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PassageView game page

A recursive platformer
Submitted by Stixxy — 3 hours, 28 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 24 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Wildcards Used

Game Description
A 2D platformer about completing the same levels as they get harder

How does your game tie into the theme?
The "Passage" is a holy deity worshipped by the local tribespeople, said to have mystical powers, and you are attempting to cross it.


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Participation Level (GWJ Only)

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Think youve already watched it but in case you want to look at me go through your game again in the future heres the vod timestamped to your game


I thought this was very clean and well made, especially the camera movements showing the smooth resetting of everything. 

It almost seemed like there wasn't even any loading shown, that's pretty cool.

The music is a good fit, and the graphics are awesome, the controls are very clean and there's a variety of different mechanics and unique areas to keep the gameplay interesting.

Really nice job on this one!


Thank you for all the very positive feedback! I’m also very happy with how the camera transitions turned out, and I’m happy you enjoyed the controls even though others have given feedback on them. This was the first game where I did all the graphics and creative direction myself, so Im glad you liked it.

Thanks for checking out my game! :)


Good job pulling this off man, as other have said the controls could feel better(I didn't have that much problems with the wall jumps but only after figuring out that you kinda need to spam space and sometimes that wasn't possible), but having also done a platformer and having tried all week to make it feel good but failing I get it, and I gotta say the overall experience is very good, one of the best from this jam so far.

Congrats man 


Yeah, thanks for checking it out. Platformers definitely are more in-depth than they seem to make, but I guess you gotta make one to understand that first xD. I'm glad you think the overall experience was very nice! This isn't the first time I've spent all week making a game that people haven't entirely liked, but it's a learning process that takes a bit of trial and error in my experience.

Thanks for leaving a comment and trying out my game :)


Nice, pretty slick platforming with some hiccups as others have said. I agree that the wall jump feels a bit tight to pull off. A lot of the level sections look like it would be perfect to wall kick your way up but the way the walls are spaced makes it really tedious, and gravity is so high that it is really punishing to try and climb.

That being said I think this is really cool in concept. I enjoyed playing through the levels twice and checking out the different path options, but it gets really challenging on the 3rd loop. This would be super fun if the platforming were just a bit more polished, it would be cool to see how far you could get and how fast you can complete each loop.

Seriously good start though, most of these complaints boil down to changing a few variables until everything feels right, so this is on track to be really fun


It's very reassuring to hear that I was going somewhere good with this at all, so thanks for that! I feel like I definitely underutilised the concept, as I feel when executed properly it can be much more of an impactful experience. But yeah, as you say, a couple of tweaks could have been made to reduce the annoyance about the controls, which is definitely something I'm going to put more time into in the future. 

Thanks for playing my game and leaving some feedback :D!

Submitted (1 edit)

I enjoyed it overall, the controls were pretty slick for the most part, but mostly I think bits just need tweaking, the wall jump was a struggle with the keyboard setup, as mentioned below I would have loved to have used a controller for this type precision type platforming.  The timing on the acorn boost felt like it could have been kinder as well and maybe the dash needed to be a little longer??  I managed to get through twice but the 3rd run felt impossible trying to avoid the eyes. It was really great though considering the time constraints I wanted to keep playing which is generally good.  I would say though that I like the recursive platformer idea and it has good potential for level designs but I would need a decent incentive to make me want to keep playing the same level that got progressively more difficult.  Really good work though, well done.


First and foremost, thanks for checking out my game and the detailed feedback!

All of what you said is completely valid criticism, and I'm happy so many people have told me all these things, as I really have learned as much from the community as I have from making the game itself. I was pretty happy with the idea when I came up with it, but as you said, the execution makes it fall flat and there's not really much reason to keep playing after the first 1 or 2 runs.

Once again, thanks for playing my game and giving a lot of in depth feedback for it! :)


Really solid entry. I loved the art and effects. Reminded me a bit of dustforce with the leaves on the walls. The controls were finicky for me but the dash (when well timed) felt really good and the animations were well executed. I also liked how you introduced the abilities one at a time so you could learn as you play. I would spend a bit more time on level design. Could just be me, and I am not great at platformers so totally possible, but the layout just felt unfair.


