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I love the art and character design! I see that you didn't finish, but it's still a base for a really nice game :) 

I hated the music though, so crackly

Nice job!

The sudden glitchy sound really scared me lmao. I couldn't figure the game out. First time I played I had a house in my inventory, second time I didn't. I couldn't find any units I could select.

Lastly, your cover image is like the craziest unmatched with the gameplay lmao! 

Still I saw you just started learning, and having a game with a moving camera and it starts up is already a great start! 
Keep at it :)

Great feedback! We tried to get it out without any gamebreaking glitches, but now that we are going to a full game we can really use this. It's all stuff that's relatively easy to fix (collisions maybe not easily? p:), but I am really glad you liked the art and the gameplay! 

Thanks for playing :) 

Yea our user experience could use a lot of work. From the lack of in game tutorials to the sometimes glitchy collisions and lack of animations for some things. We are recoding our base so we can get everything right in the future! 

The fact you see the potential besides this is so awesome, thank you so much for playing Ghost Soup!

Thank you for playing Ghost Soup! It's awesome to see people enjoy this game, we are working on a full game right now (but it could take a whileee). Comments like these are very motivating <3

I love this! Thank you for playing and breaking our game and the great feedback:) We agree with every point you have made and they are all on the fix list :) 

The movement felt pretty good and snappy. I like that you can go sideways more (I would let the player go as much sideways as he wants and can), but the world generation felt really repetitive, I kept doing the same walking patterns over and over. The light going out is also a cool mechanic but it goes out way too quick. It should be something to punish overthinking players, not to make everyone have to speedrun the game.

And any game that lacks music, especially arcade games, misses a lot of engagement. Next time just add some royalty free track and some free sound effects. Your visuals are way too good to have a game this quiet!

This is a really nice and polished game! A lot of it can be figured out without a tutorial, which is such a nice feat. The only thing that wasn't clear was the scar tissue and the fact you can connect multiple wires. I felt frustrated sometimes why it couldn't work, I think the art can help a lot in making that clearer. I had a lot of fun playing this, with a nice final puzzle in the end. The only gripe I had is that this feels like a game concept that was thought off before the game jam, not because of the theme of the jam.  Just because the way this connects to the theme of the game jam seems to be a really big stretch. 

That being said,  a great game is a great game, nice job! 

I don't mind something random the rubber duckies, but the theme should be visible in the rest of the game. Like rubber duckies on your factory building, the villagers that are defending are replaced by ducks, squeaky noises as sound effects for buleint? Idk I'm thinking out loud lmao

This is a really short prototype! The art seems to be a placeholder art, but it gives the right idea. I think to make a game like this work, you really need some character in the king. There is no real motive for me to start messing around with potions and mixing them. It's not even clear what you are looking for. For a future jam, maybe try to join a squad and work together with them? It seems you've got some basics down, now it's just time to keep going!

Your art style and game feel are amazing! It's little big planet reimagined! It opened really weirdly in my browser, Like your entire page seems to be made suboptimally. I couldn't even get it to play fullscreen, maybe mess around with some settings, that could also be a reason for the lack of traction! 

Boring webpage stuff aside, everything worked so great until the alchemy system, and I think it was because there was a button at the bottom I couldn't reach.  I do play on a Mac tho, might just be my own fault. 

Anyway, this is not too polished, that's fine, the important parts are! (Movement and gameplay feel).
I would definitely play more of this!  (if you added some banger music)

Yea it's tough in game jams to test every platform in every way, don't worry about it

(1 edit)

Such a creative game for a tower defense game! This seems like the most basic thing you could do with this concept, so it seems like it's such a nice base to keep improving upon. The controls felt a bit clunky (idk if you can move the towers, I wasn't able too), but you really should. There  should also be a way to see everything at the same time, like a minimap, or give warning icons to where ghosts spawn. 

But polish aside, unique and creative and thinking outside the box, that's the best way to describe this!

Nice one :) 

Oh and please don't add a volume slider if the music is so quiet, I couldn't even hear it xd 

The intro was really promising! I did find the gameplay to be a bit unclear. Like there seems to be so much to do at the same time that I didn't know where to start. The art style is nice, but there is so much polish to be done (hit animations for enemies to name one). And one more small thing, let me replay the dialogue of the starting NPC. I tend to skip it quickly but in this game you really need to read it. So give a stubborn player like me the chance to replay it :p 

But the concept stands, and your long list of bugs is a sign of the crazy big game you have made for this jam. Nice job! 

