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A member registered Jun 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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thanks for the feedback

the mouse locking function is called when the game starts. maybe when starting the game within the web browser it's not on system focus (as if it was minimized) preventing the lock.

thanks for the feedback.

the sensibility is one of the variables i would like to make customizeable... I noticed that in the itch.io page the game isn't capturing the mouse, leading to make it unplayable untill exiting  the build mode to recapture the mouse.

thanks for the feedback. there were many more ideas on how to expand the game, for example there's a system for type of damage, arrows do pierce damage while stones do blunt damage, already implemented. but i havent had the time to do more enemies to take advantage of that. also theres's a score system, but without HUD to show. 

to get to the point i agree adding tutorials, having level objectives and more stuff would make the game a better experience. but for a gamejam project it fullfilled the goal of proof of concept.

there are 3 units in the game, one is unlocked after arrows spawned 3 times. the last one is unlocked after arrows spawned 2 times and stones spawned 5 times

thanks for the compliment. also sorry about the lack of vfx for player feedback. the package increases the attack power of one ally by 1

thanks. i acknowledge this one lacks polish (animations, sfx, vfx, musics, score hud). at least i managed to get the core game idea working

Nice game! the art style was great, but the old windows start button didnt work.

by the way what a happy ending!!


As a matter of fact the idea was to create a mini metroidvania giving the cat a weapon to shot the targets high or far away to open the doors / lower the bridges. But had to cut corners in order to delivery something. There are still improvements needed in the base movement like fix the floatness of the cat.

Thanks, it was my first shot with 3D characters and the bone animations didn't go that well

Thanks for the feedback.

it was my intention to make a web build, but it wasn't working and after a quick search it seens the itch.io web support isn't compatible with Godot 4.x web export due the multithreads.

Thanks for the feedback.

I agree the game isn't well balanced. So in the end rolling for buffs feels too risky while there aren't many extra rolls in the levels to make up for the low increments.

thanks for the feedback.

 I agree that the game lacked some polish and has some bugs. Luckly no game breaking bugs found so far.

Thanks for the feedback.

I'm sorry, the difficult isn't well balanced, especially on the 2nd level. Was there any part that you felt misleading or unfair?

Thanks for the feedback.

Credit where credit's due,

the musics are from "Three Red Hearts, Prepare to Dev Edition" by Abstraction. link: https://tallbeard.itch.io/three-red-hearts-prepare-to-dev

the graphics are from PIXEL ART METROIDVANIA ASSET PACK. link: https://o-lobster.itch.io/platformmetroidvania-pixel-art-asset-pack

Thanks for the feedback.

credit where credit's due the musics are from "Three Red Hearts, Prepare to Dev Edition" by Abstraction asset pack link: https://tallbeard.itch.io/three-red-hearts-prepare-to-dev

Thank you for playing it. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks for the compliment. Overall I'm really happy with the reception my game had in this game jam and I learned a lot in the process.

Very nice puzzle game! Really liked how the music and visuals created this unsettling environment.

The main issue I had was spoting the puzzle pieces.

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pretty fun idea. cant go wrong with ducks 

I think in some parts the possession mechanic was a bit too op in this game taking away the tension or fear to lose like in the boss battle. Maybe if the enemies respawns were slower it make the player think better if it was worthy killing the mob or leaving them as potencial revive options.

Thanks for playing it and giving the feedback. I'm really glad that people are enjoying my first "finished" game

I'm sorry that happened to you. I'll try to look into this.

Could you give me some more details or compare with my gameplay jump?  gameplay vide

I'm really glad to see that people enjoyed my game despite the flaws.

I'll try to save more time for polish, balancing and feedback gathering in future projects. This was my first attempt on a game jam (and my first game "finished") and I learned a lot on design, programming and management.

Really good game. The visuals are really good, the visual hints that a tomb is about to break, the musics are also pretty good, the menus and menu transition are great.

I felt like the game jump was a bit too strict on when you can jump. On the last level I couldn't tell when I would be able to jump while running in my tombs bridge. Also some times I would fall into really small gaps among the tombs that felt like a random death.

On level 2 I had some trouble finding the solution to the puzzle. Once I found the chamber it was easy. I acknowlodge finding the path is part of the puzzle, but I think it would benefit from one torch showing it is possible to go there.

The spikes are kinda hard to spot. maybe make then a bit brighter.

Nice little story. I hope the creepy rusty guy isn't lurking around anymore (JK).

Thanks a lot for all the effort on playing my game. I'm really glad you and your grown kid liked the game.

Also thank you for the feedback. I really think the last puzzle needed a few more iterations to get right. The switch in the forwardground isn't that easy to spot at first glance. Another issue in this puzzle is that the player loses sight of the gate to continue while pressing the switches so it's possible to solve it and not realize the puzzle is solved. And one of my friends noticed it was possible to jump over the gates in the maze. Well, lessons learned.

