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A member registered Nov 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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Holy moly! I think the best part was the Metal Gear Solid Reference. So many funny little details and references. Sountrack inspired by Heartbound? Great work!

Thank you for playing! I'm currently working on a more playable version and will upload it as soon as the rating is over ^^

Nice game! Core gameplay loop works well, interesting idea that every upgrade brings a debuff with it. Reminded me of Curse of the dead gods. 

I think the camera should be more in the center of the character, because it was sometimes hard to see enemies on the lower border.

Also sometimes red skulls would spawn directly at my position and deal damage.

But the core of the game works very well. Very entertaining and fun to play. I played until Level 97 and then the enemies stopped spawning. 

(4 edits)

That's a good question! The timer of your fuse seems to indicate that shorter sections are better suited for your current gameplay. In addition players also lose time when they receive damage from enemies and blow up. But I think it could be a very interesting twist for a rouge like dungeon crawler. The fuse allows lots of interactions that could be engaging, like a consumable that stops the fuse or refreshes the timer. Personally I would build a small prototype for a week to test if a rogue like could work with this mechanic. Since you have to use your own life to kill enemies it could lead to avoidance of enemies, if the players have a longer section in front of them. If you want to make a rogue like I would add more mechanics that allow the player to regain life (or explosive charges).

I imagine that it could work for a fast paced gameplay but I would test this hypothesis with a prototype.

(3 edits)

I think this game has one of the best soundtracks of this Jam. It fits the speedrunning genre. Also "Wutkreislauf" is a very funny title and I like the idea that you throw your body at enemies. I just couldn't finish the game. In Level 5 or 6 - when attempting to leave the level - I just get reset to the entry of it. Is this a bug or does the game end there?

Ah, I get it. Yes, time was short. Maybe you could add to the size upgrade also a higher resistance to enemy projectiles to balance the upgrade more. But higher damage also makes sense.

(1 edit)

Very good prototype with a simple gameplay loop that is easy to learn! The rules could use some clarification, for example: When are the NPCs going to detect blood? Stealth games often have a visible indication of the enemies range of sight (as TheWorldsCutestGamer already mentioned). That would be a very helpful feature. Personally I would also add a little more time to battery life and faster charge speed, since waiting for battery charging wasn't a really engaging or fun part of the game. Still all in all fun to play and challenging level design.

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Really good prototype! Funny soundeffects and interesting upgrades! One question: Doesn't the size upgrade make you more vulnerable for projectiles? I think this has a lot of potential. As a next step for improvement I probably would make it a little easier, because I was dying very early and felt that I had no chance to win the game or progress further. My highest score was 882, but only because I got early health upgrades and a full heal right before I was dying.

Still really fun to play. I definitely want to see more of it.

Excuse me? This was crazy, haha! The way the dragons head explodes, the dialogue, the humor. I'm really thankful for the king's bravery and sacrifice! What I would add is probably coyote time and a jump buffer as grace mechanics. That would make jumps a little easier. But really good work and funny concept!

Very nice rage game! Easy to learn, hard to master with lots of interesting obstalces. Good, engaging level design.

No comments yet? This game was great! Very nice pixel art, cool concept and lots of levels! I think your concept has a lot of potetial for further development. First I thought that the time above was the time limit to complete the level. But once I figured out that the timer above was my own fuse it made a lot more sense and allowed me to explore and strategize a little more. Really good idea. I never played such a game!

Thank you for the feedback and the suggestion! Good idea to involve the right hand in the controls. You are right, it is sometimes hard to move and attack or throw a crate at the same time with the left hand alone. Might be even harder for someone who isn't left-handed like me :)

Thank you very much! That is encouraging to hear :)

Really well done! Difficulty progression feels very well balanced! I got to round 42 on my first try and it was very engaging and exciting to play.

(1 edit)

Really good work! Nice concept with a lot of room for further improvement (like more upgrades, different levels and other kind of bigger fish). It was very fun to play and easy to learn. Could use some music, but I get that time was short. Also nice visual style! I liked the water texture.

Really fun idea! Easy controls, simple UI and quick to learn! I also like the competitive aspect of the time measurement and death count. Suitable for speedruns!

Ah, I see! Thanks for the tip! I gave it another try and got to 50 points but the game bugged out. Is the win condition just to have a higher score than the enemy army? I think this is a very fun concept and has lots of potential for a mobile game. Just needs more clarification and player guidance. Also needs some strategizing element, because I could just spam the skeletons on the tiles without really thinking about what was going on. Some of the SFX could be a littler softer. Otherwise really good idea with lots of room for further improvement!

