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A member registered Mar 17, 2017 · View creator page →

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I love this entry, it shows clearly how much you've both grown as game designers and developers. I mean look at this 3D art, it's simply beautiful. The game is smooth and glitchless, plays like a charm. Had a lot of fun playing this. Well done, thank you for making this !

Great effort and congratulations on making a first game ! That's something 99% of people will never get to do and you should be proud of it ! The gameloop is nice and complete, lovely work ! Thank you for making this :D 

Love the look and feel, it's very stylized and polished. I love games like this, they're casual yet entertaining and challenging.  Well done !

This is so lovely. Everyone should play this first thing in the morning, before breakfast. Thank you for the positivity !

Love it, love it... oh and I love it. I'm glad I saw a big part of the progress for this one live. The game is very polished and complete with tons of features. The learning curve seemed pretty steep but fair. Well done !

I like this one, takes me back to the early 2000's. I hope you find the courage and time to expand this, an ever expanding procedural dungeon game might really be something special !

I can't stop playing this... This is so smart ! And it fits the theme perfectly. The level design is also smart, I like that I consistently got the feeling that I was learning... Hey ! That is meta ! The player is growing in skill alongside the levels ! :D 

Love the game, it's a great concept and matches the theme completely ! I love that you found the time to add some drama to the ending :) I would have expected to gradually grow the snowball with a lerp of the radius (kinda what's been described below). Also, a nice challenge could be to attach the objects you've rolled up tangentially to the sphere :D Katamari Damacy style ! Overall, very nicely done, loved it :)

The colors mean stability ! blue = very stable, red = unstable and yellow = perfect placement :) The colors don't correspond to the center of the previous block, but to the center of the entire pillar you've made :D So yes, they do mean something ^-^ There are no checkpoints :) It would take away the stress of doing better. Thank you for playing ! :D 

This is great fun, it was very refreshing and innovative to see a game like this making use of my desktop. Very creative ! And the theme is pretty clearly implemented. It all felt natural and great. Thank you for making this, one of the top contenders in my rating !

I am so proud you followed this through and finished it! It was so nice to see  you grow and glow during your livestreams. I love text based adventures and this theme was the perfect fit for it. I loved playing it, I felt very happy and interested. I was invested 100% ! Thank you for making this !

Oh boy ! A complete oversight on my end. Since I had a couple of hours to spare I tried to update the code so it doesn't blast out your eardrums ! Either way, thank you so much for playing :) My initial idea was to build an actual maze of doors for players to travel through (the maze generation code is actually used for the door-puzzle). This seemed a nice scope-reduction, but I am very glad you've enjoyed it. I think of it as a "fidget toy game" :D 

Thank you so much ! :)

Hey there ! Thanks for playing ^-^ Yeah the theme might be a bit off, at the initial design stage the intention was to really drag the tentacle all the way to the bottom of the ocean, but that didn't work out with the progress I was making. Game jams is all about scope definition and the "vertical slice"... or "least viable product" turned out to be this ! And that's (in my opinion) still relevant to the theme ^-^ Thank you so much !

Turns out it wasn't you !!!! It should be back now but I'm still very glad you liked the game ^-^ 

Holy moly... that is SUCH a good idea ! A charged "swat" that hits multiple ships... dang if only I've read this 24 hours ago XD 

(2 edits)

Guys? I just got word the leaderboard was effectively out, but it should be back now. Sorry for that ! If you have a screenshot of your code I'm more than willing to manually put it in ^-^ Just let me know ! For the people that missed out... I'm adding a screenshot just so you guys get a look at what it SHOULD have looked like (Special thanks to my wonderful kids, FristiBoio and MR.T for this screenshot) ^-^ 

Thank you so much for playing ! Glad you liked it ! :) I had tons of fun with this one, might not be the cleanest code, but it works nicely !

Thank you so much ^-^ I was thinking for AGES how to make the game into a valid gameloop, making it a time based challenge turned out the best approach (also for the leaderboard). Thank you so much for playing !

Thank you ! It's been a hassle to get everything right, but I'm so glad it worked out in the end ! :) I personally love the explosions that blow the water up !

Thank you very much for playing, glad you've liked it !!!

Thank you so much for playing ! 

