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A member registered Nov 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Nice game overall. The controls were confusing. I also like the idea of the game, more like a strategy game where objects are spawned. Adding a user interface to the game will make the game look better.

Nice game. It would've been cooler if the game had more visuals, for instance, adding a boost asset instead of the square. The character and animations are cool.

I had a good time playing this game. I was confused at first about where the balls were coming from, and then I realized that there is a big blue object that spawns and shoots tiny objects which we are supposed to shoot. I believe that there also should be a goal where the game ends. Nice game overall!

I enjoyed every second of this game! I like that there are animations for jumping, running, and dying. The game doesn't have only one level, but multiple, which made me feel that I'm playing a professionally developed game. There was only one minor issue with the animations and movement, the player sometimes doesn't perform the appropriate animation. Overall, the game is really cool and well-implemented.

Cool game! The game has good mechanics too. At the beginning of the game, I died 2 times in a row because I should start the game by immediately jumping. The first level is too easy, it should've been a little bit harder. I would also suggest adding more levels. Great game overall!

Impressive game! The enemy car was going crazy which was funny but should be fixed. I don't believe that there is a way to beat the enemy car unless I beat it in the first second of the game. Adding a boost bar would be cool. In the middle of the game, I was thrown out of the racing field, this is fine but the car should respawn.

A very cool puzzling game with more things to interact with. This game also reminded me of investigation games where the player is looking for clues. The old music recorder is an impressive way to toggle music on and off. Nicely done!

Nicely done on the game. I'm just confused about the moving objects, I didn't know what those were and their use. At the start of the game, I kept moving forward where the player got out of the game map, I had to reload the page, you can provide a restart button or set boundaries for the player. Nice game overall!

Nice work on the game. The environment is pretty impressive and huge. I had an issue with the mouse while rotating the screen. 

The huge zombie band is funny lol. I had a great time playing this game. What I also like about this game are the rounds, it gets harder and harder with each round while having limited ground to move on. Well done on the game!

Nice work on the game! I was confused while playing the game, I didn't know what was the purpose. I like how you made an intro and made it a story. 

The mechanics and physics are awesome! However, the game is crazy difficult and cool at the same time. It would be amazing if the game was a little bit easier so the player is able to get to the top.

This reminds me of Yugi-oh games back in the old days. I really enjoyed playing this game, it was well-implemented. What I most like about this game is the mana, each turn the player gets some mana and should use it wisely. Well done!

I get the idea of the game, I've played similar games. The game should have more functions and visuals, it is very basic, and there is no excitement. in the middle of the game, the balls started to move randomly by themselves, which is not supposed to happen I believe. But overall, nice work on the game although it is not completely finished.

I love this game! well done on the movements and controls. However, in the cave I had a very hard time climbing and jumping on the obstacles.

I had a hard time with controls at first. The game looks nice, but it should have some challenges to make it more fun. I was only moving around the map without a specific purpose.

I get the idea of the game. It would've been a very fun game for two players.

Nice work on the game! The sword attack is impressive and well-implemented. At first, I didn't know that I had a sword to attack with, I just kept running around the screen and dying, providing control instructions would be beneficial in this case. I would also suggest setting boundaries around the screen so the player won't be able to leave the playing area.

Very cool game! movements and visuals are impressive, I also like the user interface you made. I didn't run into any kinds of issues while playing the game, I would only suggest adding some running animations for the player, this would provide an amazing experience playing the game.

The controls and movements are cool and run completely fine. The obstacles do not affect the player whenever they collide, it would be cooler to add some animations or actions when they both collide. Furthermore, most obstacles spawn outside the hill, this should be easily fixed.

The user interface was well designed, it guides the player with instructions on how to play the game. The flying objects are hardly seen, try and make them more obvious. The environment, walls, and fire are pretty cool. Well done on the game.

The character model and the enemy are cool. The character should have running and movement animations, it would make the game a lot better. While running up the hill, the player was flying in a straight line, I believe the player should stick to the ground which makes more sense. Well done on the game, give it some modifications and animations and it will look cooler.

Nice visuals! The camera movement needs some fixing tho. I would also suggest creating a simple user interface. The player doesn't shift while running which is confusing.