Thank you! Yes, the 2nd player currently has to use a game controller, because I thought it would make controls too cluttered, but I could test it and give it a try :)

Fun idea! I wanted to investigate the case but I wasn't able to pass the spilled drink in the room of the bartender. Is this a bug or have I missed the way to proceed?

(3 edits)

Hilarious game! The idea that you shoot yourself as a bullet is really funny! I once shot myself into a wall and got softlocked. You also fly through enemies that are defeated on hit which makes it sometimes a little unpredictable where you will end up after a shot. Otherwise really funny and entertaining to play! Great idea! Hilarious mechanic!

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Wow! 24 Levels?! Normally puzzle games are hard to make for a game jam, because it is hard to come up with so many different interesting ideas. So you have my respect! I really liked that the character slightly decelerates into the aiming direction after each shot, which makes it possible to adjust your position better. On the other hand I sometimes floated into spikes even though I was breaking which was frustrating sometimes. Personally I would have made some enemies drop two bullets to add a little more grace to the game. But all in all really cool concept and fun gameplay!

(1 edit)

Nice game! I liked the art style! Reminded me of old gameboy games like Earthworm Jim :)

UI was a little small. I didn't see that I had a limited amount of bullets and died on the first try. Also some projectiles are invisible I think. Nice leveldesign! The obstalces and enemies were fun and engaging.

What the heck? This game has already more content than the game I was developing the last year! Amazing art style, great combat. Once I figured out how the combat works (like blocking and targeting enemies) it was really fun to play. Rouge was sometimes buggy (wasn't able to target).

How does this game work? I really wanted to play it because it looks very interesting and fun, but I could only place trees on the tiles.

Nice work! Lots of good and interesting levels! Moving the bullet could use some smoothing, because the game requires very precise inputs at the moment. Cool shaders! Important objects could use more contrast to draw more attention to the player. It was sometimes hard to see where target enemies and turrets were.

Nice little game. Difficulty or level progression would make the gameplay more engaging. I also found out that you can cheese the game by camping in the corner, since some enemies spawn outside the boundaries and can't reach you. Sometimes the enemies also spawn in front of your face. Also nice, chill music!

Damn, that was a lot of fun! Nice artstyle, funny idea, good leveldesign and difficulty progression. Played through all 17 levels. I think level 13 (?) was the hardest.This game has speedrun potential! Speedrun or time trial mode would be cool for the hardcore grinders ^^
Great stuff!

Great and funny animations and style! Is there a goal or is this game endless mode? I wanted to see the end of the level. Most of the time I could just sprint and shoot. Gameplay could be more engaging by more interessting level design and combat.

Great animations! Are those flipboard animations? I like the handdrawn, cartoony style. I couldn't proceed to the second level. How do you enter the portal? Wanted to see more oft the amazing art!

Cool game with nice exploration aspect. Camera movement felt a little hard on the eyes. Short invincibility time after a hit would have been nice (would made the combat not as punishing). Otherwise very fun to play!

Thanks! Yes, it's two player only. AI would have made sense, since you need two players to test all features (like blocking attacks).

Very satisfying to play once I got enough damage. I made it to level 11 but it got to hard. I think this has a lot of potential, just needs some balancing or more items. That would be huge!

Great game! I liked the competitive aspect (beating the dev time) the most! The ground punch didn't trigger sometimes, otherwise very smooth movement and satisfying to control!

Nice game!! Once I realized that all adjacent pieces and the ones that can move to your position fight with or against you it made a lot more sense and allowed me more to strategize. 

Thank you for the feedback! I'm happy you liked the concept!
Indeed, the movement could really use some improvement ^^

Thank you! I appreciate the feedback! I totally agree. Definitely should adjust the mouse sensitivity, also camera collision and visible shadows would make the game better. I'm currently thinking about integrating shadows with a custom texture and color, maybe even an outline to make them more visible. Also volumetric lighting would be huge!

Thanks for the feedback! I'm happy that you liked the game ^^

Wow, I love the atmosphere and the inscription vibe of the game! Really well done. Feels very polished and the fights feel balanced and engaging! Love the deckbuilding mechanic. Also nice shading of the environment. 

What felt annoying to me, was the noise of the narrator, although the sound has an interesting character, like the narrator was some sort of broken or old machine. I kind of got used to it after the first boss, but it was making it a little hard to get into the game, although the visuals are really immersive.

I also got a bug after I finished the first boss, where I wasn't able to move any cards, in the deck builder as well as in a fight. I was still able to skip my turn, but was unable to play cards. Was this the bug you mentioned?

All in all really nice game and impressive work!