Hey @530Games ! Thank you so much. I worked on it on stream (twitch.tv/javasaurusx) in the evenings, had work during the day ^-^ It was a toughy, that's for sure , but I'm so glad we made it!

Thank you so much for playing ! Personally, the waterline effect is my favorite part ^-^ it feels very springy. And yeah the nomnomnom seems popular, to the point people told me to change my handle to "ThatNomNomGuy" :p 

Hey Mentel ! Thank you for playing :) I might have accidently scaled up the background texture too far, but it's not really game breaking so in the spirit of the jam I won't change it in the web build. I hope it's still fine ! Either way, hope you enjoyed ^-^

I love the physics, they took me a while to get right and have the ships "stick" to it. Thank you very much for playing !

Thank you so much for playing. The tentacles were very hard to get right (they're actually a line renderer), but I'm happy with what it turned out like in the end ^-^

You CAN use the second tentacle, it's the right mouse button ! :D 

Thank you so much ! Maybe this is a very deep request, but did you get a look at what the error was? I could manually put your score in as well if you'd like me to :) It worked for me just now so I can't really test it like this... But either way thank you for playing !

Hey guys,

I'll be doing some streams the coming week ( twitch.tv/javasaurusx , schedule pending ) where I will be reviewing Brackeys Jam entries. Feel free to leave your entry here in comments ! 

If the list grows too much I'll give priority to people who's rated and more importantly commented on my entry.https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-10/rate/2236467 )  . Can't wait to see what you guys came up with !

Cheers and congratulations on your entries!

Ooooooooooo this is one of those I can't just let go, it's going on my bookmark list. Feels very smooth and fair. I personally would have gone for a different logo for the oxygen pickup, but it all came together quite nicely. Leaderboard entry first try ! Thanks for making this entry.

Interesting game, but it's missing quite a bit of gameplay. I understand that I'm supposed to shoot the fish, but I have no indication if I'm doing anything the way I'm supposed to do it. The fish also don't really seem to do anything except circle me. Maybe any form of UI helping me out with a score or a counter? Other than that, it does feel good and responsive ! Surely needs some tweaks (for example, the quaternion rotation seems a bit wonky when your drone is turning), but nonetheless very nice work for the span of a jam !

I like the pokémon-snap take on the theme! Origal idea, and lovely execution. Was clear from the get go what I needed to do and how the game should be played. On that note... perhaps a button / key to skip the tutorial would be nice, I accidently reloaded and I needed to go through it all again :) Cheers and thank you for making this !

I like this entry, the pufferfish model is great. I'm not sure the hooks actually did something? All in all really like the setup and feel of the game. The intro is beautiful ! Great job adding a tutorial in the game itself. Thanks for the entry !

I really dig the voxel-like penguin. Love it ! I was expecting more games like this, but the difficulty ramping might need some tweaking. All good in the scope of a game jam obviously ! Very enjoyable, overall a great entry. Thank you for making this !

Thank you so much, very glad you liked it ! It took me 2days to get the tentacles "right" :D 

One of the more interesting takes on the theme, loved it ! I love the simple, yet satisfying climbing mechanics. That's how ants move in real life isn't it? It felt like "getting over it", with a giant leaf on my back. Well done, thank you for making this !

I like the aesthetic of the game. However, I do have some comments ! Firstly, I really appreciate the use of an in-game tutorial, but in this case the mechanics were quite self-explanatory and the intro felt really slow. For example, for me personally it's more important to see where I can get the oxygen from than learning how to dodge left or right. Maybe adding a white outline or some effect to the bubbles can help out... Sidenote, I'm not sure after 3 attempts that I can get to the second bubble, which probably means the difficulty is ramping more than exponentially! BUT I always try to close on a positive note, the game really feels good and has a lot of potential.

I like the atmosphere. Very good use of shaders and lighting. I like how I lost sense of direction, similar to how it would be in real life! Perhaps adding a mechanic of oxygen-depletion can help spice things up even further? Either way, very nice entry, thank you for making this !

Always fancy a good brawler ! Had a lot of fun, the art and audio match up very well and it does give a feeling of "pressure" to survive and press on. One slight comment is that the animations feel a bit floaty. They are very nice, but I'm not sure if I feel they match the type of game, I had expected them to be snappy. In any case, this is a very solid entry, especially if it's your first jam ! Thank you for making this !