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A member registered Sep 13, 2017 · View creator page →

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Interesting take on the Void theme.
The controls were a bit clunky, the art felt surreal and the music was a bit loud. But can certainly see the effort in it. 

Good job!

Certainly was struggling with the controls, but made do with what I could.

It's a neat entry

Interesting and unique concept, struggling to type them words properly after playing now. Had quite the fun, nice job

Well that was a neat game to play with. Quite fun and easy to control, the voice made it funnier.

Good job!

Well, that was a neat surprise of a game. Had fun and could spend a while playing it.

Good job!

... "Source(s) - N/A - you wouldn't want to see this mess trust me" Bet

Adorable and fun game to play, really well made and the controls feel really nice. And nice plot twist too!

Good job!

Certainly a curious game, with a neat plot and mechanics.

But why snowman?

Really well made with a neat story and good usage of the theme. Nice job!

Well, that was a neat representation of my morning. Don't like coffee but still drink it by the thousands to stay up. Really nice horror story, nicely done.

Welp, off to get a new cup 'o coffee

Well that was a nice surprise. Soundtrack slaps hard, game feels rather fun to play as well, can see myself sinking hours in it

Good job!

Really gorgeous art and neat music, with the curses actually being  a bit annoying at times. Really enjoyed the game, good job!

Game looks rather pretty, interested to see the direction it'll take. Good job!

Well, boss won't be happy to hear the war ended. Oh well, can't write reports if you're fired...

Really fun game, can certainly see myself sinking hours in it

How. How is it this well animated, art and mechanically wise? This is just too much fun, I tell ya hwat. I'm jealous. Good job!

Pleasantly surprised to see multiple stages and a neat variety of curses to wield. Neat movement, neat art style and mechanics feel really nice. Good job!

Well, that was fun. Neat game and style, that death effect was a neat touch. Good job!

Really neat game, reminds me a bit of Binding of Isaac. Neatly animated, sounds and fun to play too!

Good job!

Rather unique and fun game, with a pretty art style and neat gameplay loop. Thanks Jerry!

Really pretty art style and interesting theme, but couldn't progress more because of the grappling hook. Certainly an interesting idea that can help a lot, just think it might be best to have some more work on it.

Neat & fun, both games. Surprised to see two game modes, actually. Good job!

Adorable curse game, had fun playing with the idea and making the curses. Really well animated with a neat song

Neat game, I can definitely see myself sinking hours in it trying to get the furthest distance. Also seeing the protag die is really fun

Nice usage of the curse theme. I really enjoy this type of game, so that's a plus from me.

Good job!

Well, interesting usage of the theme. Nice job!

Fun idea, fun implementation. Had fun with it, and the art style also helps.

That creature's teeth tho, oh twas nasty.

That song tho, that's beautiful. Really liked the theme as well

Twas fun to play with, neat graphics looks and rather neatly implementation of the theme

Neat usage of the curse theme, had fun going across the floors

Neat little use of the theme, rather fun trying to organize the knights

Unique take on the curse theme, really liked the way you play them as cards. Not to mention the looks, the hud looks great (and the balanced version too). Good job!

Really neat concept and execution. Loved the way the environment transitions between the hallways and blender hell. Nice job!

Fun little game, enjoyed the current loop. Congrats on the good job!

Well, from what I've played, it's a neat game to pass the time. Had fun playing with it, with a nice theme and being on egypt.

Good job

Really neat concept, enjoyed the theme in general and the application of the wildcards. And nice choice of music, it slaps

Funny little game, enjoyed killing the monsters and levelling up. Neat sounds too.

Good job!

Neat idea, couldn't quite find the solution to the curse sadly. Really well animated and neat sounds too.

Good job!

Well, interesting art style (and floppy arms). rather interested to see where it would go. And had fun with the generator, seems neatly implemented

Neat concept, had fun exploring the maze

Quite the unique entry for the jam, really interesting to see and play with.

Hello there!

Glad to hear that the tutorial did the trick of showing the mechanic, although in hindsight I feel like it would also be nice to show a guide in the main game. Will add to the list of things to review.

And by statistical differences, do you mean the damage and health of enemies? I ran out of time to properly add more curses, but some would have made the gun shoot faster, vitality up... but making the enemies healthy as well would have made them harder to kill... oh well.

Thank you again for playing!