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A member registered Oct 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks a lot for your in depth comment! I just had a listen to "Pilgrim" and, a part from being really really good music, I see what you're talking about with the drums, I really like the effect!

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I meant "Drifter" oopsy ^^But yeah can't wait for Hyper Light Breaker too! Although it's not from the same composer so I have my reserves

Lovely song writing! This was super pleasant to listen to! I could almost hear someone singing along the piano melody in "A Timely Town" and skipping around carefree haha The idea of having digital clocks trying to take over and representing that with digital elements that progressively creep into your music was very creative and well executed! I also liked the fact that you had a musical theme that you played around with, throughout the different tracks. Overall great entry!!

What a haunting atmosphere you manage to create here! Super smart way of creating the clock sounds, if you hadn't said anything I wouldn't have suspected a thing haha. Other than that, very nice track composition and arrangement. I really liked in particular the whole feel and haunting melodies of "Playing with Time" and the little Bossa Nova / Jazzy groove on the clock percussions. Other than that nothing really stood out to me, everything sounded really full, I don't think you need to stack instruments too much on top of each other which can make it sound muddy as you said if not mixed properly (usually the pitfall I personally tend to end up in). Really great entry, you did an amazing job being able to tell a story from start to finish just through your music!

Such a tragic and poetic soundtrack and story! This was really beautifully and masterfully executed, I really enjoyed immersing in the story while listening to the music! Excellent arrangement and composition skills, the melodies and harmonies were very well though about and complexe yet fused together very naturally and satisfyingly. Amazing entry!!

I really like how you really take the time to set the mood in your track. I interpreted it as something a bit outer-worldy, mysterious, with a hint of an ominous setting while still being soothing and serene. That last part reminded me in particular of the swells in the soundtrack from "Hyper Light Breaker". Really nice job overall!

Really cool breaks and melodies overall! With the little bed of swirling pads in the background in the Main Theme, this OST suits perfectly the game concepts you were going for. Really nice job!

oooh that jazz is so smooth I could surf on it! The "metal" elements were really super well blended with the atmosphere of the whole soundtrack and really added that edge the project needed I think. Really good composition also, those chops and breaks in "You're running out of time", with those little half steps seventh chords + that metal climax = absolute banger. Amazing job overall!!

Yo this is so neat! ;) ;)

No but seriously, super creative entry and mix of genre. It makes it super fun, interesting and entertaining to listen to! Really nice composition and use of sound design elements and percussions. Amazing job overall!

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What an experience! Everything is so well though of, so well crafted and helps bring this entire world to life. That complete change of ambiance from the 5th track in stark contrast with the 4th  (compared to the carefree life of the Tempo Town)  was so well executed and really sets the mood for the challenge that's about to come. I absolutely loved "Malmechanics of Big Ben" and the super clever use of reverse samples as risers. Overall the sound design was spot on and used very skilfully! Also very beautiful piano writing for the credit track. You've really outdone yourself on this one, keep up the amazing work!!

Really cool use of reversed samples in Dejavu! The stuttering in the Main theme was also a very pleasant surprise and well executed. I would say your track would need a little bit of reverb to create some space for the instruments, but overall nice entry!

This is absolutely amazing, the story, the emotions, the sound design, everything complemented each other perfectly! I actually had shivers listening to this, the idea of taking the time prompt and using it to express anxiety works perfectly and is genius. I don't know how to express it really, but your melodies are very deep, eery and they seem to tell the story of something hidden, they don't tell everything yet still tell just enough and so it works perfectly with the story portrayed. 

I just really really wish their was more! Keep up the amazing work, looking forward to your next project!

Thank you for your insight and detailed comment, I really appreciate it! It was fun sprinkling around this little reversed french horn sample haha

Thanks for listening I really appreciate it! The free version of the BBC Symphonic Orchestra is a an excellent VST if you're starting out in orchestral writing!

Thank you so much for listening, I'm glad you liked it! 🙂

Yeah I bet he wouldn't hahaha Thanks a lot for your comment!

Thanks a lot! I'm glad the Dark Souls boss vibe went through in "Keepers of Causality" since it's the inspiration I had in mind when writing it 🙂

Thank you so much for listening and for your comment!