Thanks for checking my game out, and it is definitely not just you that found the game unfair, so no worries there :). I designed the levels first then asked questions later, which is a very dumb design approach looking back on it. I appreciate what you said about the art and effects, as this was my first game where I designed all the art myself, so it means a ton :). Thanks for the critiques!


The wall jump is a little finicky, and the difficulty pretty quickly ramps up to "I want to use my controller" levels of precision required. Outside of those, the movement is smooth, the dash is satisfying, and the SFX are on point! The art style was great and consistent throughout!


Difficulty was definitely my main struggle when designing this game. Before the uploaded  version, there was actually another even harder version that I thought was fine, but thankfully I didn't upload that otherwise I feel like the game would've been straight up rage-inducing (if it isn't already). The criticisms you brought up are fair, but I appreciate what you said about the other things as well. This was my first game jam where I handled the art, and I am fairly happy with how I did. Thanks for playing my game! :)


Feedback, okay, I can do that...

The wall jump controls didn't agree with me, but honestly a lot of games seem to have the opposite idea from me on which button I should be holding when I want to stick to or jump away from a wall. The difficulty felt like it could have used a zeroth loop through with less spikes everywhere, I'm not really a fan of the pits you have to jump down to your death a few times to learn which walls to hug. Also, I think its possible to dash while not holding a direction key, which just burns the dash and gets you nothing? Either that or I accidentally immediately canceled the dash a few times.

On the positive side the art's really polished, what with the animate character and particles raining off the walls. The recursive levels are a neat idea. I'm honestly pretty terrible at this kind of platformer, so I didn't get too far into it but from the one-and-a-half loop I did it looked pretty much like a finished game!


Thanks for the feedback and testing out the game! I appreciate what you said about the game's polish, as usually I can barely get a game to a functioning state for these game jams. I feel like the wall jump controls definitely could've been implemented in a much friendlier way, there was even a stage during development where you didn't need to switch direction at all to wall jump, but I scrapped that for more "precise" controls (which was a huge mistake in hindsight).

You mentioned a zeroth loop. but I'm not entirely sure what that is. I'm assuming you're talking about starting the game off with less obstacles, but each loop there are more added, and if that is the case I entirely agree with you. I thought the pits were a cool idea, but that's coming from the perspective of someone who knows them off by heart, so I totally see where you're coming from there.

Once again, thanks for playing my game and giving some handy feedback :)


I like the art and the intro.

I hate the control scheme though. All the controls are clustered too closely to the left. It would have been better if the arrow keys are also usable as movement controls. My right hand is left rather idle during the game when it could have been doing something else like controlling the movement. Dashing often interferes with my movement (nevermind, I'm a dummy. You can use Right Shift to Dash).

Also the wall jumps. I don't like them. I don't know if that's the standard controls for wall jumping since I don't play too many truly hardcore platformers, but I loathe them. Either it's a skill issue or a design issue, but I bet it may be the former.


Thanks for playing my game. I definitely get what you're saying about the controls - I probably should've made the arrow keys usable for movement as well. It seems like a lot of people struggle with the wall jumps, which is something I should've been more aware of, so it's almost certainly a design issue on my part. Thanks for the feedback!


Omg this was really cool! It felt like it read my mind after the 2nd loop!

I enjoy challenges and speedruns, as well as hoarding and collecting everything in sight, so on paper, this game was quite perfect for me.

My only real gripe is those damn acorns. You have the jump grace period before-hand, but nothing after touching it. So it appears that you're only rewarded for timing "badly", being earlier. If you time the jump almost perfectly, it doesnt matter as it seems to not register the input any frames after the bounce. This was genuinely the only part that made me kinda annoyed. The floaty air controls are also there, but honestly, it's just something that can be utilized or gotten used to.

Not as bad as the corns, but the camera is a little frustrating, given that youre falling down a lot of the levels, and it's just a matter of learning where you can actually fall over and over on each attempt, and not really being able to react properly to it.