Nice Game! I liked the visuals, the music and the controls overall

I had some issue jumping on the platform o the left. I think I was entering the slope and it was messing my jump. I ended out of the map twice jumping on the right of the platform with wheel saws above the start area and there was no way to go back to restart the level (dont worry too much about it as I also forgot to reset my game state on the intro menu. just a tip for both of us in the future).

Really nice game. These guys walking looking only to the phone remind me of my friends playing Pokemon Go. The visuals were really good, clean and easy to understand. 

I just think the camera could follow a bit earlier. I had some trouble on watching what was ahead when moving.

Glad you liked it.

A bigger surprise is seeing you liked the music as it was the first time I gave a try in something music related.

Nice game! I managed to collect 26 brains.

I just had 2 issues. First the motion blur didn't feel good. Second the pitfalls were hard to spot.

Any feedback would be appreciated https://itch.io/jam/gamedevtv-jam-2022/rate/1553655

(1 edit)

Well done! Submiting a project in a game jam is to be celebrated and used to learn.

The basic movement was nice, but the jump felt a bit weird for this game. It was kinda slow and floating while the other elements of the game were faster paced. I think we as game developers (designers, programmers, etc) should determine what kind of experience we want the player to have and stick with mechanics (also count changing parameters of mechanincs) to enhance that experience.

I see on the game's page that you get more powerful when you die, but in game I think it lacked feedback on how the character was getting more powerful. While on the topic of the game's page, I recommend adding a few screenshots.

I know this project only has 1 level, but I think it isn't well introduced. Before the player realizes what it has to be done there are shots incoming from everywhere. Maybe create the respawn point in a hub room and you open rooms when defeating all enemies on previous rooms and follow the 4 step level design. On the first room you introduce one enemy with boxes in front of it so players will know what they are facing. On the second room remove the boxes to make it more challenging. On the third room a twist on the enemies behavior (maybe now there's one that is moving). Lastly on the fourth room the conclusion so that the player proves the mastery on the gameplay.

I hope this feedback can help you in any way. Don't feel discouraged and keep improving.

Interesting story, the musics were really good and I noticed only one text mistake (which is impressive for the amount of text in a short period of time).

Unfortunately the story wasn't finished. I guess I'll just have to wait for the next part to drop...

From what I've seem in the source, the random restarts were caused by some balls entering the Level_Restart_Volume. To fix it I added a cast node to check if the actor causing the overlay was from player class before doing the restart.

This was a cozy gameplay! We need more titles like that!

Although it was a cozy exploration, I felt like there was too much space between the interesting parts of the map. Which made me spend most of the time running and not exploring. Also, some feedback on how many orbs are still out there would be nice.

Another thing that could help is a landmark easy to see from anywhere in the map. For example a tower in the center.

Well Done! It was really like fall guys levels.

In the intro level, the text was too bright. It wasn't pleasant to read, at least for me.

I had some issues on the end of the first level. Some times I would just respawn before even trying to jump to the moving platform. Once I respawned after landing on the platform. Was there a limit of ball hits you could take? If yes, then it missed a hit feedback. Other possibility was the respawn trigger was too close to the ground and caused overlay events for the player, or even for a lost ball, while the player was on the ground.

So here's another one that made a platformer focused on story about the journey to recover after a heavy loss.

I liked the game, the visuals were nice and the controls were good.

I felt like the level design was a bit to focused on the wall jump and kinda unforgiving with tiny platforms and precise inputs to pass some parts. Also it felt like the game could explore a bit more on the puzzles.

I noticed that in some parts there were some tiles that didn't properly connect the walls and I think those spots messed up a few wall jumps. It could be just coincidence.

I really liked the game. The visuals were easy to understand.  The puzzles were good. The controls were responsive.

In the 3rd level I had some trouble jumping on the platform in the middle with a button.

Also later there's a level with a long corridor and then a pit full of spikes. I haven't figured that level out and whenever I reached the spikes the game would get stuck with a black screen.

Nice twist playing levels backwards. Great work recording the lines! For the most part the controls felt good and the visuals were easy to understand except the start point of the level.

One issue I had was finding the playable square on new maps at first glance. Maybe adding some visual indication for a second on the player when the level starts could help. Also disabling players input for one second after losing a life isn't a bad idea as I sometimes would respawn adding some direction and jump inputs causing a 2nd life lost.

On my first play, when I arrived on the second level, 9, I rushed to the spikes thinking that was how the game was meant to be played. Only then that I understood you needed to reach the door before dying.

Another issue was with the wall jumps. It seemed like I could only do wall jumps with a face on the wall. If it was an edge the wall jump was inconsistent. This made the level design feel weird. Although the levels were interesting, requiring skill and intimidating as they were to be the last levels, they felt unfair as they relied on inconsistent mechanic. That could be just me being bad at the game.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll keep these issue in mind for future projects. 

And I'm glad you enjoyed it despise the flaws.

(1 edit)

Though the visuals look nice, in the beginning I had some trouble discerning platforms and background. Also some jellies would go way farther than others, a bit inconsistent in this regard.

Either way the game did feel nice to play. Well done!

Really nice game! I really liked the puzzles, the controls felt good and the visuals are easy to understand.