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A member registered Mar 17, 2020

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That was a gag in the jam version of the game. A nod to the fact that the game was not yet finished at that time. :)

Great start to your adventure! Sets the over-the-top vibe rather well. And it looks really good. Unfortunately I didn't get too far into the game. First I couldn't leave the scene with the goblin and had to restart. And then I got stuck again at the maze. Just couldn't figure it out. That's a real shame, because I'd have liked to see the game through to the end.

But I really like what I've seen so far (apart from the maze). It seems like a long game, pretty impressive for a jam game. Plus it has that wonderful oldschool adventure style. Good job!

Fun escape room. The minimalistic style works really well. I'd love to see more puzzles presented  like this. Nice work!

The one thing I didn't like at all was the controls. A + D for movement, space bar for jumping and Z for attacking are somehow hard to press simultaneously. At least for me. For once, I'm glad I'm using a QWERTZ keyboard, because that felt a little easier.

Blink and you'll miss it. It's really short, but I like what's there. The visuals are great. I especially loved the bouncing raindrops. The music fits perfectly. Excited to see where the story will go. Good luck finishing this!

Unfortunately, I got stuck at some point. Maeve asked me to fill my pockets, which I politely declined. After that I wandered around a bit until reaching the house with the dumpster next to it. I tried to go inside, but that didn't work. Unfortunately, I couldn't leave the area after that. There doesn't seem to be any other hotspot to interact with and I have no idea what to do.

From what I have seen so far, I can say that this is a really interesting setting. The artwork looks great. Black and white work wonders for the atmosphere. The music adds a lot to it, too. Didn't see too many puzzles, but I really enjoyed the jewel box one.

At the moment I don't feel like starting all over again, but I'll try again in the future. I really want to know what exactly is going on. Great work!

"Don't worry, I've got this."

I imagine that these (or something similar) are the agent's last words. Because, unfortunately, curiosity killed the cat. The Destroyer seemed like such a nice guy that I thought to myself: 'I bet he's totally chill about getting riled up. Let's try it!' As it turned out, I'll never know if he was chilled about it. Probably not, seeing as he called me a traitor, but then the game basically stopped. There was no way to continue the conversation. The same thing happened with Goggles. Yes, I threw caution to the wind against my better judgement and tried the Don't-say-this option again. Had to restart on each occasion. Which made me wish for a save function.

The visuals and music make for a very nice atmosphere. Your storytelling and dialogue are really good. Immediately transported me into the world. More puzzles would have been nice, of course, but this works well enough as it is. It was fun to sneakily collect information from the NPCs.

Very entertaining game. Looking forward to more content :)

Was wondering why we get such a detailed background for each character. Now I know.

It certainly went in a different direction than I expected. A strong narrative indeed. Also a very interesting mix of mini games. Didn't like the shooting too much. Especially because I needed a couple of tries. But hey, being bad at shooting people is probably a good thing, right? :)

I liked your message at the end. Not easy to follow through, but very much worth a try.

Interesting little game. Pretty impressive for something made in 40 hours.

Drat. I think I even checked the options once, but forgot when I came back to play the newer version. Sorry about that.

It would indeed have been nice to be able to hover over the right side for the inventory, but it's really not much of a problem.

And not only have I made it to the end, I've enjoyed the whole journey. Probably much more than Boddy. :)

This is - by far - the most extraordinary angel I've ever seen. In more ways than one.

What a unique story this is. Especially if you don't really have experience with that. I didn't expect something of this kind when I started. The graphics fit the surreal atmosphere very well. And they create a very unique identity for the game. The music also suits it very well, but you should really go for something royalty-free. Commercial or not, using songs without a licence is a problem.

FISH SLAP Guy has summed up my observations on the technical side quite well, I won't go into that again.

The puzzles are interesting. I had to use trail and error in a couple of places and got stuck at one point. When I used the ladder and still couldn't get up to the window, I thought the game was bugged. Luckily I saw that you replied to a comment here where someone had the same issue.

Great game. I enjoyed the time I spent with it.

The inspiration from Portal is unmistakable. I liked the dialogues with Dan - er, Entropy - very much. And the voice-overs were amusing.

My biggest gripe is that Sam's movement feels a bit sluggish and the physics are a bit ... challenged from time to time. When the boxes land on a button on an edge, it doesn't always register. Had to restart a couple of times because of this.

The mechanics are great. The time thingy makes for some clever puzzles with endless possibilities. A truly horrifying thought. :)

I wouldn't call it exactely an adventure, but it's a lot of fun. I enjoyed playing it. Good luck on finishing it!

When I looked at the screenshots, I wasn't expecting a point&click adventure. Nice! The premise (working zombie) and the music made the game seem a bit like "Zombie Society: Dead Detective" on. Not a bad thing. 

