what a life this man has, cool experience and one of my favorite takes on the theme. pretty cool stuff
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good stuff! I like kall's art & the vibes, nice SFX (real nice sfx) and theming I do like this idea for the theme of sacrificial feeding & seeking godly powers & stuff. I like how jumping in the 2D menus still jumped, I was a bit lost with it all, like story & controls, and didn't realize some stuff probs need more guidance. like i didn't realize you chose the offerings for a couple of first days whoops, a quick text pop-up on day 1 would fix that.
nice submission again this year, this is pretty fun but I do like me an RTS, I like the theming and feel of it, I think this is the best example of power in an electricity sense I've seen, since you made good use of the light/darkness of the world. I didn't beat it yet on normal (a couple attempts after tutorial), but I have the feeling of wanting to try again soon, but I gotta rate others rn lol
If you're bugging out and getting lost -> try spam right clicking? it might get you through the stage
This was made in the last 3 days (the weekend) of the jam, and it bugs out on some setups, like different browsers or monitors, idk why sorry :( couldn't fix it in time, but shit like that happens in jams you know.