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Jay Making

A member registered Jul 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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It's very, very polished, I don't have anything negative to say about it as a standalone game. The only nitpicky thing I could say (if anything!) was that if the dice were swapped out with another object, the game would still make sense.

I might have just gotten a bit unlucky, but I seemed to die(hehe) quite a bit and didn't quite understand why? Overall, pretty good!

Hit the sandbag from Super Smash Bros. Melee has nothing on this :P

The heal / damage mechanic was cool! My guess is that the relation to the theme was the random nature of the floor changing?

Hot damn this game got super hard! The visuals were really on point and I think with a little balancing / fine tuning this would be a great game to expand upon :D

I thought each room was cool and had a unique take. The only thing I must say is that the enhanced movement room felt a little too punishing with the character's friction / sliding off edges after landing on the smaller platforms. Overall though, quite liked the concept! :D

I think with a little refinement on the controls, this would make a banger of a standalone game. Btw WOW - the visuals looked stunning.

I like the idea a lot, I think it could make a case for a standalone game! The only difficulty I had was getting used to the controls at first.

It has a Crab. 10/10. Nuff said.

Very spooky/10 skeleton, was very spooked. Legitimately though, what an incredible art-style and very polished for something produced in 48 hours, well done!

WOW! The visuals on this were incredible.

This is a very interesting concept, big Ultimate Chicken Horse vibes. The sound effects caught me off guard and are hilarious hahaha (Especially the walljump!). I had a little trouble placing the objects I rolled and didn't quite understand why I couldn't place them at first, but once I did it made for a really interesting mechanic. :D

Hands down, this is a jam winner right here. I'm not sure how you did it, but the SFX and textures on the dice are super satisfying. I... Actually want to eat them :P

Mmmm, sitting behind a wall with a shotgun and giving enemies a good blast to the face is king B)

It has a solid gameplay loop! The enemies actually aren't complete push-overs which was really nice. I think that the re-roll mechanic was really good too. The only negative thing that I have to say is that the input for the re-roll felt a little bit off. For an action game, it felt a bit odd to have to go and click through the menu but other than that it was very smooth! :D

I ended up coming back to this because I wanted to explore more of the puzzles!

Damn I really liked the little squish and rotate on the square! Nice work. It reminds me of a lot of the Cuphead bosses.

It took me  a hot minute to complete understand all of the mechanics but DAMN the art and the dialogue!! I found myself sticking around just for that alone. Overall a fun time! :D

You're not a real gamer unless you play through to level 10 B)
( 324! )

(P.S I hate that I clicked on this purely for your cover art XD)

Counter Terrorists win B)
(After many attempts tho :P)

I really liked the movement of the player, something about it just felt really, really good. The screen-shake and real oomph knockback when you hit a 6 on an enemy was pretty swell too. Although I can assume that maybe it was partially due to lack of time to implement, I actually really liked how when you die, you start again straight away. In a non-jam version of this game, I would actually keep that in! :D

Gawd damn, those transitions!! Very, very impressive. Loved the sounds too. :D

The ability to put whatever you wanted on each dice face was pretty cool!

Some awesome sound design, very relaxing music and very good puzzle design! I will admit my monkey brain struggled a bit with keeping track of what face a Dice will end up on when it finished rolling, but nonetheless when I got the hang of it I really enjoyed it :D Even though the restart button wasn't mentioned when the game booted, I somehow knew it was R... weird... Overall really decent game and jam submission. :D

I have no words. This is quite literally the highest quality game I've seen this year, even surpassing the likes of Elden Ring. How did you guys manage to get this all done in 48 hours? I want to be on your team next year.

I accidentally yeeted the dice off the map XD
(BUT, it was fun. Big plus for using Unreal too!)

I had a little trouble reading the text and getting the game to open, but once I did I thought it was a unique concept! Cool Battleship vibes.

Not gonna lie a VHS effect always gets me hyped haha. Cool implementation.

The ability to upgrade the dice was a really, really interesting mechanic. I'd love to see it fleshed out even more! :D

WOW! No exaggeration, the best game I've played in the entire jam so far. Simply incredible.

As a standalone game I actually quite liked it! It's a nice take on resource management. I think that the only negative thing I'd have to say is that it doesn't fit too well with the theme, other than the fact that there's some RNG involved. :)

This was a really creative take on the theme! Nice job!

I LOVED the ability to change any number in the game by rerolling it! Very creative, nice job!

The lines of dialogue were great hahaha.

Once I got the hang of it I really enjoyed it! :D

The minigames were neat! I actually think that the later versions of spin the wheel were easier! My brain couldn't focus on more than 1 green :P

Ahhh very clever. I hadn't considered that, nice work!

Really neat concept! I made sure to grab every coin. The only thing IMO that would have made it better is if there was a way to save dice for the next turn!

This is probably one of, if not the best sounding games I've seen so far in the jam, well done! :D

Gawd damn, it's quite challenging but I really enjoyed it! I played it for way longer than I thought I would. I think that it could be made better by allowing the players to stomp out dots whilst the dice is rolling, (but maybe that was done intentionally!)

I'll be honest, I'm not normally one for Cookie-Clicker style games, but this honestly blew me away. Simple, yet fun. I'm really impressed!

The Art, WOW! I liked the dice being used as indicator, rather than just a number. Nice work!