It's quite short, but an interesting introduction to this world. The dialogue is great. I especially liked the realisation that you could have used your smartphone. ^^

 A very entertaining teaser. Looking forward to more :)

When I looked at the screenshots, I wasn't expecting a point&click adventure. Nice! The premise (working zombie) and the music made the game seem a bit like "Zombie Society: Dead Detective" on. Not a bad thing. (Personally I would prefer another song though. Have heard this one a bit too often.)

A few things that stood out to me: The transition from the office to the cemetery car park felt a bit abrupt. But maybe I just missed a line of dialogue/text. The exit of the cemetery could use a bigger hotspot. Had to search for it a bit. And the walking speed is really slow.

It's quite short, but an interesting introduction to this world. The dialogue is great. I especially liked the realisation that you could have used your smartphone. ^^

 A very entertaining teaser. Looking forward to more :)

'You can do it. You can do it! You can do this juuuuuuumpppppp...'

Or maybe not.

On the plus side, the most dangerous part isn't the fall, it's the landing. And I never hit the ground. So no harm done, right? :)

 I especially like the animation. And the McGuffin was just silly enough to be genuinely entertaining. It felt like I was on my way to the next pub.

Unfortunately, I'll never know what the last film was, because I couldn't master the long jump before the bottomless abyss. But it was fun to try.

I love the aesthetics of the game. The interface also works very well. It was fun to travel through this universe. It was enjoyable to discover things. The dagger might need some sort of clue. I had to use the hints to find it. But then again, I might have missed something.

The story is well written and leaves just the right amount to the player's imagination. I didn't find any new keywords in most of the dialogue though. Don't know if I did something wrong or if just a few words were implemented.

Music would indeed have been nice, but it works well enough without it. So no big deal.

It was really fun. I hope you will revisit this idea in the future. I'd love to find a few more keywords and explore the world (or another) again. :)

I love the aesthetics of the game. The interface also works very well. It was fun to travel through this universe. It was enjoyable to discover things. The dagger might need some sort of clue. I had to use the hints to find it. But then again, I might have missed something.

The story is well written and leaves just the right amount to the player's imagination. I didn't find any new keywords in most of the dialogue though. Don't know if I did something wrong or if just a few words were implemented.

Music would indeed have been nice, but it works well enough without it. So no big deal.

It was really fun. I hope you will revisit this idea in the future. I'd love to find a few more keywords and explore the world (or another) again. :)

"Juice, carrot, cold."

What a marvellous adventure. So much to see and so much to do in such a small space. Quite impressive. Love the visuals of your game, it just looks awesome. The animations are great too. The music suits the game, only the dialogue sfx could be a bit quieter. It would also be nice if you could use inventory items with the environment by clicking outside the item box and not having to click the toolbox again.

The update is a very pleasant improvement. I played the original first and like some others I thought the intro was stuck in an endless loop. The other features also make life easier. At some point, even the best animations get on your nerves when you see them again and again. Especially if you get stuck on the puzzles.

Speaking of puzzles, they are really challenging. That is something I enjoyed. However, I had to be helped on my way. My cleverness obviously leaves something to be desired. I absolutely fell in love with the characters. And the ending ... Sad, funny, silly - so many emotions at once. Wonderful.

A really terrific game.

"Juice, carrot, cold."

What a marvellous adventure. So much to see and so much to do in such a small space. Quite impressive. Love the visuals of your game, it just looks awesome. The animations are great too. The music suits the game, only the dialogue sfx could be a bit quieter. It would also be nice if you could use inventory items with the environment by clicking outside the item box and not having to click the toolbox again.

The update is a very pleasant improvement. I played the original first and like some others I thought the intro was stuck in an endless loop. The other features also make life easier. At some point, even the best animations get on your nerves when you see them again and again. Especially if you get stuck on the puzzles.

Speaking of puzzles, they are really challenging. That is something I enjoyed. However, I had to be helped on my way. My cleverness obviously leaves something to be desired. I absolutely fell in love with the characters. And the ending ... Sad, funny, silly - so many emotions at once. Wonderful.

A really terrific game.

An RPG with turn-based combat? Count me in!

Your artwork looks so good. I love the artistic style. Especially the portraits. The design of the slimes gave me some serious Undertale vibes. And the music is just fun. Everything fits together really well.
I chose normal mode and since I slayed everything in my path, the final battle wasn't too bad. I've definitely played RPGs that were much more grindy. And that had less options to save the game. Your story was short and crisp. I'll definitely check out your other games, since this looks like an interesting universe to revisit.

Fun game! :)

An RPG with turn-based combat? Count me in!