But yeah, the first stage was me wanting to collect absolutely every eye, stage 2 was the same, but I was getting tired of it, then I thought, "Ok, next stage, im just not gonna care about the money and just beat the recursion", low and behold, I now have to avoid the eyes, lmao. Then after that, it was "lets just see how fast I can do it"

Really love that mechanic! 

Final time was 30:34 | 408 eyes


Yo, thanks for the detailed comment and checking out my game! I’m glad you enjoyed it, and I do have to admit even during development that the acorns were a big point of contention. They actually worked differently at first, but halfway through I re worked them to have hopefully been less annoying. Still have a good bit to learn about acorns I guess xD.

Thanks for telling me about the camera, I knew it felt off at parts but couldn’t put my finger on it. 

It means a lot you played through the whole thing, even though it wasn’t the most fluid experience out there. Thanks for checking it out :D


Cool platformer, as said before it gets a bit difficult early on, but great submission for a gamejam! Well done


Thanks for playing it! My biggest regret for this game jam was not play testing until the last day, so I didn’t realised how difficult it actually was. Even so, I’m happy people can still find some things they like about my game :D


I liked the game quite a bit, though it does get quite difficult pretty early on.  didn't quite make it through the second time through the levels.  Found myself wanting a little bit more momentum/heights on the wall jumps mostly.  Still, good work!


Thanks a lot for playing the game and the feedback! What you said about the wall jumps was quite helpful, as I wasn’t really aware they felt a bit lacking. It’s nice to see people playing my messy platformer anyways, as I’m learning so much about what and what not to do :)


The game looks really good! especially the UI and the "juice". the controles felt a bit sensitive but I might have gotten used to my own platformer controles.

I really liked the concept of doing the levels over with a twist great idea!

anyway finished it in 33 minutes


Oh wow thanks so much for actually playing and finishing my game! Seriously, means a lot :D. Definitely for my next game I'm going to try and get the controls to a stage where anyone can pick them up without much difficulty. I appreciate the feedback :)


I think the controls were lacking polish, especially the wall climbing, which changes direction if you hold down the keys.

Maybe some ambient music :D

but otherwise the mechanics work well

Great work! :D


Hey thanks for the feedback! These are all things I hadn’t picked up on while developing the game, but they’ll certainly stick with me next time I try something like this. Also, quick side note, but I really loved your game! Hopefully I’ll see you in the next wild jam :)


The game looks really great but I struggled with the controls. I think a controller would work better for this kind of precise jumping and dashing.

Love the effect when you respawn!


Thanks for checking it out. Yeah, it seems like my biggest weakness in this jam was making the game too hard to have a proper grasp of the controls. And thanks for noticing the death effect haha, particles are my specialty 


This ia a really nice platformer in many ways - the graphics, audio and animation all tie in well. The tutorial is well designed to teach the basics as the player progresses. Alas the controls especially dash over spikes etc were too tricky to master and I couldn't progress very far


Thanks for checking my game out! I appreciate all the design aspects you noticed, but as you mentioned, I made it too hard in some spots to actually be enjoyable, which I'll definitely take into consideration for the next game jam.


I liked the level design. Really difficult but creative platforming. 

The movement felt like it could be improved. The acorns felt a little inconsistent and the dash also felt difficult to control. Overall really promising game though!


Thanks for checking it out. I wanted to tweak the acorns a bit more, and the dash is definitely hard to get used to, so thanks for the feedback!


Game is visually gorgeous and the particle effects add a lot to the game. It's a game jam, but I think it ramps up in difficulty a bit too much, and once you're in the air the controls feel incredibly "floaty" which I felt limited my control. Overall the game is one of the best of the jam I've played so far and it's clear you put a ton of work in. Great job. 


Thanks for noticing the particle effects, I feel like they’re my specialty with Godot at this stage haha. Yeah, the difficulty is definitely something that I should’ve tuned down a bit, and I didn’t realise the floaty air controls were actually that bad.

Thanks for the awesome feedback and checking it out!