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A member registered Jun 15, 2023 · View creator page →

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You've only went and accomplished what I set out to do but failed at; creating a short story cult game. I'm most impressed with the atmosphere - I find it difficult to get scared in video games but the darkness definitely made me a bit uneasy!

I don't think I can move the player as intended. Perhaps it's my own user error?

A very unexpected idea, definitely didn't think I'd see a minesweeper submission for this jam. Nice creativity!

How did you make something so perfect in such short time - this was great!

My favourite thing about this submission is the dialogue/voice lines - there's an actual story here laid out by the player's own narration.

I'm a big fan of the spritework, particularly the cultists! A nice, well-thought out concept here too for being the person responsible for sacrificing the cult members towards a goal.

This is the a perfect submission. I'm mega impressed by how damn good it looks, especially the '3d-ness' of the boat sprites.

Amazing, definitely the best game I've seen for this submission - it looks so pleasing and is actually really fun to play too!

One of the most visually appealing games I've played for this jam!

What an interesting take on consequences. Oddly enough, it reminded me of another game which throws it in your face that you've killed a person and that they were a person; The Punisher game!

Thanks for the idea about separating the movement and aiming - it'd likely massively improve the 'feel' of the game if I were to do that

I might just do that later on! Thanks for playing and commenting!

Thanks for playing! For information, the WASD keys also control movement which is close to 'E' but I should've added another button to work alongside 'E' which is closer to the arrow keys

I found it very difficult to visually keep track of my player as soon as the more complex enemies came on screen a few waves in.

This was a very unique idea for a bullet hell, I like it! The chopping up of the sprites when coming into contact with the knife was clean!

Making us type out letters from our keyboard was a good way to massively ramp up the difficulty. I don't think the leaderboard feature works - I had three different runs and none of them seemed to save to the leaderboard.

Sorry, I made sure to try my best to disable full screen play as playing in full screen breaks the 'move in direction of mouse' mechanic. I'm not quite sure how, but it would cause the raycast I was using (to determine mouse position) to break.

Yep, it is a loading screen for when a new scene is loaded! - it is a shame it will be missed by most people who play as only those with really under-performing devices may be able to get a better look at it! You're right, a rebalancing would be needed to allow a more aggressive play style as right now the fire rate and damage to the enemies is too slow and low.

(1 edit)

It was a decent experience but it feels like this game was submitted to the incorrect jam. 

The idea to have you destroy the 'start' button is genius, and I'm mega impressed with how the grid pattern behind you gets warped/distorted as you pass over it. 

Very impressive game for being made in your own engine!

Damn, that's a biiiiig gun. I like how it doesn't fire completely accurately and instead has spread which also goes very well with the impact effects and screen shake. Something subtle which I liked was the moving grass sprites in the background.

I was surprised to see I was controlling multiple turrets, it simultaneously helped and made it more difficult. My favourite thing was the sheer amount of upgrades, particularly experimenting with the ones which alter the area/deflectors. I believe that the UI could be improved upon - I noticed that it isn't very visible unless you go fullscreen mode.

The player's rolling animation is really visually pleasing. If I had any feedback it'd be to tweak the golem's laser attack; I found it too difficult to avoid as it seemed too fast and tracked the player with a very high accuracy.

The visuals are perfect, and the 'gambling' mechanic to determine if you get the buff or the enemies do was very clever. I really liked how the player would turn into a highlighted silhouette when approaching things which would block them from view.

It's a bit iffy if this counts as a bullet hell game, but ignoring that I had a good time playing. I got to wave 9 on my first attempt. Tower defence games are usually a nice experience for me and this game was exactly that.

Man, that's one evil hummingbird sucking away those planets' water! Of course, that's reflected in the consequence of doing so, angering the planet's defenders. Nice work really taking tthe consequences theme into consideration.

My favourite thing to see when testing any of these games out is some creativity when it comes to the jam's theme of consequences. Slowing down time resulting in shrinking your play area was a very clever idea for this theme.

Excellent idea of giving the player something to strive to unlock (the colour palettes)

Beautiful game visually, perfect camera manipulation based off the player's movement. One of my favourite things was the special ability to suck up all of the orange and green projectiles and launch them right back at his face!

A classic mafia thug coming in demanding a signed contract before you dare to deliver milk was not something I expected when launching this game but it's a nice and unique concept. The intro was great too, particularly the character art and the bit of banter in the dialogue. 

I appreciate it being a 3D game, most submissions are 2D so it's a refreshing change. This was one of the most interesting games I've played from the submissions too as far as the consequences theme goes - having the projectiles cause damage to the environment and limit your possible paths was creative! I had a mild bit of anxiety on the last level, trying to anticipate which of those pods the next infected was going to burst out of!

I recommend playing this game in full-screen mode as the cursor doesn't seem to scale with the game size (it looks huge on the default windowed mode!). The sprites are nice, and very much go hand-in-hand with the neon vibe.

Very impressive submission. The art is 10/10. This is a well-polished game!

I'm glad someone picked up on the Half Life influence. I definitely had the protagonist based off Gordon's HEV suit and the scientists were influenced by Half Life 1 as well!

The bullets are perfect. This game is so visually pleasant.

Thanks for playing! You're onto something - it's too unclear how the game works for first time players!

My favourite thing about this game is the UI, particularly the O2 meter and chain which breaks with player damage.

The option to rescue the other slimes is a great feature if you feel bad killing the poor things, and its an added bonus that they also give you a temporary bonus for doing so. The game itself has a clear and persistent tone to it and it was definitely a game I can tell had a lot of thought/consideration when making it.

Thanks for the feedback - you're absolutely right about the fire rate, I should've made them fire slower to allow the player to counter/beat them in a far easier way than having to struggle with positioning first. I definitely could've improved the game by adding a 'information' screen before actually playing the game to explain the situation better! So, the scientists are the only 'good guys' other than the player and you don't want to shoot them but the green mutants you mention are aliens that are immune to damage and instead use the energy of your attack/projectile and send it back at you with great damage. Now that you mention getting close, I really should've gave some enemies melee attacks if you get too close!