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A member registered Feb 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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With free demo coming in just few days and full release in July, I want to make space for another Brackeys game Jam, as it is where and what learned me to make games and finish my projects. I am greatfull to comunity for all feedback as it was also crucial for my progress. If you want to try free demo or wishlist my game, link to steam page is here

I am 37 years old, and when I see what you have made with just 13, I am out of my mind. Your game is so good, so well optimized, so profesionaly done, that I really have no words. You have amazing future if you keep on working. I will rate this game all 5 stars. 

Hi! Here is my entry for jam, I will check yours too!


Here is my game, if you have time, check it: 


Hi! Here is my game, I will check yours!

This is very cool one! Writing is so good, I am impresed.  Dificulty increases with levels, but you want to read next level description so hard, that makes you give your best to try finishing curent level. Obstacles are well done, and I thing this was developed by some future full time game devs! Congrats!

That is fun game! I love style, dying sound is so cool. and I like animations, and UI. Looks so good. Keep good work!

I could not see platforms I should jump on and of. I can see controls are good, but I could not progress far... Seems to other people can play it, so I guess is just here on my device. It seems to be fun platformer, and I just love them, so I am sorry I could not enjoy it fully. Anyway, good game!

I like your game, it has cool story and fun gameplay. Also there is variety of enemies and I think it is pretty amazing what you have pulled off for this jam! Keep good work!

This is so polished platformer, that it does not feel to be jam game! I like the tutorial, controls, animations and sounds. Almost everything is extraordinary here. Just one, little sugestion is to add checkpoints, it would help so much. But I really hope you will continue work on it and publish it as full game!

Cool story and cool game! I like premise, like how you made multiple endings, and I suppose this could be begining of some larger game,it surely has potential!

Great and original project, I enjoyed visuals and music as I tried to get deeper in this, at least, different kind of game. I suggest just to make little clearer what to do next, becaus I found myself not knowing where and how to go. But anyway, great one!

Nice little game you made! I like sounds and colors, controls were good, just some more obstacles would be really nice. Good job!

I love platformers and this jam, there are not to much of them. Really nice one: nice animations, nice jump, just I would love some directions, I was just jumping blindly and memorizing right ways. Good job!

This was fun game, I like sounds very much. I managed to get to 55 m deapth, I dont know is that good or not :)

Wonderful game! So original and well designed, I really enjoyed every second I was playing. Exelent music, character and enemies looks so twisted and spooky, it is surely one of best I played in this jam. Great job, congrats!

Just amazing. I played so long, lost tracks of time completely. tried SO MANY upgrading strategies that I am ashamed to admit, but just could not beat warlock... I was close, one shot from victory, but he was too strong. I really wish you turn this into real published game, I am really amazed. Ability to reveal stats of enemy is so cool. Great game!

Great game! It is stunning what your team made in just 7 days. I like style, puzzles, story, it has all this greatly polished and put together works soooo good. Great work, keep it on!

Very nice game! I think is little hard to upgrade because enemies gives you no time, but that makes it action fueled. Great one! I hope you will work on it more, because it has so much potential!

Cute little game! I liked beat a lot!

Beauiful, relaxing and addictive! This game drives really simple gameplay into enjoyable time that feels so good and satisfying. Awesome job!

Banger! I love it, it really has cool wibe, love music, controls, fighting, pace. Elegantly and wonderfuly delivered. Great one!

Nice one! Liked art and sounds, gameplay was kind of tough for me.

Super looking, well polished, one hell of the trip you made! I dont know what to say, exept: amazing. I managed to trew myself out of the borders few times, but really enjoed it, this is an awesome game! Congrats on your work!

Hi Jordan, awesome video! Makes me soooo happy watching you play Under After and enjoying... at least some parts. There is just few things you missed, finding air upgrades under green baloons (right bellow balloons, on some depth or bottom), and after obtaining the key, behind chatedral is fall to deepest spot, final door and end of game. Falling into bell tower was something I wanted to fix in last minute, but could not make it. Beside it, there was some "funny" bilboards and few music posters  that you missed bellow and that is mostly everything I managed to put in. Thank you so much! 

Hi! I will gladly rate and review your game. This is mine:


Nice game! I love simplicity, animations, sounds (there is almost sound for every interaction), shield mechanic is awesome, and main, color switching mechanic adds difficulty, but not to be too difficult, but to be more fun. I really enjoyed playing your game, so keep good work! Congrats!

Hold up, hey

Hi! Thanks for trying my game. If you fall into bell tower, no way out. Few things I did not manage to change before deadline, bell collider preventing that  fall was one.  but there is way to end game, if you found key inside chatedral, you can go behind chatedral.  Not too far behind, there is place to dive deeper, much more enemies, and final wayout. 

Awesome game!  I love ambient sound under sea, low poly art fits perfectly. I enjoyed playing it a lot!

I just love platformers and I have not seen much rating these jams games, but your one is great! I enjoyed playing it, I finished it. Controls are great, enemies and level design, really good, I just love it. Great job!

Magnificien one! Voice acting is superb and story is great and it sounds and feels so profesional that blows me away.  Gameplay is fine, but some directions in dark would be helpful. Congrats!

Very cool game, I had awesome trip! Also, first unreal game I played, and it is realy good to see what other engines can do. Like your humor a LOT! I think is funnies I played. Keep great work!

I love visuals and graphics, realy great work on that! Gameplay is simple and fun. Good job!

Very cool game, so relaxing that is almost unbelivable! I realy enjoyed playing this, keep good work, CHEERS!

This is cutest game I have played! Music is beautiful, and is game is so funny!

Great one! I love enemies variety and basic game play, I love rockets the most, love poly art, great boss fight, almost all is top, just would love to have aiming to be little slover

I can not say much. I will put picture instead 

AWESOME! I just admire all things you have managed to put in this! Shop and upgrades, so much variety of fishes and sea creatures, just awesome. I enjoyed playing it so much, and I really hope you get to work this more and release more games!

As Borat would say, very nice! I think random generated level design is very cool, moving bell is little chalenging, but also so satisfying when you manage to make it as you wanted. There is so much things  happening down there,  i really like graphics style, sounds and overall, superb entry!

Hi! This is great entry for this jam, I love gameplay and how you fit the theme. I just love your story, graphics and sounds, avoiding fishes and playing minigame. I just might add little variety among the fishes could be great way to keep interesting going deeper. Anyway, this is Great game!