Amazing concept, well made, but I did have a lot of graphic errors (probably webgl like you said combined with Mac). It ruined the experience a lot, but I love the core gameplay mechanic! Add some sound please though, why was it like a silent film xd 

With a bit of polish this could be a really fun one! 

Even tho the visuals are simple, they are clear and give a nice atmosphere. First game without music that wasn't horribly quiet (although it could be nice). The mechanics are interesting, aiming the deflect was too hard tho imo. Nice' radiance' attack pattern on the blob boss ;) 
I did miss a hit animation on the enemies with more than 1 hp. Just didn't know if I was doing damage! 
Also really nice touch to not make this impossible. The level selecter and restart button are newbie friendly af

Nice on :) 

Oh it's wayyy too floaty and it's not really clear how high it is/how far you can jump. Compared to how instant you can start to hide, the jump has a really big startup. Might just be preference :) 

Probably the best tutorial in any game jam game. Crazy stuff for a game jam. It does get a bit repetitive, but it's only normal for there to be limited content in a game jam game. The only thing that bothers me is that the theme 'darkness and duckies' is just slapped on there. Like why are we collection duckies when the gameplay feels like factorio/clash of clans.

Besides that it's a really great game, like crazy stuff! 

The art and the animations are really good! I love how the hide mechanic feels, and I hate the jump feeling just as much! I think for an action stealth platformer the controls could feel a bit more snappy. 

I got 18 scraps and was just running around (I later found out exiting the level was a mechanic). Maybe a tutorial or a bit more explanation could have helped!

Besides that, pretty good project. I ran well, only had 1 game breaking bug: If you jump and search a trashcan and then fall down, you're stuck in the animation without completing it and have to restart


Cute little potion shop game! I think the dialogue that explains everything is a bit too long, maybe you could put in in a sign next to the chest? Having to go get a flask 2 times (once for water, once for potion) is a bit too tedious too! 

But it works well, nice job! 

I'm a Mac user, so sadly, I couldn't experience your game. I still want to leave a comment because the gifs I see + the initial movement and cat animation seem so polished, I'm pretty sure this is a great game! 
I hope I remember to try it out when I'm home from holiday and I have a windows pc available again :p

Nice job!

I couldn't really figure out the light mechanic! The music is cute and I like the character design, but I had no idea how to finish any level! A tutorial or some more explanation on your page could be nice!

Interesting concept! The brewing has some fun minigames.The scrolling through the items is a bit too sensitive tho :) 

The combat part felt a lot more glitchy, they just kept attacking, and suddenly the slime king one shot everyone. 

But this is a game jam and I really dig the concept. The hand drawn art feels nice too! You could flesh this out and make the planning part more impactful. I had 3 healing potions, but if my guy dies in one hit, then what does that do. Seeing what's coming could make this a really fun strategy game! 

You should be proud of this! Yes it's a suika clone, but it's your first game, it's finished and it works! Very nice job dude :) Keep on going, I had fun

Played it on a MacBook with a trackpad and still had an amazing fucking time. I can't wait to try it again at home with a controller, this was such a nice experience. From the smooth controls to the many overwhelming possibilities, whilst still being noob friendly. 

If you ever release this as a full game, I hope I'll see it because I would love more!

Simple cute clicker game!  Great ending, and even better GDD! ;) 

This is such a unique game! A bit too difficult, but a lot of potential! I had no idea how the refresh mechanic worked until I read the gdd,  and I don't feel it was my fault as a player. I got a really big animal well vibe from this, but it just misses some gameplay streamlining to make the player be able to figure everything out on their own :p 

I had a great time tho trying to figure it out, even tho I couldn't. Also great music, it helps when banging your head against the wall trying the same thing over and over again getting the same result :p 

I thought this was a broken game it first, luckely the comments said it works. So I went into the GDD and figured it out, but you really need a tutorial, or a description on your page at least!