Your artwork looks so good. I love the artistic style. Especially the portraits. The design of the slimes gave me some serious Undertale vibes. And the music is just fun. Everything fits together really well.
I chose normal mode and since I slayed everything in my path, the final battle wasn't too bad. I've definitely played RPGs that were much more grindy. And that had less options to save the game. Your story was short and crisp. I'll definitely check out your other games, since this looks like an interesting universe to revisit.

Fun game! :)

Ah, the controls, my old nemesis - we meet again.

My biggest struggle with this game were actually the controls. They're very responsive, but the key mapping kept throwing me off. I don't know why, but using WASD for movement and spacebar for jumping never clicks for me. And I really missed a key to progress the dialogue. Other than that, absolutely no complaints.

Such a fun game! Really polished. It's obvious that a lot of thought went into it. The puzzles are fun, the learning curve is nice. It never gets fiendishly difficult, but it's not mind-numbingly boring either. Having the mannequin is a clever mechanic and it's fun to play around with. I love that it's climbable. Graphics look great and the music is fitting. The story may not be something to write home about, but that's exactly what I want from this kind of game. It sets the mood perfectly without overstaying its welcome. Oh, and I was amused by the enemy you-know-where. :)

Overall, a really well-designed game. Fun!

Ah, the controls, my old nemesis - we meet again.

My biggest struggle with this game were actually the controls. They're very responsive, but the key mapping kept throwing me off. I don't know why, but using WASD for movement and spacebar for jumping never clicks for me. And I really missed a key to progress the dialogue. Other than that, absolutely no complaints.

Such a fun game! Really polished. It's obvious that a lot of thought went into it. The puzzles are fun, the learning curve is nice. It never gets fiendishly difficult, but it's not mind-numbingly boring either. Having the mannequin is a clever mechanic and it's fun to play around with. I love that it's climbable. Graphics look great and the music is fitting. The story may not be something to write home about, but that's exactly what I want from this kind of game. It sets the mood perfectly without overstaying its welcome.
Oh, and I was amused by the enemy you-know-where. :)

Overall, a really well-designed game. Fun!

Got stuck in exactly the same place. I have to admit that I didn't want to try again because walking. Is. So. Slow. You have to backtrack a lot, and it gets tedious pretty quickly. In addition, changing the height of the waypoints for the character might be a good idea. Or, if that's not possible, choose the backgrounds accordingly. It looks a bit silly to just walk through the air. Sticking to one art style might work better, too. At the moment things look very random.

I like the story. Visiting all your friends and family at the end of a long life is a neat idea. And that you used your own engine is great!

(Oh, and you might want to name the creators of the assets on your game page, as this is mandatory for the jam: If using freeware or commercially available assets, please credit the original creators.)

That was fun. Well, maybe "fun" is the wrong word - let's go with "great" instead. I decided to go to the basement first. It was enjoyable trying to unravel the puzzles. Good thing other people did all the hard work beforehand, because I still took my sweet time. The ending wasn't exactly what I suspected. But honestly, having deciphered the word from the puzzle beforehand, maybe I should have guessed. Oh well. Too late now.

I went back to see what awaited me in the forest. That again went differently than I had imagined. Unfortunately, the text flew by so quickly that I couldn't quite read it. But the gist was very clear anyway.

The visuals are very fitting. The "E" that just pops up when you stand in front of it was a nice touch. I liked your use of knowledge outside the game. It felt a bit like research. Good job!

"Coming soon" - That's a pretty bleak outlook. Unless you mean that you will be adding more content to the game. That's probably exactly what you meant. Absolutely. Yep.

That was fun. Well, maybe "fun" is the wrong word - let's go with "great" instead. I decided to go to the basement first. It was enjoyable trying to unravel the puzzles. Good thing other people did all the hard work beforehand, because I still took my sweet time. The ending wasn't exactly what I suspected. But honestly, having deciphered the word from the puzzle beforehand, maybe I should have guessed. Oh well. Too late now.

I went back to see what awaited me in the forest. That again went differently than I had imagined. Unfortunately, the text flew by so quickly that I couldn't quite read it. But the gist was very clear anyway.

The visuals are very fitting. The "E" that just pops up when you stand in front of it was a nice touch. I liked your use of knowledge outside the game. It felt a bit like research. Good job!

At the start. I couldn't leave the first room without freezing the game (or locking the camera).

I am at a bit of a loss here. I can't buy anything in the city, probably need gold for that. It's not easy to find my way around on the map because it's zoomed in so much. I have found an NPC, but not his plants. Or didn't press the right button to deliver them. I'm most likely just a dummy again.  ^^

I like the oldschool SNES graphics. I felt at home right away. And the idea of basing the game on Nordic fairy tales is endearing. I might give this another try sometime. :)

I tried playing this, but whenever I try to leave the room to the south or through the (closed) northern door the whole game freezes.

