 to switch module).

Sure thing, I'm playing it now, check out ours in the meantime: 

"The Only NeOne" is a Grid based puzzle game where you clear levels by reaching the exit by only pressing and holding your input keys ONCE. Study the enemy's patterns, keep track of your paths you take and figure out how to reach the exit!

You will find the game here: https://dzamani.itch.io/the-only-neone

Anyone else wanting to have their games rated ?

That's not what I meant, while having the Move option selected the player wasn't jumping high enough to go forward, this issue come from how you move the player which need to be moved with a formula like: Direction * Speed * Deltatime.

I will die alone :(

I love escape rooms, this one made me feel like I was doing that, very cool game and the no restart policy make it feel even more hard to finish!

(1 edit)

Happy you liked it, the next version will be even more polished!

Neat project!

Made it to the end with only 21 retries haha

As a platformer there is a lot of different things you can try to add to your game to diversify the gameplay. Look a bit toward small feedbacks around the player actions that will add some juiciness!

Hey everyone! 

Here are some updates incoming for our game:

Also a small video (that I can't put in the post since video uploading doesn't work ?) https://twitter.com/dzamanikord/status/1160273294655987716?s=20

We are preparing an update with the feedbacks we received but not sure about a real full release yet.

Glad you enjoyed playing our game!

We need moar crabs!

Not much to say for improvements on this game that isn't obvious like we would want more content (guns, crabs, etc.) and maybe a dash action ?

Cool game!


Yeah gory game, playing it right now!

In the mean time here is our game, "The Only NeOne" a Grid based puzzle game where you clear levels by reaching the exit by only pressing and holding your input keys ONCE. Study the enemy's patterns, keep track of your paths you take and figure out how to reach the exit!

You will find the game here: https://dzamani.itch.io/the-only-neone

We would love to hear your feedbacks!


Would have been funny to say that you killed all the good parts of your personality and now you are "The bad guy" haha

Funny game!

Finally had time to test your game, I like the twist on the concept!

Like you showed us you are already improving it as we speak so not sure you did not already fixed it but you should look at implementing the checkmate rule (if the King is in the range of an enemy you need to move it). I would also say that the concept was a bit far away from the theme IMO but cool nonetheless.

Sorry it seems your game isn't working on my computer (crash when I open it).

Original take on the theme!

Wished the pacing was a bit slower at the beginning that would prevent players dying needlessly when they don't know the rules yet.

Hey just played and rated your game!

Try ours if you want : https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462077

Not many story driven games out here, this one is cool.

I would add more sounds effects, camera shakes and other things to improve the immersion and make it really feel like we are inside his head.

I wanna make a small cupcake tamagotchi now T-T

I like it!

(1 edit)

We tried to make our game polished and juicy, tell us what you think while we try yours!


3 games left to test, send me your games!