The game itself is cool, matching the colors to the enemies is a nice mechanic, the pulse also, especially when it goes fast enough to match the music (if you could always make it match that would be great). 

Picking the colours was hard sometimes, and seeing when an enemy hit you too, there are a lot of visual clarity issues you could fix!

But nice project, it works and it's playable :) 

This is a very nice game, reminds me of a game called 60 seconds. The art is really unique and looks great, the music fits well and the gameplay loops is a fun puzzle. I only really missed a tutorial. It was hard to figure out at the start what you could do with the limited options. 

Still very nice concept, well done! 

I really like the art style in the tower and your cover art. The gameplay is a bit clunky, the potion throwing works well, but the sound mixing is a bit all over the place. The music was also a bit too crackly in my ears :p 

I don't know if I should have been able too, but I saw the best shop in town and I couldn't enter.

Stil a nice game concept! Well done :) 

Hmm I have no idea how the back end works sorry, but it is probably something to do with the twitch API. I don't think you have to look at the green screen background, just find a way a streamer can connect their account for you to read their chat. OR an easier option would be to make a web-app/twitch add-ons where the chatters can vote there.

I would also add 2 more options to the game, I think 3 options is too little. And a last thing you really need is live feedback. It would be way more exciting if you are a chatter and you're waiting to vote till the end, because you want to pick strategically, the biggest pile will not always be the best pile. But eventually everyone will wait till the end so it turns into pure chaos anyway :) 

The slime wizard power fantasy is here! I love the art, the music and the gameplay loop. Just walking around and having slimes fight for you feels really good. Dieing is not really clear, suddenly the screen went black and I respawned, I thought the game broke :o  I also had the text disappear. 

But for a game this deep and polished, it's okay to have a few minor bugs/features ;) 

If there is one thing I really missed it was clarity in the combining of the slimes and what they did. I just messed around, but as a player it was hard to figure out what was actually happening and what I was spawning. The ui of 5 buttons is good, but maybe explain it a bit more in a tutorial and start the player with less options as a start.

A lot of potential in this one! 

This is a really cool concept. The way you move and solve the puzzle of being in the city is cool. There are some things that could be better!

The camera when going into the cooking pot tended to not reset back, so getting out of the house was difficult. I think you should have the smoke bomb as a basic ability? It seemed too tedious to keep picking up mushrooms for it. 
You have to add music man, just something would have been better than pure silence :p 
It would also be nice to see what you need for certain recipes. 

The objectives to learn the game were a great touch tho! Made starting and learning a lot easier

The game has potential, sneaking in the city as a vampire, running from cops, using smoke bombs to move during the day

Nice game man!

This is a cool project!  Mom's knife from Isaac was always one of my favorite weapons. I don't like the fact you are so slow tho, I can't seem to dodge attacks easily. The pixel art and the powerups in the crafting system are really nice, but I found it hard to understand how the crafting works. I kept clicking and got something, but I couldn't recreate it. The way the potion worked was really good tho. 

There seems to be a crazy amount of polish in some areas, and too little in others. Still, a really cool game, nice job :) 

This is a cute game! The music is nice (just a bit too loud and the loud isn't perfect). The controls could be a bit smoother but it's manageable. The trees look great, but the collision on them is a bit random, you can go through it sometimes and sometimes you can't. 

I read in the comments other people could upgrade the character, but I couldn't figure it out. Maybe a gameplay video could help so I could figure it out myself :p 

I just ended up floating around and collecting stuff, which was kinda relaxing

Thanks for the feedback! The jump eating feels bad yea, especially when you calculated your ghosts perfectly and it eats up your action. It's a high priority fix! Glad you enjoyed the game :) 

Thank you for playing, enjoying and the review!
The wall collisions are an issue, we know, but we are starting from scratch remaking it to have everything right (we cut some shortcuts to get the game finished :p) Glad you liked flying at hyperspeed as much as we did, we will try not to remove that in the final version.

Thank you for playing! We will keep working on this, don't worry :)

Such a lovely review from an artist I love! I am so glad you liked it, comments like yours make us so excited to keep working on Ghost Soup! You rock!

Thank you for playing! The collision when being close to a wall can be annoying yea! We are fixing that, don't worry :) 
What do you mean about not having slopes affecting control?