Your game has absolutely stunning artwork. The swashbuckling also looks fantastic. I'm just not very good at it. Being bested by frogs and mice is kinda humiliating. ^^

Some of the enemies are hard to spot, as they blend in with the background/foreground occasionally. Their hitbox could also be a bit bigger, I reckon. It's hard to hit them without getting hurt. And I got hurt. A lot. These critters are relentless. :)

There is two more things I'd like to mention:  Having to use the mouse for choosing things felt a bit clunky. Playing Blackjack with it was fine though. And you stand very close to the transition from one area to another when you restart. I've accidentally crossed over several times. It would be nice to be placed a little further away.

As mentioned, it's a beautiful game. Fun to play too. There is so much to explore! Good luck finishing the game. :)

"Mum, the elder is just ignoring me!"

After finding something in the shipwreck, Ariel suggested talking to the elders. But unfortunately they don't listen to her. Or at least they don't answer. I have spoken to the other merfolk, but that doesn't seem to help. Is this a bug or am I missing a step?

A few observations so far:

- Is there music? There is a folder for it, but I couldn't hear any.

- There is a glitch when you enter the town. For a second it shows a different background.

- The entrance to the shipwreck could be a bit clearer. I missed the door at first and tried to go through the black rectangle.

- The area around the shipwreck and the town could be a bit smaller, as they feel a bit empty at the moment.

- Did you do the sprites? They are great. It was fun talking to the characters.

Congratulations on your submission to the Adventure Jam. Especially because this is still very new for you. It's a good start. I liked what I've seen so far and would like to see it finished. Hopefully you can either fix the problem or guide me onwards. :)

The design of the protagonist is awesome. Delightfully dystopian. Searching the monastery (or something of that sort) was fun. I was able to solve many of the puzzles, but had difficulties in the prison. My jumps onto the platforms almost always overshot the mark. In addition, said platforms often disappeared or I simply fell through. Unfortunately, I then made a fatal mistake: I wanted to see if it is possible to save and pressed ESC. Two seconds later I found myself back on my desktop. Oops.

The game feels like a trip into the past in the best way. Very atmospheric, also due to the music. Nicely done!

Tried both the web version and the download and sadly non of them worked for me. Movement just wasn't an option. Guess even samurai enjoy a lazy day sometimes. :)

Congratulations on submitting your first one-man project. Quite the achievment. Hopefully you'll be able to squash the bug eventually. I'd really like to see a bit more of this. The character sprite looks great.

My French is practically non-existent nowadays, but with a few words run through a translator, it turned out all right. At least I got the gist of it.

This is a great concept. I very much hope you finish this game or use it in another project. Preferably in English as well. :)

My French is practically non-existent nowadays, but with a few words run through a translator, it turned out all right. At least I got the gist of it.

This is a great concept. I very much hope you finish this game or use it in another project. Preferably in English as well. :)

"The truth is out there - just not here."

It's as silly as it is funny. Had fun unravelling the murder. Spotting the liars was incredibly easy though: It's all of them. The cat with the "I did it" sign was my favourite.

This was the best convention I've been to in a while. But I certainly don't envy the organisers ...

(1 edit)

"The truth is out there - just not here."

I was a bit surprised when the combination of the two coins gave me the crown. I'm not sure that was supposed to happen. :)

It's as silly as it is funny. Had fun unravelling the murder. Spotting the liars was incredibly easy though: It's all of them. The cat with the "I did it" sign was my favourite.

This was the best convention I've been to in a while. But I certainly don't envy the organisers ...

(1 edit)

"This is fine."

Magenta's design and her animations are great. The graphics are very charming in general. The writing of the game is also amusing. Escaping from the planet is not too difficult, but very entertaining. But somehow I feel I haven't thought through the possible consequences of my actions to the end. Well, I mean, what harm can it do, right?

Great work! I'm really looking forward to visit the rest of the not-at-all-doomed solar system. :)

(1 edit)

"This is fine."

Magenta's design and her animations are great. The graphics are very charming in general. The writing of the game is also amusing. Escaping from the planet is not too difficult, but very entertaining. But somehow I feel I haven't thought through the possible consequences of my actions to the end. Well, I mean, what harm can it do, right?

Great work! I'm really looking forward to visit the rest of the not-at-all-doomed solar system. :)

(1 edit)

It's not too surprising that the concept of giving is foreign to the prince. He probably needs some kind of divine inspiration first.

"Is there anybody out there?"

This is fun. I like the minimalistic style a lot. That's all it needs for the presentation, really.

It's a relatively short and simple game. I found the parts in 6 days, wasting at least one or two of them still trying to figure out fishing and stuff. If you ever want to revisit this: More content would be welcome, like aforementioned random events or more places to visit.

Fine little survival text adventure. :)