It's really helpful to get an external point of view on this so thanks! And actually the first part of "Keepers of Causality" has no percussions per say but it's rather violas and cellos playing in Col Legno, which gives it a nice hit without too much of a decaying tail that makes it hard to deal with.

Such great variations and composition, the whole track kept me on edge all the way through the end! Amazing sound design on the time sweeps, super creative use of tempo variations, panning and chops/tremolos. All in all an amazing experience, definitely gonna listen to this again! Amazing job!

Very creative sound design and blend of sounds! A lot of super cool ideas that really makes the whole thing into a unique experience! Super cool use of panning and time warp effects in particular. Great job overall!

This is great! Big big fan in particular of that chord progression accompanying the Alchemist's leitmotif, so mysterious and dreamy with an added sense of forward momentum and adventure. Very varied and well written soundtrack overall. Outstanding job!!

This is so beautifully written! Your playing is so expressive and your voice so dreamy, this gave me goosebumps. Amazing entry!

This is absolutely amazing!! Such great composition and arrangement also, you absolutely nailed the adventure vibe you were going for! This might be a bit specific but your OST also reminded me a lot of the musics from Pokemon Uranium and in particular the "Elite Battle" track with those bending synths that resemble the ones I hear in your track "Chrono Fiend". You clearly know this music genre and you made it justice. Absolute banger all the way through, you did an outstanding job!!

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You totally nailed the atmosphere you went for! This was such a fun and delightful OST overall, great job!

It's sounds like you had an absolute blast making this and it instantly put a smile to my face hahaha Great job overall!

I love how ethereal yet personal this whole soundtrack feels, such a great blend of emotions! As always, astonishing composition and melodies! You've created something really special here, and the story you tell comes through absolutely perfectly with the vibe you've managed to build. I particularly enjoyed how in some moments the synthetic elements creeped in and added a whole new dimension to the tracks. Absolutely stellar job, keep up the amazing work!

Thanks a lot for your super detailed answer, it's really nice of you! Seeing it written really helps with understanding how would one go about creating such a complex patch so it's definitely great guidance. Will be trying it out in my next mingling session 🙂

I think the "sandiness" of the snare drum fits the whole desert atmosphere pretty well haha

Thanks a lot for your kind words, super glad you enjoyed it!

I guess this would make sense since I usually don't think of gameplay, and my stories are mostly character driven! And yeah these poor flute players were so brave haha

Thanks a lot for listening and glad you enjoyed it 🙂


Thank you very much!

Thanks a lot for you comment! That half/triplet/quarter build up, I have to admit, was heavily inspired by "White Leaves" from the "Rings of Power" OST from Bear McCreary, which is my favorite music of the series, I think this way of building up is absolutely genius and I was always looking for a way to try it out myself. 

Concerning the drums, you can also check my answer to Aesaire, but to put it as an image, I usually think of the drums as the stairs that pave the way to that high tower (which is the climax or the next part of the song), while the instrument and melody is the helping hand from a friend that takes you there. 

Thank you for listening and for your comment! 

For the drums, I think it's mostly because I'm not a big fan of "in your face big trailer-like drums" so I tend to give them the support role. I really like in particular tracks where the drums help transition from one part of the song to the other (I'm thinking of the drum parts in the Attack on Titan soundtrack). In this soundtrack in particular, I wanted them as an ostinato keeping the tempo in track for the other instruments to follow and also as an element helping increase that sense of space (the drum part in "Corridors of the Time Palace" for example is just a kick and a snare per measure with an echo effect + some high hats). I also would lie if I didn't say that I didn't simplify them and put them a bit more in the back due to lack of time to mix them in particular 😉

Thank you it really means a lot! I really wanted to go even further with the last song in particular, but couldn't due to lack of time. It's part of the game of these jams so I don't really mind and I'm just looking forward to the next one :)

Good catch!! I was wondering if anyone would notice it hahaha

And thanks a lot for listening through!

Thanks a lot for your comment! Glad you enjoyed it 🙂

What a creative world this is! I love how you depicted different ways of evolving and seeing this world and its limitations. And Oh man the music is good, like actually crazy good, that solo at the end of "Tachycardia" is chef's kiss. Overall stellar entry, amazing job!

You have great song writing, this was very emotional!